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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@leaf: you're growing up. *brofist*

first day of con was fucking majestic. I am burnt to shit though and my temporary roommates want to watch Attack on Titan, so I'm a bit pissed. on the upside, you know it's a great con when Friday is barely over and you already have a medium-sized cardboard box of stuff. -w-

Soul Plushie (bought for me as a birthday present)
Noir Wall Scroll (free)
Fuccons DVD (free)
Vampire Knight 5-8 (swap meet)
Cyborg 009 2 (swap meet)
Gakuen Heaven (Dealer's Room)
Boys Be... 2 (Dealer's Room)
Angelic Layer 1 (Dealer's Room)
Kuroshitsuji Pocket Watch (Free; Swap Meet)
Inuyasha Tshirt (Swap Meet)
Magic Knight Rayearth Hikaru Doll (Swap Meet)
Sanji Figurine (Dealer's Room)
Rei Ayanami Bathing Suit Figurine (Dealer's Room)
Dripping Jewels Bracelet (Artist's Alley)
Asuka Langely Soryu Figure 6" ? ($5 Deposit in Dealer's Room; will pick up tomorrow)
Various cards and papers

EDIT: thanks to extreme geek for this gem. -w-
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Quote from: KAttack on Titan
>the silly name
>the silly everything

I feel your rage, minion. I really do. Punch them for me.


*huggle* thanks for the permission, master. I also got permission from a panel yesterday to punch anyone in the face who says I'm cosplaying wrong.

blegh, I can't tell if I'm feeling sick from nerves or lack of food....could be both. I should eat more of this bag of goldfish and drink more coke cause this is breakfast.

chase it down with a pickled plum and pocky for lunch aw yeah
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@Kari: I have to wonder what happened with Attack on Titan that made everyone go from absolutely loving it to despising it :\
(Although, it never interested me; it seemed a touch generic. Granted, I have a policy of "why watch [new anime] when I still haven't seen [classic anime]?")

So, I had a damn good morning today :3
I went to the community garage sale in the parking lot to the newspaper's office, and obtained the following:

- Some CDs (Savatage, Guns 'N Roses): $.50 each
- Gamecube games (Mario Kart: Double Dash, Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door): $3 each
- New Super Mario Bros. Wii: $5
- Original model DS (Mario Kart Red): $10

Now I finally have a DS to help migrate Pokémon from the older games to the newer ones >:3
(Also, killer deal on the Gamecube games; Paper Mario alone is usually $25+ in this condition)


So today I went to a CeX (they sell things like video games, DVDs, mobile phones, computers, etc), and took a look at the anime section to see if they had anything... then I notice this old guy, who looked kinda frail and shaggy. He picked up a random DVD of Ikki Tousen: Battle Vixens and was eyeing it weirdly (just staring at the busty babes). I must've watched him awkwardly doing it for like, five minutes.




my feet are no longer feet; they are death bricks. or pain lumps. or agony sacks, whatever you want to call them. I missed the hentai dubbing (partially on purpose because I missed a golden opportunity to get an amazing seat), but honestly, it's a bit of a good thing since I am balls fucking tired. and despite missing a few things (seeing some friends and they canceled my morning panel >:[ ), I instead am going to focus on the positives. I cleaned the fuck up at the swap meet, and am leaving with no trade fodder for next year. I have dubbed this RareCon due to the large amount of random rare stuff/happenings I've been getting. alternatively, I'm also calling it BootCon due to
Das Boot being stuck in my head for over 24 hours and this being the year I upgraded my Lum cosplay to boots.

