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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Pent: Do itttt. :o

@Kari: Same here ... I tend to forget Halt and Catch Fire exists for long stretches of time ... ><


well, i just torrented the first season of HaCF, and will work on getting individual s2 episodes later (only 2 eps left so i'm just gonna download it now), so we'll see where this goes. i may try to initiate Steve into it and just marathon as a refresher. :0
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I had all of season 1...but then the drive I had it on died :\

@Bella: I think I probably will -w-


if you find a good torrent of AT, pass it on. :0
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If you'd like, I can make a rip of my DVD sets for you. I perfected the technique when I made a personal copy of my sister's Monty Python box set -w-


hah, cool! that'd be awesome! : D

(provided it doesn't take up too much space. -w-;;; )

was given a lime popsicle by my sister earlier and hot damn am i paying the price *tongue melts out the middle*
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I've been going through lip hell, my lips are like permanently chapped at this point. I think the AC's the culprit but I'm not sure.

I'm supposed to have a dentist appointment at ... 10am-ish tomorrow, but my dad also has a dentist appointment booked. Like 40 miles away at his dentist's office. I don't know what time it is either. Screw this only having one working vehicle bullshit.


huh, how the hell did things get double-booked? and i'd think he'd have a closer dentist, wonder what's up with that. :\
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i can relate to that whole only-one-working-vehicle-for-a-family level of bullshit (10 years of it in fact). sorry Bella! (hugs)
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


My van's still dead, which is making getting around a pain in the ass, and mom ever-so-frequently deciding to take dad out of town on the weekend means he can't figure out what's going on :\

@Kari: I don't think it'd take up too much space; since I'd be splicing all the fluff (DVD menus, etc.) and just having the episodes -w-


thanks bro.

if it makes anyone feel better, i need a new car battery. goodbye, 3 weeks pay...
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Indeed. Figure out if your auto parts store will let you bring in the old battery; some will give you a discount on a new battery if you let them recycle your old one :3


i'll look into that, thanks. :0

(still need someone to install it, though. ><; )
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Google removing Google+ integration from a load of Google services, including YouTube


Google + is finally getting -'d from everything? : D