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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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All of them, minus Virtual Boy -w-;
(Gamecube, Game Boy, and N64 are the 3 with the largest collections)


ohhh.. how many of NES...?


Ok, scratch what I said about Gamecube; my NES collection is still the largest at 23 games, and that's even after I had to get rid of some of my games (I kinda wish I kept Contra, though)


aww 't get rid of them... donate them to me...


he likely didn't sell them willingly. probably needed quick cash. that's the only way i'd sell my rare games, and i'd sell other stuff first (first edition copy of "George's Mother" by Stephen Crane, dated to 1895, no wear? yeah, that's going first ;v; ).
click to make it bigger


Yeah, I was in a bind and needed money quickly. I kinda wish I still had Contra, as that game is pretty badass but also expensive due to its popularity, but my greatest regret was selling Mega Man 5. Immediately after I sold it off, I ended up with the rest of the series, and 5 is like $70+ to replace...and it would be my favorite of the series, too :[
(I can get the Japanese version for less than $20, but I'd need an adapter first)


Just ordered tickets to a Red Sox / Indians game at Fenway, dad wanted to go because there's an end-of-summer promotion happening next week.

What an ordeal that was, Fenway is notorious for obstructed-view seats so in the end I chose seats that were farther away from the infield, but have like no chance of being obstructed. (They were a lot cheaper, too.)

It's during the evening... maybe if we get in early I can convince dad to go to H-Mart to have curry for lunch/dinner. It's my life's mission to have everyone try the curry there, because it's legitimately life-changing. 0___0


Maybe post-move, we can meet up there :3


Quote from: Penti-chan on August 12, 2015, 12:21:18 PM
Yeah, I was in a bind and needed money quickly. I kinda wish I still had Contra, as that game is pretty badass but also expensive due to its popularity, but my greatest regret was selling Mega Man 5. Immediately after I sold it off, I ended up with the rest of the series, and 5 is like $70+ to replace...and it would be my favorite of the series, too :[
(I can get the Japanese version for less than $20, but I'd need an adapter first)
aww such a shame... I myself am rebuilding my NES/ NES collection... sadly it seems my NES need a new 72 pin connector, and it's only on Amazon, which only accepts paypal (mine is locked) and it would cost MX$ 1200


I saw the first shooting star of my life last night when out stargazing. ^^

Apart from that, I'm in love with an interactive sci-fi novel called Choice of Robots. ._.


 I saw one fly over Pawtucket oddly enough, it went
right over the city and was really bright
Simon was here :P


i was outside last night with my family and i saw at least 3! there was a REALLY bright one that left a visible track. it was amazing!!! there's supposed to be more tonight?
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Hi simonorged! Nice to see you around again. ^^

Cockle, indeed so! There should be more tonight, though right now it looks like I'm out of luck: it's stormy and the whole sky is covered by thick clouds. ._.


So, I'm taking my first stab at selling things on eBay. I was initially going to list one of my two Game & Watches (Sell the one I don't care much for, and keep my favorite of the two), but upon stumbling onto my vintage 12-inch R2D2 action figure (One of the earliest Star Wars toys made; from 1978), I decided to list that instead, just to see what will happen. Given that it's in fairly good shape for its age (One in far worse condition than mine recently sold for $18), I hope maybe I can get at least $20 out of it.

Also, I filled up a trash bag with a bunch of old junk (Torn-up boxes, etc); freeing up quite a bit of room in here, allowing me to more easily access my chest of drawers :3


I'd say thr R2D2 shold give you at least S$100 consideroing it's opne of the earliest done, and I hope it's on a good condition... yes?