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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


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I got a medicaid letter + card in the mail today. I never signed up for this and have no "reason" for the state to throw medicaid at me (I'm currently insured, I'm not deep enough in moneylessness to qualify, not pregnant, don't have kids, not terminally ill), so my IT'S A TRAP alarms are going off right now.

Dad wants to cancel my insurance over it but I'm telling him to wait a couple damned months until I get settled into school, since I would very much like to get a job on campus and don't want to get booted off medicare the moment I start bringing in that sweet cash (by which I mean like $100 a week doing part-time shit), which in my experience they totally will do. (They kicked my dad off assistance when I started raking in about ~$200 a month from my part time work at the ski resort.)

I also don't want it to become a crutch where I'm afraid to pursue work because I might lose my healthcare benefits. :|


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


looks nice.

@bells: they won't boot you off Medicaid for making that much a week. but when you were working at the ski resort, you weren't old enough to be considered "independent" (it doesn't start until about 24 or so on taxes, which is likely what they base it on). your dad likely made JUST UNDER what was needed to qualify, and that little smidge of extra "family" income may have pushed him over the edge. you'd need to contact your local health and human services office about it (Laconia would likely be your district office), but the way it worked for me was that (in order to get aid) i had to get my family to sign a waiver saying that they operated independently of me, i just lived there (which was true, but even if it's not they won't check).

benefits regarding kids are a double edged sword; when the kids are young, you get more, but as they grow and get jobs, you get less. get your dad to sign the form, and you'll be golden for benefits. and i recommend taking them if you qualify. they can really relieve some burden. :\
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@Duko: Cool :3

Well, I intended to go out of town today and check out a new store that opened in Tyler, and also see if I could snag a Dark Pit Amiibo over at Best Buy...but I got drafted into taking mom's car to have its inspection renewed >>;

At the very least, I did have a nice lunch, and also picked up a pack of green Jello -w-


you picked up a pack of a mid-80's punk band?

art show and baby shower tomorrow. not nervous, but i feel like i should have something more prepared than i do. oh well, maybe i can work on stuff at the place and look all professional and shit.

i think i owe Karen money for picking up my shower gift. i can't shop at BJ's without her, though, so she'd have to had picked it up anyway. :0
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@Kari: LOL'd
Also, good luck with the stuff tomorrow


@Duko: Good luck :3

So, the van is still dead :\
Last night, while we were out, mom seemed interested in looking at some of the dealerships here to find me a car...although, knowing her, that means "find you something that you have to pay for yourself", somehow not understanding that even if I did have a full-time job, I'm not dumping $20k+ into a new car, and end up stuck living with them for another 5-10 years until I pay it off >>;



there's a lot of wildfire pollution over New England right now, if you're in this area (i know a bunch of people on OSC are) go look outside, the light looks different. It's kinda creepy but cool at the same time.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Looked outside today and didn't notice anything different.


neither have i, actually--though there has been a pleasant glow about the sky in the past few days that somewhat extends the sunset. sorta like someone took the blur tool to the sky, it's nice. that may just be this area, though; i've been staying at my boyfriend's for the past 2 weeks or so. :0

@kodomo: sucks about the computer class, but good luck anyway! :0

@pent: today was nice! quieter than expected and Steve was there with me all day. didn't stay long at the baby shower, either, which was kind of nice, and walked out with some juice and nail polish swag. only beef with the day is that i had to get gas this morning; if i hadn't, i could have gotten both a CD of the Blues musician that was playing there (very nice old man who looks like he's been doing this for at least 40+ years!) and a children's book (local author who is now so burdened with what looks to be MS that she can't walk or sign her books anymore, so they used a stamp....but she was very sweet and she's still writing, so go her!). i got a copy of the book and gave it as an extra present to my cousin for the shower. :0

i am fucking burnt today, though. tired all day for some reason and i can't seem to shake it. =__=;
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