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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Sometimes I sing in the shower.


So kill me. I'm being subjected to terrible psychological drama by my parents due to the fact that I missed my scholarship deadline. My dad is taunting me, telling me that after all this time, all his support, that he doesn't want me to go to college because he feels that "I'm not ready". What kind of father tells their child that they shouldn't go to college? When I've worked all 4 years of my highschool life to get into this college, when I've gotten a massive scholarship to go to this college, you have the fucking GALL to tell your child that they shouldn't go to college, and tell them that they're irresponsible to boot. My mother is powerless to help, according to her, and feels it fucking necessary to turn this entire thing around as a problem with her and her upbringing of me. Jesus, mom, I love you, but not everything centers around you. This is my fuckup, you don't need to guilt trip me by saying "It's all my fault" and that it was a problem "How I allowed your father to raise you". What the fuck is that. That's not helping.

I'm scared of becoming clinically depressed. I'm withdrawing from my ADHD medication that I've been off for a few days. My anxiety is kicking back in right when I was starting to get over it. I don't know how much more I can take. My girlfriend is helping me through this, my baby girl... I love you so much... I need you in this time, but everyone is making my problems their own. I hate that. They're my downfalls, but it hurts so much worse when someone assumes your burden for you and blames you when they suffer as a result.
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



call the school and ask to speak to financial aid. they can talk you through what to do in order to get the scholarship.

ignore the fuck out of your father. these days, not having a college education is like not having a high school one.

(also, if you need any more support, I'm here. at the very least I can tell you what we did with the college shit, since I got a scholarship from my school the entire time I was there and I didn't even know I was accepted until late july before the year was set to begin. :0 )

just spent about 2 hours at the mall helping sis with a project. she had to observe people and write down their reactions to them observing her.

I sketched most of the time. got some great subjects in the food court, but people moved too fast around the windows store to get anything good (most of that time was spent with random doodles). also saw a 3D printer in the store. twas cool, but then it got stuck, so we all had a bit of a lol. -w-;

now it is almost time for my grandpa's birthday party. if it weren't his I seriously wouldn't be here. #godihatefamilyevents >>;
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@Kari: I know that feel. I hate family events if they involve mom's side :\
@Cockle: Hope something works out :[

So, pizza is calling me -w-


It turned out to be passable. Great food, benign conversation, etc etc.
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That's good

My night went fairly well; I actually had about 90% of my usual tasks completed, but I was starting to feel drained toward the end of the night, so I got off a little early, then came home and soaked in the tub.


watched the movie Nobody Knows; been wanting to see it for years and I was not disappointed in the slightest. they softened the details of the original case, updated it a bit and left a crapload of loose ends, but overall it was sweet, beautiful, and soul-crushingly depressing. ;v;

thankfully, Bella's lovely birthday gift lifted my spirits over the damn moon. thanks again man, there will totally be new comic pages this week as a thankyou. ^^
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Well, in just a few hours, I'm going to go on a quest to find a suitable laptop to become Asagi II

The "farewell party" I did for the first Asagi kind of sucked, mostly because nobody was online, but there was some Robot Chicken and some Cinema Snob. Now, I think I'll go home, take a bath, then likely watch KLK before bed.


I'm really sorry I wasn't there. I was called away to help out some friends, since they were stuck in Laconia and couldn't get a ride (everyone was either busy, gasless or sick). It was totally out of the blue. ;^;
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I was at my College at the time.

...and I only have one class on campus.


@Kriz: LOL -w-;;

@Kari: Ahh. It's alright

Well, I'm going to load stuff up in the van and head out. Time to find a laptop


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Quote from: LeaflameSD on March 12, 2014, 01:27:15 PM
My internet stopped working on Monday because of the outstanding bill on it, so I probably won't be online for a while. I'll do my best to post here elsewhere, but until then...


Oh, and I was watching Bakugan Battle Brawlers last night on TV...
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Julie gave me such a boner, Jesus tap-dancing Christ ;-;

So nobody wants to say bye, then?

OK, fuck you too.


leaf, it's not really goodbye when you keep posting. :3

besides, I see it less as "bye" and more as "see you later".

I do hope you can find another signal, though. it would suck to lose you completely even if you sometimes annoy. :\
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@Leaf- I'm in the same boat with Choco. It will be more along the lines of when I was gone for a short time.

On a side note- I have a Tumblr page now!

I hope your ready!