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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Which, whenever you pop up online, your most recent upload reminded me of an idea I came up a while back for a drawing -w-


@bella: MIVEHIND.
and I totes would have backed you up there. we would have kicked that toothpick's ass.

@leaf: eventually i'll be forced to upgrade, which is when I may get the app. for the time being, as tempting a plan as that is, my iphone is the one piece of tech still in my life that's at least stable. I can't afford to mess with that.

speaking of, guys, I think I have been able to pinpoint the exact moment when Loly's drive failed. but, seeing as how I'm posting this from safe mode on windows, perhaps I was mistaken. the only reason I booted to windows, though, was because I needed to wrap up a couple torrents. after they cease, i'll probably boot strictly to an Ubuntu liveCD.
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Mmm. Good luck :[

So, I just realized something. Going through my computer stuff, I found some PCI cards I'm giving Bella and Kari...Bella's getting a DEC Ethernet card, while Kari's getting a USB port card that uses an NEC chipset xD


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Guess so; we have Bella for Maynard and you for Tokyo -w-


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@Choco- I wish you the best on that.

Also, I apologize for not being very active on here as of late. BlazBlue: Chrono Phantasma, my personal life and school have kept me rather busy. By the time Summer hits, I will be on here more often. Just thought I let you all know.

I hope your ready!


it's all good, spence. and it's okay, at least I knew it was coming this time, I just wish I had more time. >>;
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@Spence: It's alright; I've had those times where I'm so wrapped up in something that I forget to do other things -w-;;

So, I'm starting to gather stuff together to take to that recycling place when I go on my vacation. I have a box about the size of 2k-tan the Desktop, filled to the top with old CD drives. I think I'll bring in a decent amount of money :3

Also, DEC logo pin is in. It's a bit low quality (Likely something the seller produced by hand), but it gets the point across and was a lot cheaper than an actual vintage pin -w-;


there ya go~

concerned about adding more torrents to this, as I'm worried about them stealing bandwidth from the slower ones that desperately need to finish. I might still do it, though, as I hate standing by and doing nothing.
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Gotta appreciate how my dad – constantly and without failure – reaffirms my gut feeling to never, ever talk to him about anything I care about because he'll just misinterpret it, treat is as trivial or a joke. 8)

Also apparently spending time each day doing art will distract me from my homework, but it's totally fine for him to do all the distracting shit he wants while i'm trying to DO homework and then complain when I tell him to knock it off. Ok, brah. We'll go with that story.


Reminds me of my mom. She'll complain if I end up waking her up doing something (Like if I'm playing a game or going through boxes or something), but she can wake me up by watching old music videos on her laptop with the volume turned up way too high, and it's perfectly fine >_>;

7 days until vacation. So far, everything is starting to look good as far as weather :3


sure dad, I'm a lazy good-for-nothing because I spend my days doing art and reviews while you take naps. suuuuure.
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on April 08, 2014, 10:35:42 AM
sure dad, I'm a lazy good-for-nothing because I spend my days doing art and reviews while you take naps. suuuuure.
Just ignore him


22 years of ignoring and counting~
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