Call Me Princess (manga; dealer's room)
Gate Keepers vol. 2 (manga; dealer's room)
Urusei Yatsura - The Return of Lum: Creature Features (manga, dealer's room)
Princess Tutu vol. 1 (manga for sis; dealer's room)
Gunsmith Cats Burst vol. 1 (manga for Claire; dealer's room, has a large bite taken out of the back cover)
Excel Saga vol. 27 (manga for Claire; dealer's room)
2x2 Shinobuden (Ninja Nonsense) vol. 3 (manga for Alex; dealer's room)
Tenjho Tenge vol. 1 (swap meet; free)
Eureka Seven vol. 1-3 (swap meet; free)
High School Debut vol. 4 (swap meet)
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Angelic Days vol. 1-2 (swap meet; free)
No Need for Tenchi! vol. 3 (swap meet; free)
Love Like XP Doujinshi (dealer's room; OS-tan hentai Doujin)
Right Stuf Catalogue (swap meet; free)
Pita Ten Poster (swap meet; free)
Psycho Pass Mini-Poster (found on bathroom floor)
Yu Yu Hakusho Double-sided Vintage Holographic Cardstock Mini-Poster (swap meet; free; given to mel)
Excel Saga Wall Scrolls (x2; dealer's room; one is for Claire; free)
Anime Boston 2014 Guide Book (found on side of escalator (?), taken)
Masquerade vol. 1 (DVD for Alex; swap meet; 18+)
Asuka Langley Soryu Figure (picked up from yesterday; for Alex; dealer's room)
Doctor Whooves Mini Vinyl Figure (Black Edition; swap meet; free)
Klein Plush (SAO; dealer's room)
Dejiko Plush (Di Gi Charat; swap meet; free; for sis)
iObject Tshirt (Pheonix Wright shirt; swap meet; free)
Helsing Tools Tshirt (??? shirt; swap meet; free)
Special Edition Fairy Musketeers Towel (swap meet)
AAC Buttons (AAC Table)
Hello Kitty Pin (swap meet; free)
Sesshomaru Pin (enamel; swap meet; free)
Magical DoReMi Chopsticks (swap meet; free)
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Glad the con's fun!  I missed the local one.  Could've gone Friday if I'd looked up the date any sooner then that Friday at 9PM.  At least I got an Osprey book on Pirates for $1 at Goodwill.

That reminds me... where the hell have all my Gunsmith Cats and You're Under Arrest! hard-to-find-fucking-damnit volumes gone?  I'd like to blame my brother since he seems to constantly borrow my manga without saying anything or returning it.  Or I might have missed it when I was adding the new things (Who's Who in the DC Universe Vol. 20, My Little Pony #17 [It's great.  Read it], Adam Strange miniseries from the early 90s, Dial H For Hero re-print, and a Superman story [only one I own]).  Seriously those are two of my favorite series and I had a hard enough time getting them as it is.

On Attack on Titan: It looked like action/adventure series 771C to me so it never went on my radar.  I haven't been watching much anime lately since I'm plowing through all 200+ episodes of Dragnet from the radio run.


@Kari: Welcome to the "OSCers who own copies of OS-tan hentai doujins" club :3

@Stew: That sucks that some of your manga is missing, but sounds nice on the stuff you added

So, I might have the Spirit sold; coworker wants to look at it on Monday before I go into work, and will likely give me part of the money then


>natalia poklonskaya

New waifu confirmed.


@Leaf: LOL'd at your new avatar


Good luck with the car sale Pent.

Manga update: I forgot only one volume was in a sleeve.  The rest were found correctly filed amongst IDW Star Trek serieses.


that's good. ^^

Con day 3 was, as always, odd in nature due to that feeling of both urgency and tapering off. you want to get SO MUCH DONE BECAUSE ZOMG IT'S ALMOST OVER and at the same time, a quiet peace overtakes you knowing that, yes, it is over, but this was meant to be and it's not "goodbye", just "see you next year". I went to a few panels, spent the last of my money at the dealer's room (literally went around saying "I AM LEAVING THE CON BROKE. MY MISSION IS COMPLETE."), and caught up with some friends as we went to closing ceremonies. the AMV winners this year were fucking amazing (will compile them into a playlist and post it here when they go up on the web), and I left proud of myself for the amazing haul and the great time, and proud of the whole con for something I knew would happen this year.

we broke 25,000 attendees.


and it can only get bigger.
(april 3-5 2015, kaiju vs mecha bitches~)

Kyoto Love Stories vol. 1 (??????; dealers' room; will update post with actual title later as book is currently in car)
Yuri Monogatari vol. 5 (dealers' room)
Le Portrait de Petit Cossette vol. 1 (dealers' room)
Sanji Keychain (dealers' room)
Regular Show Figurine (dealers' room)
Madoka Magnet (dealers' room)
Cirno Pin (dealers' room)
Psycho Pass Poster (found on dealers' room floor)
Autographs of Tuxedo Mask and Sailor Moon US Seiyuus (present from Dan the next time I see him)

I can't shake the feeling I'm forgetting something I got yesterday, so expect this list to change. fair warning, some of your gifts are in there, but I'm not going to say who is getting what to retain some element of surprise.
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...I want that Cirno pin >w>;;


sorry brosef. I already know who that's going to. -w-;

(look on the upside, I already told you what you're getting, and it's awesome.)
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Indeed :3

22 days until my vacation. Wish I could simply jump forward to it