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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I celebrated early by raiding for PS2 games after hours at work. Picked up a few today, and plan to pick up the rest after I get some bills out of the way (Hopefully before the 75% off PS2 games sale ends)


Quote from: stewartsage on January 01, 2014, 12:25:02 AM
I celebrated the new year early by getting $500 of books for $5.

explain, biznitch, explain.
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Happy New Year, everyone.
Anybody got any New Years resolutions?

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I suppose mine would be to get these bills paid off and finally resume saving up to move out :\


This is the year of finishing book writans.


Goodwill had two rare local history books for $2 each.


@stew: *brofist*
@leaf: my resolution this year is not to make any resolutions because i didn't think of any and likely wouldn't keep them for long anyway.
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I always go to Imgur for like an hour and then don't upload my pictures.

Winter Classic.  1/2 of snow an hour.  Leafs vs. Red Wings.


i should look into how much a tattoo costs.
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Get a giant one of Robocop on a unicorn -w-;



though Robotcop Unicorn sounds interesting.
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My news years resolution is 1920x1200. It's been that way since about 2008.



so guys, i mentioned a couple days ago that i'm cosplaying as 1.0 in about a week. i need your opinion on how to wear it:

the one on the left has a split obi because it could either be red or teal (or technically green, but i doubt i'd wear the green obi).
the one on the right lends itself to the optional fur stole (which i would cobble together out of lum scraps), such as the ones pictured here, here, and here.

what do you think?
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I guess the right is better...?

R.I.P Uncle Phil (James Avery) 1948-2014, u wer da bes.
I'm sure he's in heaven scoffing down mashed potatoes and gravy right now *sniffle*.


I think the one on the left looks better

@Leaf: Indeed :[

EDIT: So I might be going into work tonight, if they can't get in contact with the other holiday help (Who has her last day today). Normally I'd be frustrated, but given how it seems everything is squicking me out at home, perhaps stepping away for any amount of time would be good :\

Also, it's officially confirmed that I'm a normal employee at Gamestop; which, given how many hours I've had, is making me consider dropping Pizza Hut after a few months