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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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and that's just handwriting.


Kinda Interesting, Ill have to pick your brain about it sometime, but for now im off to draw and mess with flash
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


well, thats good, cus' I'm off to a family reunion.

"You Can't Kill Terror" - GWAR

You can destroy an army
You can kill a man
But you can't kill terror
And terror is what I am
Terror your servant as you sturggle to rule
How can you kill terror when you use it as a tool
So when you write the history books remember to omit it
The sickest thing about your race is that you won't admit it

Decapitation, a merciful way for one to quickly die
Just think if they'd slowly plucked out both his eyes
Far better than being buried alive
Think of the babies you buried alive

You can't kill terror
So let's declare war
There's so many dead that we can't keep score
Madness and reason we at once combine
This is a war that can last for all time
The War Against Terror

It's man against monster and only both can lose
Fate is pre-ordained for you, so there's no side to choose
So much like hurricanes you seek to name the cosmic crime
To give a war a name is just a way for you to mark your time
Just think of the babies you buried alive
They haven't quite died

I just got some news from the Central Command
It seems the war didn't go quite as planned
It seems like terror is winning the battle
The humans are killing each other like cattle
The bodies are piled up from Rome to Seattle

Decapitation, a merciful way for one to quickly die
Just think if they'd slowly plucked out both his eyes
Cut off his penis and shoved it in his mouth
Just like they do down south
You can't kill terror


panda added the following  6 minutes after last message :

YES! I still have my paid membership!


hey capt.

panda added the following  17 minutes after last message :

Does any one know where I can purchies a quality trench spike?

panda added the following  11 minutes after last message :

This explains what a trench spike is.


whoa, i have been out for a lot of time. My Internet modem got "fried" and i couldnt get 1 in a week...-_- . I had the feeling of being disconected from the whole world  ;013 .

Captain, nice card, its adorable!!!^o^ . The blink...yeah, a bit too often, but it doesnt look terribly bad or creepy. 1 year ago I tried to learn flash, but i surrendered after 1 Same thing is happening with photoshop -_-...but not yet. At least i cant already trace something.

About what panda, i dont know...maybe eBay? I dont know, but I dont think you'd find something like that in the corner store...

only 5:30 hours for the new year here in México!! ;011
well, as I dont think I'll have time to do this later (family celebration, etc...)...
Happy New Year!!!!


Hiya again panda-san, and congrats for getting a new modem, Darknight-san! ^_^

It's been year 2006 here in Finland for three hours now, so I'm a bit late... ^^;

[rainbow]Happy New Year 2006![/rainbow]

I hope everyone'll have a great year to come, better than 2005 but worse than 2007. ^_^


Do you know were I could get a pair of those gloves Capt.?


Maddox... the best page in the world... I remember that! ;179 *rolls on the floor*

Aww, but the girl in the top picture is pretty... it must feel nice to be embraced. ^_^


Humm, US Cav's website would have em I think. I bought mind in the many blackhawk tactical gear shops out in town.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quote from: "Pitkin"Aww, but the girl in the top picture is pretty... it must feel nice to be embraced. ^_^
Sounds like we can only imagine. . .

Thanks Capt. that will keep me busy for a while.


no problem, Ive used US Cav many times before for stuff like that.  Its a good site.  Ill take a look around town when i get back to see if i cant find one of those antique knives you asked about.

Humm... im Mac OS 9......EGADS!! how did a mac os get such a high rank in here? nuuu!
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Oi capt and piktin!

panda added the following  8 minutes after last message :

hey capt, what knee pads do you like? and what should I look for in a bullet resistant vest?


Humm,  there are alot of good kneepads on the market.  I would saggest getting ones that match your gear (in that picture mine stand out, I have thus replaced them with coyote and got a pair of matching elbow pads)  Now those are good standard ones, but they make larger more padded ones that have a joint in them so the straps dont run across the back of your knee, more comftrable but kinda bulky.

Now vests...  It depends on what you want really, and what you need it for.   I like my Intercepter II flack jacket,  It has a multitude of attachments to increase its coverage, such as a neck and groin protector and shoulder guards, as well as places to insert cramic strike plates.  However all of that is again very bulky and has to be worn over what ever Im wearingmaking it no good for cops or anyone that wants to conceal the fact they are wearing body armor.  

If you want concealability, I sagest getting a police style jacket, something thin that relies on metal plates instead of cramics.  those can normaly fit under a loose shirt or uniform. However I hear (i dont know for sure) that the metal plates arnt rated for as much so anything high caliber or peircing will go right through but It will stop most average pistol rounds.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Yea, metal plates are the weakest. I really don't care if people know if I have a flak jacket, I got to wear one of the "SWAT" flack jackets that an officer had, this looks like what he had, except that it oppend in the center of the chest.