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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I helped my friend move today. Her mother didn't exactly make it any easier. Got caught in the rain at the end and my hair got all frizzy. Have to borrow the van tomorrow to get the boxspring, since her mother refused to let her have the mattress if we didn't take the BS too. Gonna toss it when we get it. So burnt. Gonna nap.
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@Kari: I interpreted "BS" as "bullshit" instead of "boxspring" ^^;
Also, as far as moving, I'm reminded of some of the times I helped my sister and bro-in-law move. Some amusing moments; like when the rain came pouring down right as Led Zeppelin's "When The Levee Breaks" came on the radio xD

@Stew: "Chickenpocalypse" just makes me think of what happens when you attack the chickens in Zelda LOL


That's sort of what happened, but in reverse.


@Stew: What in tarnation is a Chickenpocalypse?

Also, I hope your inoculations are up to date after dealing with a horde of schoolchildren. >>

@Kari: Blergh, moving. ><

@Leaf: What an inconsiderate ass.


i got my JOL card, i can now legally chase down pedestrians without getting dinged on not having a license!
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


My innoculations against.... elementary school kids?

It's letting the chickens out of the coop for the first time.


@Cockle: Hooray!!

@Stew: No no, chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, mumps, and whatever else is popular with the kids these days. 


@Genpop: I worked today. Go me!


@Bella: Niice :3

All I really accomplished today was replacing the CMOS battery in Penti-chan -w-;
(Also, kinda bored as everybody seems to be busy :\)


ugh, you guys and your jobs and achievements and here i am just looking like a kawaii potato. ;^;
at least i finished my book last night. and i'm gonna start a new book (Grossman's "Japanese Without a Teacher", 1927) today.

@pent: actually, bullshit is accurate here. because moving, placing, and taking it was complete and utter bullshit.

we got a bit more done yesterday, but arty lollygagging means we were there until 5pm. >>;
we're making the final pass on wednesday. this is gonna be "fun". >>;

on the upside, the strawberry festival is this saturday, meaning it's bookfair time. after that, we drive an hour and a half up to barrington to hit up the greatest yard sale in history. (Alex has informed me that a guy got 2 chainsaws there yesterday for 10 bucks.)
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@Kari: Sucks on the moving, but the book fair sounds fun :3


it's hit or miss. last year i got a copy of Codename: Sailor V for a buck and my sister got a shitload of White Wolf Novels (WW are the people who brought us such games as Changeling, Vampire, Mage, Werewolf, etc; these were Werewolf novels, with maybe one or two others). i'm not expecting such a haul this year, but it doesn't hurt to look.
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Indeed. Also, I'm familiar with White Wolf
*holds up Changeling core book, had fond memories of the Hunter game on Xbox*


@Pent: Sorry for not being online yesterday, I was so tired I zoned out for a few hours on the couch and fell asleep pretty much instantly when I actually managed to pull myself into bed. ;_;

@Kari: Did somebody you KAWAII POTATO?!

I really only worked for the day. But I may be helping my dad out more often at local art shows and stuff, just to make a little fun-money.

Speaking of which Kari, when things settle down for you we really should start planning how/when we could meet up.

Have fun at the festival and book fair. ^.^

@Genpop: I have an ear ache and I'm hoping I don't have an ear infection of any kind. IDK what to do. ><

Also I have some interesting stories from yesterday. Maybe later I'll write them down here.


TBH I was thinking of GLaDOS when Kari said "kawaii potato" xD
Also, stories are always good. Except when they're bad -w-;

I'll be on tonight after I get off work, probably around 9PM your time at the earliest :3
(Was wondering why you disappeared as soon as I poked you on FB last night ;_; )


@bells: if you have a heating pad, wrap it around your head. and if it doesn't stop hurting after about 3 days (and you start to get the nose ick), go see a doctor if you can.
also, that festival hasn't ever really been "fun". the shortcake sucks, the events are all for little kids, we never win any raffles, and now that it's being hosted at the high school, we can't even enjoy what little atmosphere it had. i ONLY go for the bookfair.

we should all chat tonight. like, really. I MEAN IT.
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