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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That's good :3

I just had chocolate shake. Now, pondering what to do


today will be spent writing. and grocery shopping later if i get cash. i really hope i do because we're low on food and i'm not being left any grocery money.
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>be me, after school
>go to bus stop, get on bus
>it's crowded as fuck
>get off near some stores, so I can catch an unpacked bus
>decide to go to a pound shop (dollar store if you're American) to get some cheap earphones
>as soon as I walk in
>guy with a heavy Jamaican accent stops me to talk to me about my weight
>won't shut the fuck up about it
>then this Arab guy jumps in
>same thing happens
>I miss my bus because of this
>store guy tells them to gtfo
>finally buy cheap earphones, along with Toblerone and energy drink
>store guy tells me if anyone harasses me, I could just fuck them up because I'm big (not that I would)

And that was all she wrote.


People who feel the need to comment on others' [weight/hair/clothing/piercings/put-other-feature-here] unsolicited are the absolute worse. Unless they have something nice to say AND can do it in a respectful manner. :s

I wrote like 800 lines of code for this C++ final project, now to look it over line by line before even attempting to compile it ..... -__-

I mean I could load it all up in Visual Studio but where's the fun in that? (Plus I'd have to use Visual Studio. [NOTHING SEPARATES ME FROM EMACS!])


@Bella: Hope it goes well :3

@Leaf: I hate people like that so much >_<;

So glad I'm off. Two of my coworkers got into a political debate, and it honestly had me to the point I wanted to punch someone in the face repeatedly. Might crack open a Moxie and take a bath soon, to try and unwind.


Today was an alright day.  It rained.


Less than 2 school weeks until I graduate wow.. Then I gotta get various jobs around town.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


@Cockle: Good luck :3
@Stew: It rained here the night before. In fact, a thunderstorm rolled in right as I tried to go to bed, which kept me up :\

So, pondering how we're going to get to Tyler today; we were going to take mom's car, but it has a flat tire, so maybe we'll have to put gas in the van and take it instead?


Raining more today!  Hooray!

Good luck going to Tyler, Pent.


Well, the trip went well, but one of our big plans got cut :\

We got up there, dropped off the parts for bro-in-law's truck to be worked on (Should be ready next week), and then went to Brookshire's (Dad picked up some unusual beers, my sister found a tea she wanted to try, and I bought more Moxie and a case of Cheerwine...and a bottle of Coffee Soda which ended up being terrible). We then planned to go to lunch, but then mom called; she was getting off work early, so we cut the plans short and went to meet up with her since she'd likely want to have lunch with us...only to get up to the hospital to meet up with her, and she's just finishing lunch >_<;


your mom is such a prize.

@leaf: honestly, from the pics you don't look like you HAVE a weight "problem", honestly. when i was younger, i looked just like a fat harry potter (i can provide pics to back that statement up). then, i hit high school and turned 16, suddenly i shot upward and the weight either fell off or evened out. you're still young, so you shouldn't be concerned about your weight so much right now. that, and if people get in your face for that, just tell them you didn't go in there for a candy bar, just for cheap headphones, and that they must be harassing you because they're insecure about themselves. no girl likes a unicorn like those two. >>;

@stew: been pretty sucky weather here, too. at the very least i hope it warms up by next week. >>;
@bells: put some cucumbers on your eyes and proceed to lie there for an hour. your eyes sound like they need rest. >>;

parents left for europe today. decided to get a pizza on the way back (impulse buy, but it means i don't need to think about dinner for a little while). gonna spend the night writing in the living room and get some cleaning done tomorrow.
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Cool. I'm back home now, if you want to chat -w-


sure, but i need to FOCUUUSSSSS tonight. >>;
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My brother is doing a game with his friend or something on Skype. They're probably really bored.

He's typing random words and letters in the address bar like this:

with "z" representing what words/letters he's typing in.


huh. watch them get redirected to some porn site by accident. xD;
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