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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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So bored right now. Considering going back home; since I doubt this torrent will finish tonight


I swear 2 god if this person in this online English class I'm taking mentions her baby ONE MORE TIME I'm gonna aneurysm.

We get it.

Proud mama.

You have babby.




i have one of my girlfriend's dogtags and a ring from her
my god i am in heaven
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



@Cockle: Nice :3
@Bella: I've encountered some mothers like that before :\

So, Sunday is going to suck ass. I'm stuck in Pizza Hut for 6 hours because of the Super Bowl ;___;
(At least I was able to request Monday off; so I have a few days to recover post-Bowl)


that's good, and I'm surprised they gave it to you. but then, I think everyone there is going to need some time post-bowl to detox.

I had the funnest night last night. some of my friends decided in my facebook comments that they were going to kidnap me. I read the comment "Hang on, let me call Kari" just as my cell started to ring. it was crazy, it was spontaneous, I had already left the house like, 3 times that day (we got back from my grandparents and subsequently remembered that we had to go back out), but I rolled with it and finished dinner/got dressed. took the guy forever to get to my house because he drives like an elderly apparently. but damn, I regret nothing. we just drove. for 6 hours. I mentioned that I had never been to Vermont, which sort of shocked the we went to Vermont. after midnight. (we left my house at 10pm and had to pick up one more person, so we got there by like.....1:30? 2ish?) we just talked the whole time, listened to music, sang, went past places I've never heard of before like Ervine, MA and Phillipsburg, MA, and through the Pioneer Valley (I cracked a pioneer joke when we went through). I got home at 4am and was tired, achey, and hoarse, but I just couldn't stop smiling. ^^
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whoo, having a life! that sounds like a LOT of fun!
wish you'd have swung by and picked me up... ):
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.


well, we want to do it again, so next time, perhaps we can come say hi. >:3

though i'll need to know your pertinents and that we won't get charged with kidnapping by stealing you.

cause we almost had that happen once.
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@Kari: Sounds like what my bro-in-law talked about doing sometime; the 3 of us pile into their car and just drive to see what we find -w-

So, correction: it appears I'm not getting Monday off. Right now, I fucking have everyone for the amount of bullshit that's happening; I'm getting in trouble for things that happened after I got off work last night, I was told I can't have Monday off regardless of what I was told last night (My sister jumping to their defense by saying that I shouldn't ask for a day off because they'll supposedly turn around and fuck me over, when they're already fucking me as hard as they can by having me locked to their god-forsaken store for 6 hours during the Super Bowl and then I have to be back the very next day and waste my gas when I'll likely get off after maybe an hour of work, on top of the fact they're basically trying to choke out Gamestop by giving me so many says that I absolutely have to be at Pizza Hut, when I can't afford to lose either job because of that worthless bitch I unfortunately have to share a roof with lying about my medical history costing me roughly $1,000 and what little respect I had left for her. If they want to fire me for daring to juggle two jobs, I expect the fuckup on dishes to be fired with me; since he also juggles two jobs and yet nobody gives 1\12347826394882382034893568345 of a fuck that he does), and in all honesty I want to turn in my resignation at Pizza Hut even though the chances of me being able to support myself on just Gamestop is impossible; I wish I was in a position where I wouldn't have to worry about it and could just leave that place because I'm sick of all the goddamn drama in that cesspool. The fact I've considered taking up smoking should give you an indicator as to how much I hate everything right now.


@Pent- I'm sorry to hear that...

I hope your ready!


Thanks. I'm hoping maybe things will improve soon



whatever you do, don't start smoking. you will regret it so much later on. and that's another expense on top of everything else.

if I were you, I'd talk to your bro-in-law to see if Pizza Hut is PURPOSELY choking you on hours due to gamestop, or if it's just coincidence. if nothing else, you can trust him to be honest with you.
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Indeed; I mean, it took my grandmother years to try and quit (She did manage to and has been smoke free for well over 10 years now), and my bro-in-law has said that if I did take it up, he'd knock some sense into me.

Also, I'll ask him sometime when we're both off work. They say Wednesday and Friday are our busiest nights and that's why they absolutely need me, but they can somehow afford to have some of their worst employees on those nights while shoving the better ones off to the side. Also, they fired a guy who was actually good at washing dishes, and kept the guy that can't clean to save his life :\


I would ask your brother about that, too. tell him that objectively, he's just terrible at his job and you're wondering why he was kept on. maybe the other guy was stealing or hitting on the customers or something.
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