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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Reminds me of my sister's father-in-law; who was talking to me about computers as if I had never used one prior to Windows XP >_>;


It's even better once you're actually working.  Plenty of visitors and presumably customers of those in service fields love to tell you all about your job.  Sometimes I play an imaginary drinking game called 'things they got right'.


Oh, that reminds me that I graduate next week too.


Next week, I get to stay in the room in my school with the best connection in the school by myself for two different days.

How horrible. /sarcasm


@Duko: Very nice ^^
I often like to go over to my grandma's office when I get off work; as her connection is so much better than the one my mom has

@Kriz: Good luck with graduation :3


The good internet in that room makes my phone much more bearable.

It was also the same room that I sent the last message from.

I won't be completely alone, as I just found out there'll be one other person, but that person is someone I don't hate. xD In fact, I find her to be nice.


That's good, at least :3


Very. xD

*kicks computer* Load the game faster. Dx


I know that feel. Well, not as far as games loading slow, but my desktop takes a while to boot (It has a really old hard drive that is its major bottleneck).

So, got off work early, and now sitting around grandma's office; pondering what to do, as everybody seems to be busy :\

EDIT: Well, that was a colossal waste of time. Tried to go to a garage sale I saw listed on Craigslist, and after 30 minutes of driving on a tiny, poorly-maintained backroad in the middle of nowhere, and having two shitheads in trucks speed past me (It's a narrow road, very bumpy I might add, and the speed limit is 30mph. They went past me no slower than 60mph), I finally said "fuck it" and turned around.


Kinda reminds me of the street I live on. While I wait for the bus, I see a lot of shitheads speeding on it. :/


I can't even imagine having to juggle work and school. At least the semester will be over soon. :C

Good luck Aurora and thanks for dropping by to tell us what's up! <3


@Aurora: Good luck :3

So, Bella's gift for me arrived :3
I'll have pics later; maybe when I get off work, I can try to straighten up my wig and get pics showing off the hairpieces >w<


Yay! :D

Lmfao my dad wants to get rid of cable, sign up for satellite TV, use VoIP for phone service and >groan< use DSL instead of cable internet.

I would explain to him that DSL is fucking shit and I wouldn't be able to do anything that makes the internet fun and worthwhile like video calling, streaming video, online gaming, etc. anymore. But he thinks all those things are stupid, so I'm not even going to attempt to go that route.


Good thing my parents know how bad non-cable internet can be (they switched to cable internet as soon as their cable provider provided internet), so they won't do anything like that. We all stream videos and play online games. In fact, my parents streamed video before Youtube.

In fact, I don't remember not using cable internet. That's how long they've been using it.


@Duko: Lucky you. It took me almost 10 years to talk my mom into upgrading from dial-up...and the connection we have now, while better than the dial-up we came from, is still terrible; I have to pause new Nostalgia Critic videos after the first commercial to let it load before I can watch, and also it took me about 2 weeks to download Portal 2 when it came out.

@Bella: DSL is at least better than dial-up; as you can play TF2 over it, although you'd have to sacrifice voice chat to keep your speed at a decent rate to play. Also, I'm 500% certain any DSL in your area is leaps and bounds better than what my mom is wasting money on :\

Still, reminds me of how my mom was talking about canceling DSL and going back to dial-up because "it was faster" (Not realizing that the reason that, to her, it felt faster was because only one person was online at a time; versus having 3 people on). I think she'd quickly change her mind when she learns that in ditching DSL, she loses wifi and would have to use dad's desktop as it's the only computer left in the house that has a working 56K modem.