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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Kari, Swag: I LOL'd so much at both vids xDD


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that's good that at least they let you go early. hope it wasn't too much of a walk/had an elevator. :\
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@Aurora: Sounds like a lot of work, but I hope your new apartment is worth it!

I had my appointment with my new nurse practitioner today, I was worried because I'm fussy about medical workers and tend to expect the worse of people until I meet them, but she turned out to be very nice and accommodating like my last NP. (In hindsight it was probably stupid to worry since my last NP personally picked her for me and she wouldn't have let me down.)

I forgot to ask about getting my skin med prescription refilled though, I should probably call in and ask about that. ><


@bella doctors appointments are the wooooorst (how am i a functioning adult???)

i went over to my friend's house after going to a graduation party. me and her sister (who also marathoned steven universe and needed to scream at someone about it just like i did) watched steven universe with her until midnight and then we passed out. we kept giving eachother sideeyes every time pearl was salty or something later in the series was referenced and it was g r e a t

then i had to leave hella early in the morning to go off to summer class at college and didn't get back until 6 PM and now i'm sooooo damn tired
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Cocks: Sounds fun :3
@Bella: That's good that it went well
@Aurora: Sounds nice, heat aside

So, the van is alive again. I'm going to take it easy for a few days, to make sure nothing goes hideously wrong before I begin doing too much more than going to work and back



@cocks: you're welcome. also, thanks for the friending!
@bells: that is the exact reason i haven't switched from my current doctor even though i'm pretty sure her primary is kids. :\
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@Cockle & Kari: Honestly I'm not sure why I'm as paranoid about doctors/NPs as I am. My last two primary care providers were very nice and accommodating, although my dermatologist rude as hell she put me on meds that are helping, and it's not like I have to see her very often.

I suspect a lot of my fear came from reading peoples' horror stories about doctors online (although in hindsight it's a really dumb idea to form judgements of groups of people based on what internet commenters say) at a time when I was particularly impressionable and anxious, and for the last few years I've been attempting to deprogram myself from this particular line of thinking, since it's extremely unhealthy. ><

Maybe I'll elaborate more since I have a lot to say on the subject, but 2:30AM and Topicless Thread is neither the time nor place to do so.


Indeed. TBH I managed to scare myself out of going to the doctor as a kid, because since I didn't have regular check-ups, I assumed you only went for severe stuff, so I felt if I went, the doctor would be like "you have asjkdfhskdf; a rare, incurable disease, and you have only X weeks to live. Have a nice day"
Puberty was a special hell, no thanks to my nonexistent sex ed making me think there was something wrong with me, stacked with a fear of going to the doctor


My folks were kind of the same way, I mostly only went to the doctor's when I NEEDED to go and didn't have regular checkups for much of my childhood. Basically until I got on Healthy Kids when we moved up here. u.u

I'm kind of thankful my folks didn't go into nitty-gritty detail about puberty and sex, I knew the basics and was curious enough to use health books (and later the internet) to piece together the rest.

It sucks that they didn't explain puberty to you though, like wtf?!


Nope. The extent of my sex ed was "women have breasts, men have beards" :\
(Thank Multics for the internet; so I know what the fuck sex is)


*is secretly thankful for browsing hentai at age 8*

i had a SHITTY doctor as a child, to the point where she didn't tell me when i broke my hand and misdiagnosed me so many times that a simple sinus infection worked its way up to pneumonia. i switched to my current after that.

i think my mum mentioned the more invasive female procedures (not saying the actual name because i don't want to spend the night squigged out and this isn't the 18+ section) once and i immediately knew that it was a nice big NOOOOOOOOPE from me. so a lot of my doctor discomfort stems from that since, while my doc has proven time and again to be super-duper accommodating and whatnot, i'm always afraid of being badgered into procedures i don't want. it's always that one, though; when it comes to having tongue depressors in the mouth or plastic bits in the nose or ear, or drops in the eye, or needles in the arm, i could care less.

i will say, though, that for procedures where i need to be knocked out (such as when i got my wisdom teeth removed), i like to have a chaperon (a friend, my mum, my sister, my boyfriend), just in case the doctor is a perv. :\
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Luckily school took care of the sex ed, because my parents never spoke one word of anything related. Those topics came up with them only much later in a bit difficult context.


same with pitkin, and also the INTERNET taught me so much even before i went into 8th grade. thanks, internet, for deflowering my sanctity far younger than it would have! saved me a bunch of trouble down the line
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I'll just be blunt and say I learned things through lurking 4chan back in the late '00s -w-;
(Also, Wikipedia, when I got curious)