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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I have no school -w-
Just work :\

(@Bella: Can has Skype now?
Or maybe tomorrow night after I get off? :3)


@winduko- I apologize for the late introduction (Life happened along with a bunch of other things), but I do hope you enjoy your time here.  :)

I hope your ready!


@Spence: It's okay. Real life happens. I'm honestly quite lucky to be able to post here as often as I do. xD

And I do enjoy it. :)


Who is up for a "This Just In!" thread, for things that are to dire for this thread
Simon was here :P


Might be a good idea. IDK, though; probably let some others weigh in on it.

So, I have jury summons for later this month. On a Tuesday, when I'm fighting to get put back on Tuesdays at work because of the piss-poor scheduling for Fridays >_<


I think it's a good idea.

@Pent:  I have a funny story about that. My dad got a jury summons right when we moved. To a different state no less.


LOL. I have a strange feeling that might happen to me ^^;;

But, kinda annoying. It's not like at the hospital, where jury summons were a blessing in disguise as it meant not dealing with my boss, but this time it's annoying as it falls on the very day of the week I'm trying to get put on at work.


What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


Guess who has never had a jury summons?  (It's the same person that took a single AP class in high school and it wasn't even something that counted for credit in college)

As to the need for a higher priority life news thread or whatever, I can't see the reason.  Everyone checks Topicless anyway.


if all goes well i can skip 3 college classes and possibly graduate a semester early
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Cockle: Nice :3

@Stew: You lucky bastard LOL

Feeling a bit better now; mostly because tacos make me happy :3


*yawns and stretches* this is the first time i've been on my computer in close to a week.......been so busy with this weird little vacation experiment. i love my friends dearly, but i'm sort of glad it's almost over. next time my parents go out of town for something i'm going to enjoy some time alone.

super-tired and unprepared for today's game which i am running but hopefully things will work themselves out since i have to actually be vague, which is actually harder so i don't know why i'm thinking things will work out. my back hurts and i have no idea what the guy on tv is saying. it's just as well. i didn't find any of his jokes funny anyway.

i'm starting to read all of this in the voice of Mistral. only pent and possibly jackie will know who that is which is just fine, it's not important. i got an application for the call centre earlier this week. i keep calling my old academic advisor, but she never picks up the phone. guess i'll try on monday.

my college doesn't exist anymore. glad i got out of there when i did.
click to make it bigger


Glad you had fun, Kari! It's also good to see you around, I hope you're online later so i can talk with you!! (Nothing serious or important, I just haven't been able to talk with you in awhile and feel bad about it.) ;w;

What do you mean, your college doesn't exist anymore? D:


fun is one word for it, but it's also been tiring. i really don't know how i'd do with roommates. i miss being alone. ;^;

the Art Institute of Boston, a hundred-year-old institution long in Kenmore Square, the Harvard of Art Schools, has been eaten and absorbed by it's "anchor school", Lesley University. it is now called the Lesley College of Art and Design.

yeah. soooooo glad i got out when i did.
click to make it bigger


I know what you mean, it's nice to have company but sometimes you just need time alone to recharge.

Also, that's really unfortunate ... did they run into financial trouble, or what? :C