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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 25, 2015, 11:14:38 AM
12. On Average, Humans are kind of Assholes.
agreed... but it was a motivational post choco-tan..


I disagree, but yeah
It's cool I guess


why you no avatar leaf
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could never really find one that tickled my fancy
using one of the stock OS-tan pics for now


Apparently Stew's park went into lockdown for a few hours today after reports that the raging lunatic who murdered two journalists on live TV was headed their way. (Video about the story at that link, it doesn't show any of the footage from the shooting though, for anyone afraid to watch it.)

He's dead now (shot himself and later died of his injuries) but it's still really scary to think he could have escaped and potentially murdered more people. I'm glad he can no longer hurt anyone although I do wish he could have been put through the gauntlet of the legal system and rotted away in prison.

Apparently he wanted to start a race war or something like that (warning, autoplay video at the link captures the moment of the shooting, you might want to pause that if you don't want to see it). Can humans not be fucking bastards for one second?


People are shit, yeah :\


this scares me
how do you go that wrong?


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 26, 2015, 03:51:25 PM
People are shit, yeah :\

Between this and reading an article earlier about ISIS's justification of enslaving women (complete with cheerful, emoji-laden tweets about capturing and buying women and their desire to enslave all women who do not adhere to their religion) I'm basically ready to move to rural Canada to live in the mountains far, far away from any other people.

Quote from: Leaf on August 26, 2015, 04:10:27 PM
this scares me

I know it's aggressively cliched, but it feels like so many people are losing their fucking minds these days, either lone-wolf type attackers with political and social agendas (this asshole, the France train attacker, the Charleston shooter) or organized terror groups.

That said, it's NOT statistically accurate (in the US violence is on the decline overall, and worldwide there's been a down-trend of people dying of violence) and I suspect the mass media and closer reporting makes the world look more dangerous than it statistically is.

That doesn't make it any less scary though.


Indeed; kinda makes me want to hide under my desk and just play Pokémon or something, instead of go outside


fuck humanity at large! : D

at least Stew's okay. it's only scary because it's affecting someone we know. ;^;
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Affecting somebody I know or not, it's scary, anyone who calls for a race (or for that matter, religious or gender or class) war is seriously fucked up. Ideological killers are the worst type IMO because they feel they're fighting for something larger than themselves and don't give a shit about murdering innocent people to get their point across.


Quote from: Bella on August 26, 2015, 08:10:09 PM
Affecting somebody I know or not, it's scary, anyone who calls for a race (or for that matter, religious or gender or class) war is seriously fucked up. Ideological killers are the worst type IMO because they feel they're fighting for something larger than themselves and don't give a shit about murdering innocent people to get their point across.

true... that is never cool... every one gives his her or it's bit to this planet we will call either Pikmin World or Inkopolis world


i've given up in the futility of that one, since i'm a pagan chick. plenty of religions hate me.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on August 27, 2015, 05:45:31 PM
i've given up in the futility of that one, since i'm a pagan chick. plenty of religions hate me.
hey! you follow God your Way, I do mine, the one getting the better end of the stick at the other in the end, deal...?