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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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not on my part, trololol! so i'd need like, a year.

thanks bro, i'm gettin' my medicine now and i think they sell redpop SOMEWHERE around here but idk where.
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What is Red Pop? All that comes to mind is Big Red (The red cream soda, not the gum)


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Ahh :3

So, less than 2 weeks to go until my trip. All bills accounted for, so my next two checks should be able to go straight into spending money for this


have fun! i need to save up for a vacation of my own, though i won't be going far. -w-;
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What am I doing with my life?

Oh right, there's most of a bag of kettle corn in the kitchen.


@Stew: I want some popcorn, too. Might have to pick up a package for my vacation -w-

@Kari: Hope your vacation goes well ^^

So, I found I'm one step closer to the planned PDP-11 cosplay than I thought I was; I found I already have a maroon turtleneck, so now I just need the labcoat and skirt, the latter of which I intend to find during my vacation :3


Faygo is the drink of the juggalos
Simon was here :P


I have Kicked the Wicked Elixir and it was Awesome.

@stew: i ask that of myself....and then i get distracted by the internet.

@pent: my parents are going to europe for 2 weeks, remember? means i get the whole house to myself. -w-
(though i planned on inviting arty over to crash for the duration.)
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@Kari: Is it weird that I mostly know Faygo because of Homestuck, rather than ICP?
Also, forgot about that -w-;;

So, went to have breakfast with my grandparents; since today is grandpa's birthday. Was nice...even if I did get drafted into replacing the printer in grandma's office ^^; (Which she did pay me for; getting me a little extra spending money for my vacation :3)


at a thrift shop for 1.99
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ooooooo!! did you buy? :000

@pent: there ya go. also, merry birfmas to your grandpa.

was browbeaten into going out but i feel better now that i'm back. also, i got a bagel out of it.
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My brother has acquired every Evangelion episode + End just by shopping at thrift stores in the last 2/3 years.

Haven't gotten anything from my boss like he said was going to be sent.  Kinda concerned.