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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Cockle: That's good :3

I'm hoping Bella's on when I get off work tonight -w-


wtf is with all the bad happenings here. my relative dies, cockle's s. other is incapacitated, bells' dad took an arrow to the kidney and leaf may be shipped off to parts unknown.

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What have I done...?
Simon was supposed to visit me this weekend, but due to a major event being held at my church, I had to cancel the plan last second and had a meltdown about him being here... Now he said he was done being friends with me.

Why... Why did this happen to me...?
Has my trust in people starting to reach a new low...?
Have I become... A monster?

I hope your ready!


@Spence: It could be that he's going through a rough time and said what he did without thinking :\
Maybe once things cool down, try contacting him again and see what happens

So, worn went nicely...although for the first hour, it was way overcrowded in the back; made it hard for me to actually work when I had to constantly move because I always ended up in someone's way >_<;


yeah man, don't overreact (i mean srsly, "a monster"??). it's like the old song lyric says, "in anger, unkind words are said, that make the teardrops start". things happen in the heat of the moment that we regret (such as me beating a motherfucker with a motherfucker), but such is life, and all you can do is pick yourself up and see how things turn out tomorrow. i'm sure he didn't mean it.

bought a Liederdress. might regret it tomorrow, but hey, i can't return it now anyway. -w-;
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I'd give the situation a few days to cool off and try to approach him again. Be honest, let him know your friendship means a lot to you and that you don't want it to be ruined by a single fight.

@Kari: For a second I thought "Lederdress" might be like a women's version of lederhosen (aka: some kind of German dress) ... then I googled it and found out the truth... ^__^

Also, since I forgot to mention it in my last post, I'm happy my sketch was so well-liked (even if Stew wasn't the biggest fan, fufufu). Keep encouraging me, people!



I looked up that dress. I kinda want one now >w>;;


Thank you... Everyone. I guess I went through one of the stages of grief when I posted that.
Again, thank you... *group hugs Choco, Pent and Bella*

I hope your ready!


No problem :3 if only someone would help me figure out the strange sizing chart for something I'm wanting to order :\


*hugs Spence* I hope everything works out for you and Simon!

@Pent: I've never ordered any clothing items online before (excluding socks / gloves) so I'm not sure I'd be able to help ...

What is it, anyway?


you guys are totally off-base, i had no idea a Liederdress was even a thing. i meant what bella initially thought, Liederhosen x Jumper. .__.

so, our Battlelords Campaign ended early.
and i had promised to run a Changeling game after Battlelords was over.
and i told them i could have it ready for next week.

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1. Am I psychic?!

I know that feel Kari, I have about a dozen things due for my classes in the next two weeks.... HOW AM I EVEN GONNA—


at least with class you have a reasonable expectation that things are gonna turn out okay. here i'm super-paranoid that OH GOD NO ONE'S GONNA LIKE IT OH GOD I'M GONNA SCREW IT UP OH GOD WHY DID I VOLUNTEER OH GOD OH GOD OH GOD.

also, apparently my psychic powers are rubbing off on your people. i'll try to get some pics tomorrow.
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@Kari: Yay pics! ^^
Hopefully your Changeling game goes well. I'd love to join, but since you're doing it all in-person and I'm always at work when you start, there's no way I could join :\
(Also, on the dress, it's like how you confused me by referring to houseflies as "black flies" once; which is a different species entirely)

@Bella: It's a corset >w>;
The sizing chart was confusing me because it listed measurements, but said they were "measurements while being worn"; but then I finally noticed they list what appears to be dress sizes on the side, which I'm going to take a stab at one and hope it fits me...and I can manage to put it on by myself (I'm getting a corset top rather than a functional corset; since it's cheaper and will give me an idea on if I want to take it a step further)

Slept good last night. A little let down that everyone finally pops up online after I decided to go to bed, but I did at least get some good sleep

EDIT: Ordered the corset -w-


I'm alive.  Somehow.