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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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hahahaha, i love that cat.

decided to do some art but fuck that noise computer just crashed and took 2 hours of lineart with it
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so? she still looks nice.

also dat cat. >w<
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I like the kitteh :3

So, parents are going out of town tomorrow...which means dad can't look at the van, so I'm stuck with another week of having to borrow his car :\


Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 24, 2015, 11:01:18 AM
so? she still looks nice.

also dat cat. >w<
i meant it in a nice way
she has a nice ass :^]


beep boop since i had a cigarette addiction and my parents found out and because my parents are amazing they bought me a vape pen instead and this thing looks like a sonic screwdriver
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Neat -w-
One of my coworkers has a vape device of some sort, that I joked about how it "looks like a bong" xD;


(insert sonic screwdriver noise here)
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


I'm finally getting around the watching Adventure Time season 6, I watched on and off but didn't actually follow it when it first aired.

I'm pretty sure the first seven episodes are some of grimmest in AT history; in the opening episode, the Lich murders minor god and sets off on a mission to kill literally everything, Finn discovers his long-lost father is a massive scumbag and winds up (spoiler) losing his arm trying to save his life.

The arc with Finn's dad and the aftermath is quite possibly the best representation of familial betrayal I've ever seen in a cartoon. Finn's reaction was downright unsettling, especially in the fourth and sixth episodes, where he's engaging in self-destructive behaviors to try to get over what happened. It's "just" a kid's show but I think the portrayal of pain, desire for vengeance and need to feel something after a trauma were absolutely superb and it reminded me why I love this series so damn much.

Even the more lighthearted episodes were distinctly creepy and off.

In the episode "James II" there was a callback to S5 when PB & company explored an irradiated crater in the desert outside the Candy Kingdom and were mobbed by zombie creatures, ending with one of the candy people (spoiler) sacrificing his life to the horde to allow the others to flee. (But all was right in the end because PB cloned him.) This season we find out that this particular candy person has been repeatedly faking his death, being cloned and amassing numerous copies of himself. The episode ends with the Candy Kingdom being attacked by the zombies from S5, and the group of clones wind up sacrificing themselves to save PB only to melt into a singular, unsettling mass of candy-flesh. PB awards them medals for their bravery and sends them into the wasteland, telling them to never return again.

There was also a very strange episode involving Jake's tail having a mind of its own and working at a bug circus during the night. It becomes dissatisfied with its job and rescues a chipmunk who'd been captured and enslaved by the circus. It sounds strange but it was somehow even weirder and more unsettling than I can manage to explain.

Breezy was high-grade nightmare fuel (especially the scene with LSP's implied-forced-makout-session with Finn - mother of god) and Food Chain was just ... weird. (It was also directed by the anime director Masaaki Yuasa, which may explain a thing or two.)
Catchy song though.

This fucking show man.


@Bella: I've only seen maybe 1 or 2 episodes after season 1 -w-;
(I do have the first 4 on DVD, though. Maybe I'll go through them after I get some other stuff out of the way; for now, I'm half-way through the original Rugrats, and still have 3 movies and 2 spin-offs to tackle as part of my series)


@swag: ahhhh. yeah, she got the booty. -w-

@bells: i don't think i've ever completed an AT season. i should get on that shit.

@cocks: that's a really nice one! but don't fall victim to the pitfalls that some new Vape users do; only buy good quality liquid (locally-sourced, if you can), police what's in it and only take one puff at a time. a lot of teens who get their hands on it (and adults too, since they don't realize) just puff and puff like it's a real cigarette, not realizing that the amount of nicotine they're consuming is akin to an entire pack in one sitting. :\
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mhm, my mom bought it for me on the condition that i ratchet down the nicotine content every few months until i'm only doing nicotine free, then i can stop. the wait between them finding out (i tossed out the half pack i had left) and the thing getting here made me want to rip my hair out, i have a serious problem but welcome to nicotine addiction it's brutal
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Quote from: Penti-chan on July 24, 2015, 06:09:36 PM
@Bella: I've only seen maybe 1 or 2 episodes after season 1 -w-;
(I do have the first 4 on DVD, though. Maybe I'll go through them after I get some other stuff out of the way; for now, I'm half-way through the original Rugrats, and still have 3 movies and 2 spin-offs to tackle as part of my series)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 24, 2015, 10:05:23 PM
@bells: i don't think i've ever completed an AT season. i should get on that shit.

You guys totally should. All the seasons are excellent but 1 & 2 are solidly fun and pretty light on backstory, 3 starts incorporating more of the mythos, serious themes and call-backs to previous episodes and it kind of picks up from there. However, I don't think it's ever completely necessary to be familiar with the mythos or complete series to enjoy it. (Although it will probably enhance your appreciation for it!)


Maybe I'll plow through season 1 of AT before I resume Rugrats (I'm taking a break, since the first movie felt like a good stopping point for the series)


i need to catch up on Halt and Catch Fire, too....
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