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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 10, 2014, 12:09:40 PM

Thatd'd be such a waste. Recycle!

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Official -tans are my bat signal.


If you're available tonight, Kari would like you to join in on a very important group call. As a note, the call will be late; after 11PM EST at the earliest.
Thank you in advance


Quote from: PentiumMMX on January 10, 2014, 03:38:10 PM
If you're available tonight, Kari would like you to join in on a very important group call. As a note, the call will be late; after 11PM EST at the earliest.
Thank you in advance

Hmmm. I have skype, but im still living with my parents (for the time being), and theyre internet Nazis (think soup nazi, only with wifi)
Official -tans are my bat signal.


tbh that was aimed mostly at bells, stew, and nej if his insomnia's acting up. others are welcome to join if they're so inclined, the more opinions the better.

also, that gif is beautiful and made me feel a little better. -w-;
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i had such a great time last night!! ^^

it started off rocky, with us being late and the projector being missing and me sewing my mask in the car (got it done, it looked fabulous, didn't wear it all night because it kinda squished my eyelids). it was raining on the way down (complete with lightning), and a streetlight even blew while we were on the highway. we managed to find the place, got into the parking garage, which was only partially covered, meaning that rain was pouring through the "ceiling" and there were puddles everywhere (oh joy). we managed to get into a covered spot (which only helped marginally)and found our way inside, then did quite a bit of walking through the hotel (which was kinda on the upper end of seedy...).

upon getting to the place, we checked our bags and started to mingle. much to my surprise, i saw one of the girls from the library anime club there with her friend, in addition to a facebook friend i have. i had tried several times to talk to the event organizers, who seemed to be pretty frazzled themselves. when i finally DID get to talk with the head honcho (Rock Lee), we managed to work out the details, and ended up just setting up my laptop on a windowsill in the lobby since the hotel didn't have any spare TVs. why in the lobby, you might ask? because the room they had intended for panels and the like had a pipe burst. it went over quite well despite that, with the max number of people we had being around 20 or 25 in there, i think. Rock Lee even asked me to host the panel again next year. :3

the night continued with more mingling, and the cosplay dating game. my sister was in round one (Ciel had to pick from Chii (her), a cosplayer i didn't recognize and Jade Harley from Homestuck). (Ciel ended up picking bachelor #2 but was subsequently ambushed by a Sebastian in the crowd and then taken away. -w- ) i was in round two, where John Egbert (Jade's companion, actually) got to pick from Hikaru (i think from Death Note), Gaara and Me (Windows 1.0). considering i knew the fandom (and was 80's based anyway), i tailored my answers to the fandom and ended up winning (ending with the line "and maybe you can explain this 'internet' thing to me." (updated my post in CQ with all the questions asked)

After that, me and sis went downstairs to mingle some more, and ended up striking up a conversation with the Gaara from the dating game. chatted with him for almost an hour, most likely, along with some other people that passed by. whenever the topic of cosplay came up in conversation with various people, i mentioned how i made every one of the 6 kimonos i was wearing, and that despite being boiling hot in that stuffy basement room, kept shouting "I REGRET NOTHING!!!" at this point they were hosting the Con Horror Stories panel upstairs, which i wanted to go to, but i was sort of focused on keeping my sis happy since she said she had wanted to go (and i wanted to stay). ^^;

later on, we kept mingling as the Ultimate Pokemon Battle occured upstairs, with the night winding down after that. sadly, me and my sister (and our friends) didn't win anything, but the people that did seemed psyched (including the Enzo who was shocked and happy to have won anything at all; we were all quite happy for him). they even had to draw one raffle cup three times, leading our poor Gaara friend to get his hopes up. ^^; with that over, my sister suggested we go, but they had announced the Cosplay Contest, and on a whim i decided to enter. i coached two people in front of me (who were going as France and England from Hetalia) into striking a dramatic pose with England dipping France for a kiss, which the crowd loved. ^^ when it was my turn, i went up and struck my pose with fan and umbrella, but seeing as how i was Windows 1.0, i didn't get much audience response. ^^; however, one of the people i had been chatting with earlier in the evening turned out to be one of the event organizers, who then announced to the crowd that i had made every kimono i was wearing, which i think perked people's ears up a bit.

after a little more mingling, they announced the winners and gave special thanks to the staff for putting this on. third place went to a wonderful black man doing an AMAZING cosplay of a magician character, second place went to a girl doing a Cowboy Marco Cosplay (not sure what fandom it's from but she was lovely~) and first place went
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i was shocked, honestly, since i'm so used to popular cosplays winning the prizes, but the event organizer i had talked to earlier in the evening fought hard for me since i had made everything. i feel so honoured, since for me, it gives recognition to both my yukata-making and the OS-tans as a whole. i was tearing up as i went to claim the prize, which was free admission to next year's cosplay ball and a $10 giftcard to a local anime store. ;v; i got so many people asking me over the course of the night (and after the contest) if i took commissions that i'm finally going to take the plunge and open an Etsy shop. ^^ the third place winner (who later friended me on facebook and liked the studio cha-ko page >w> ) said "hail to the queen!" and when i told him that i was thinking of opening an Etsy shop but wasn't sure if anyone would buy my stuff, he gave me the look and said "....seriously?"

the rest of the night wrapped up nicely, with us saying our goodbyes after a bit more mingling and my sister walking out of there with several cans of vienna sausage, 4 packages of crackers, and a bottle of ranch dressing. the rain had tapered off a bit, and though i had to get out to validate the parking (and was subsequently pointed and laughed at by a group of girls, which my sister noticed, called out, and then i called them the fuck out with the classic "YOU WANNA GO!? YOU WANNA GO, BITCH!?!?"), everything else went smoothly. gave my sister some gas and a barq's, went home and recounted the night to mum, peeled (and i literally mean peeled, they were a bitch to get on and get off) off the kimonos, then heated up some pizza for dinner and subsequently passed out after one slice.

i'm still tired and a little reeling, but i am also on cloud 9 after that. ^^

(btw guys, if anyone wants to, i'd be happy to show you the presentation if you're interested. ^^ )
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It was the power of the yukata you made for me that I let you borrow (Which, I want pics :3)
Also, I'd like to see that presentation

All I really accomplished yesterday was getting to the final boss in Final Fantasy VI, and reorganizing my shelves (I had to move my PS2 collection to my bookshelf, as it had grown too big  to fit on my Movie\Game shelf while still holding my games for other systems -w-; )


Good work, minion. You have furthered our interests this day. Proceed and we will be on the path to world domination before long!



@pent: don't worry, there'll be pics somewhere. either my sister will get back to me with the one she took, or some will start floating around facebook. -w-

i also plan to add at least one to the cosplay section of the gallery. :0
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Yay! ^^

Tonight after I get off, I'm grabbing a Coke and finishing up FF6. I swapped to my old PS1 for this occasion -w-


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Actually beat it before I went into work. Will post a report in Games General for the interested -w-

Work went nicely for the most part; some frustrations aside and feeling like I lost a sale because of this one person on the phone who called and wouldn't shut up :\



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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on January 12, 2014, 10:30:41 PM

srry m8
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-hue hue-


Quote from: LeaflameSD on December 23, 2012, 01:45:52 PM
I just completed Super Thunder Blade on Hard mode :D

OK, I lied about that too ;^.^