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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Darknight_88's Pitkin's day?
Congratulations then, 'ol chap

Quote from: "C-Chan"
Now I can get eCS-chan anatomically-corrected.  
Electronic Cloaking System-tan?????. Probably not -.- . Probably another unknown-for-me OS xD
Anyway, I can't find it <_<

new avatar! Seems like everyone changes avatars often, so I guess it isn't a bad idea to change once in a while  ;hi

Suigintou is <3


*worships suigintou-sama right next to 3.1sama*

yes indeed she is the best!!

that little yahkult bottle is awsome XD

lactid bacteria acid, are you getting enough?
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


*comes back from worshipping at the Amiga-tan altar*

Hm, my harddrive isn't making strange sounds anymore. I don't know if that's good or bad.   Anyways, still backing up important stuff.  20 gigs of MP3s to be salvaged next.


Yes,.... praise Gin-chan.  The greater the love for Gin-chan over Stinku, the more willing people will accept OS/2-tan over those dreadful Windoze.  There's always a reason behind the insanity, never forget that.  ^__^

Speaking of which, eCS-chan is short for eComStation-tan.  An obscure OS in relative terms, but she's essentially the most well-known and stable OS/2 clone -- the true and direct successor of OS/2 now that stupid IBM is pulling the plug on her this Sunday.  She's more powerful than OS/2, but an easier life, a caring company, and no cruel betrayals to date means she's not at all a psycho.  ^.^

Any link that I posted up to you next to the words "Torso Check" will have the pic, but here it is anyway:  ^v^

This one is not done yet, but if you want to have a go at it while it's still in the sketching phase, feel free:  ^.^

*squeals with joy*  ^.^

And just for the helluva it....  -v-

Added after 59 seconds:

Quote from: "Silentbob"*comes back from worshipping at the Amiga-tan altar*

Hm, my harddrive isn't making strange sounds anymore. I don't know if that's good or bad.   Anyways, still backing up important stuff.  20 gigs of MP3s to be salvaged next.

Bless you, AmigaBob.... Bless you.  ^___^


OMG, I realized a  dangerous infection called... the GinVirus!  o_o  Just look CaptBrenden's and Darknight_88's avatar! Who will be the next victim? Maybe... me?  ;015


*stares at XP avatar*

..............................Okay.  ^__^

Once you kick her out, don't forget to change your sig too!  ^.^

"I'm using Suigintou... and I'm proud of it!"

Now then,... altogether now....  `v'



Remember, it's Mwahahaha, desu~!   ^-^

I'm watching a movie called "Undefeatable" right now, it's came "recommended" to me. I don't know if it has fans, but it's actrociously bad.  To the extent that you just have to keep waching as you cringe and at the same time roll around on the floor laughing.  -_-;

Edit: oh yeah, I remember now that I posted a clip from it in the random movie thread.  It's the one with the really cheesy fight scene.


Yes, I'm the next one infected with the GinVirus! This is the end of the World!  ;006


You're right as always, AmigaBob... how thoughtless of me.... -v-

*looks at the new Exa*

Mwahahaha, desu~! ^V^

DeWindowfication Complete,  ~desu!  My job here is done, ~desu!  -v-

*trots off*


Yes... You will all be converted to the one true fainth!! You Fools~!

This sort of thing will happen when you dont get enough lactid bacteria acid.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


You're right... this is the beginning of a new religion! After my DeWindowfication, I just need to find more followers! ;135


Hmm,... so if I'm a strict adherent to Suiseiseki-sama,... does that mean we'll inadvertently spark a Holy War further done the line?  ^v^'


Hm... I'm not so sure that this must be end in a war... It's just one of the possibilities... But what do you think about an alliance? We should avoid the bloodshed! (Even though dolls don't have blood ^_^)


Hehe... I like the cut of your jib....  -v-

You got a deal!  We shall join forces to stamp out bloated Windows-tans and annoying Rozen Maidens, and then we'll rule the world!  ^v^

But no funny business, cause I've got my eye on you.... `v'

*makes "eye on you" hand gesture*