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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, my Dad is broke again.


I'm always broke : D
(Which is the entire reason I'm saving to AB2015 now; so I actually have time to prepare instead of come January and being like "I want to go but I don't have enough money to get there")


most of the people I know are broke, including you guys.
click to make it bigger


Indeed. But, I'm like Batman in the sense that if I have enough time to prepare, I can do anything -w-

So, that Logitech mouse I was using on 2k finally pissed me off enough to ditch it. Currently using the legendary $.01 mouse; which somehow still works (Although it was having problems when I retired it), although the tracking speed is noticeably slower than other mice I have (I had to crank up the cursor speed on Windows 7 to try and compensate). This should hold me off a week, until I can go look at Best Buy for a replacement (Past two mice came from Office Depot, so I think maybe if I avoid them, I'll be better off -w-; )


I have 99 problems and not being in the DOI system for an access card is one.  Still need my uniform allowance and the stuff to do my background check again though.  Still nothing from Colorado with only like a month to go before I start work.


*hands everyone bandages*

There, all fixed.


@Kriz: Thanks
*puts bandage on mouse*

@Stew: That sucks. Hope it works out :\

So, after today, I have two days off work, then 3 more days of work, and then vacation :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on April 09, 2014, 08:36:22 AM
@Kriz: Thanks
*puts bandage on mouse*

It was supposed to make you guys not broke, silly.


Ahh ^^;;
I thought it was to fix my mouse



@Balrith- Tis a shame for her to go in a couple of weeks... On behalf of the Windows/IOS Tan fanbase, I think you guys should prepare a tribute for her.

I hope your ready!


Actually, last day of support was yesterday

*builds a shrine, places a pot of stew inside it*

I hope a Bella shows up online tonight; I have something I want to show her :3
(Plus a question)


Quote from: Krizonar on April 09, 2014, 04:26:41 AM
*hands everyone bandages*

There, all fixed.

I hope that's a bandage made of money .... even though that sounds horribly unsanitary ...

Quote from: stewartsage on April 09, 2014, 02:29:16 AM
I have 99 problems and not being in the DOI system for an access card is one.  Still need my uniform allowance and the stuff to do my background check again though.  Still nothing from Colorado with only like a month to go before I start work.

This is gon be the summer I spend locked inside my room listening to Morrissey music and writing sad poetry I JUST KNOW IT.

Also I'm officially the only person on my game development team. Although my professor basically said "I know a single person can't build a full game all on their own, just demonstrate what you've learned in this class and you'll be alright."


@Bella: Sucks the rest of your team bailed on you, but good that your teacher is willing to work with you :3


Just came back from watching Cabaret at the City Theater.

So much propaganda, so much decadence.