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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Indeed. In my case, I refuse to deal with my mom's family when it comes to computer-related things; as my older cousin will say the exact same thing and they're more inclined to believe him than me >_>;


@Kari: It kinda gets frustrating doing some that kind of stuff with my mom, as she's like your dad to an extent.

@Pent: My uncle that's really good with computers has me on a "do not fix" list because I was a 10-year-old that thought that she knew what she was doing and didn't. My oldest cousin of mine is on that list because he was a teenager who thought that he knew what he was doing and didn't.

Now he's estranged from my mom and her other two siblings, so I'm probably on there now because I'm his niece. :/


eh, he sounds like a tool.

and i guarantee you your mother isn't as bad as my dad. i've been (rather openly) wishing him dead since i was 5. (i'm 22 now, for the record.)
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In my case, it took me a while to earn my mom's trust; as I did nearly break one of our desktops because I didn't know 100% what I was doing (Remember, kids: reading about it in a book is no substitute for actual hands-on experience ^^; )

BTW, Kari; I'm waiting over on FB for you


My first exposure to computers period was a Macintosh SE running Mac OS 6 my parents gave me for me to play games on.

The first computer I actually owned was an original iMac running Mac OS 8, a purple one.

As for my computer knowledge, my family recognizes mine is more in-depth.


@Kari: To be fair, my family agrees with you. And I agree that my mom isn't as bad, as I couldn't imagine wishing either of my parents dead for that long, and that if I were, there would be a good reason for it.

@Pent: As I mentioned, my dad relies on me for what I consider basic computer things, so I know that he thinks that I know what I'm doing.


One time I "hurt" the family computer and I ran to my room and cried inconsolably for like an hour straight. It was our first computer, and I was like 6.

My mom wouldn't touch the thing but my dad was pretty good with it. We even took it apart to upgrade some parts one time, I believe we once repaired the printer together too, as well. Sadly, he hasn't really been able to operate a computer since the Windows 9.x era ended and doesn't show much interest in learning, either.

Looking back, I'd wanted a Mac ever since I was 7 or so — whenever it was I first encountered the iMac and I learned that there were computers besides Windows machines. Sadly, my dad was staunchly committed to PCs and wouldn't even consider getting a Mac until we went through 4+ years of drama with my chronically-malfunctioning laptop. The day we bought Eve is still one of the happiest days of my life. I still love this computer even after all these years. :>


I always thought the iMac G3 was cool. I had one, but it died on me ;_;

(BTW, Bells, pop up on Skype; I has pics to send you :3)


I still have the SE as most of you know, but I also still have the iMac as well, although it needs its cmos replaced due to its inability to regulate its time and power state. It functions perfectly but never remembers the time and shuts off at random with no problems occurring.


@kodomo: I'm confused as to what you mean that your family agrees with me.

@bella: that's adorable.
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They'd agree with you on the fact that my uncle's a tool.


Even though it's already been said, the first computer I ever used was my dad's Mac Classic.  It was secondhand from my uncle who bought it while still in college and dad used it to write sermons and play games.  Dad has kept up pretty close with how computers function but he does ask me to show him things if he doesn't know what to do.  Mom actually got a netbook a few years ago so she can do what little she does online.  Mostly she just uses her work computer for work things.  Medical records, keeping track of studies, etc.

I start work Tuesday, but today I went to the local model railroad show for the first time in like five years.  They've moved hosts/venues so I wasn't super sure what to expect but things were actually pretty good.  I paid more then I should have for some timetables I wanted, especially since the guy was an asshole, but then as I was leaving got an amazing deal on some others.  First thing I bought was something for my brother since this is the first year he's ever missed.  A Proto 2000 (high end series)  SW9/1200 for $20 that may need some wheel cleaning or a little electrical work but at $20 there's a lot of room to spend on repairs before hitting it's value.  I'll put pictures of stuff over in MPT whenever I get them taken.


Remember when I said that I would have the room in my school with good wifi?

That didn't happen. What did happen was that I got sent to the library. I used my time wisely and got a lot of the redux of the Windows 1.X-tan drawing done. :3


That's good, at least :3

I'm about to have lunch

EDIT: This was a surprise. That corset I ordered did arrive, even though I was never charged for it from what I can tell; I hope this doesn't mean I'll be slapped with a surprise charge out of nowhere


Ouch, I hope not. Maybe you could look for an 800 number on their site you can call to ask about. :\
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