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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: Hope you feel better soon and maybe get the insurance to work :[

Today at 2PM begins my decent into madness. Juggling Pizza Hut and Gamestop, with an hour break between the two


On vacation. Very little internet atm. (Cabin has no internet, and I'm on T-mobile in Indiana >~<) Will be online less.
Official -tans are my bat signal.


That sucks. Hope you have a nice Christmas at the very least :3

Time for work. My body is ready -w-


Bells was supposed to tell you all that I was too tired to bother even checking OSC for the last few days, but as you can see she's in the midst of some slightly more serious stuff.  Yesterday we had 203 stops to make in about a ten mile square area with ~400 packages that were in no real order since the preloader basically had to just shove stuff where it could fit.  My driver (who's been at it 20 years and is a great lady) nearly lost her mind over the mess, missing packages, and general chaos at the resort.  All in all it took us eleven hours to finish off the route, with an extra driver coming to help after his route finished. 

At least the shopping season is now finished, and I lose my job.  Except not quite.  Apparently management didn't tell me to return my coat yet so officially (unofficially) I can be called into work next week if I want.  We exchanged gifts today anyway (mom made up a giant plate of cookies for her, my driver believes that the best cash is green and made by the US Treasury) and hoped that we didn't have to hear people whining about not getting their packages by Christmas because of the complete overload of the distribution grid by last minute shoppers.

Also, I have Bells a gift and maybe Kari a gift.  I haven't got it yet because I need to do some checking with my sources first.

Per break laws: It's not just state law, it's federal law as well.  You're supposed to get either a lunch hour or half an hour plus a morning and afternoon break of fifteen minutes.  Most industrial plants hew pretty close the line, as well as the government offices I've worked for (I don't want to hear whining about government employees being out to lunch, we have lives and require sustenance as well and we generally don't want to partake in it in front of the public while they demand we do things for them).  UPS is supposed to give us a lunch hour too, but the fact is we couldn't take it.  Certain items have to be off the truck by noon, all over the area, and business packages have to be delivered by five, also all over the area.  It's really a very tightly wound ball that tends to explode at the least bit of disorder or accident, so lunch doesn't happen.



@Kriz: Sorry about that! Honestly I still have to get your gift printed, so no pressure. ;^;
I still have to wrangle up a couple items for Pent's gift
And Kari's too
And I kinda have to buy Stew's gift (even though i already know what I wanna get him).


@Stew: Sounds shitty, but at least it's over :\
@Bella: Do the impossible, see the invisible; row-row fight the power
(Also, I'm sure you have something nice in mind for my gift :3)

So, here'a a rundown of my day, broken down into rounds:

Round 1: The Legend of Dick Poop: Nothing Stops The Rotation
So, I get to Pizza Hut. The dishes, while piled up, aren't too bad; so it's easy for me to knock down and left me with a lot of free time to goof around and introduce one of my coworkers to Dick Poop (The greatest wrestler of all time -w-). Also, bro-in-law gave me part of my Christmas gift, since I couldn't make it to the party tonight (He also gave me some Magic cards; got a few decent ones out of these packs :3).

There was a spike toward the end, but all in all, a fairly relaxed and fun day. With everything wrapped up, I changed from my Pizza Hut uniform to my Gamestop one, grabbed the pizza my bro-in-law made as a gift for my boss at GS, and set out to deliver it and go to Subway for dinner.

Round 2: Wal-Mart = Killjoy
After dropping off the food with my boss, I walked down to Subway to get myself a sandwich...and lo and behold, they closed at 4PM. Disappointed that I wasn't going to have my sandvich and cookie now, I walk across to Wendy's and get a chicken sandwich that made up for it. In my infinite wisdom, I got the bright idea "hey; I'm going down to Wal-Mart to get eggnog!", as I drop off my drink and head up there.

Amazingly, it wasn't too crowded (It wasn't Black Friday bad, thank Odin)...but they were sold out of the eggnog I wanted. Then, some random girl says hi and asks for my name. No clue who she is, but she continued to follow me around the store, shouting "HEY RODNEY" and then running as soon as I turn around. When I think I lost her, I grabbed a bottle of sparkling grape juice, and proceeded to make my way to the check-out. But, she found me again, leading to a really uncomfortable conversation:

The conversation, to keep this post from getting too long: ShowHide
Her: "Hi Rodney"
Me: "Who are you?"
Her: "I don't know. What are you doing here?"
Me: "I was going to buy some sparkling grape juice"
Her: "Why?"
Me: "Because I like it"
Her: "Are you having a party tonight?"
Me: "No"
Her: "Do you not party?"
Me: "No. I'm on my way to work"
Her: "Do you work here?"
Me: "No"
Her: "Where do you work?"
Me: "...not here"
Her: "Where do you work?"
Me: "Just leave me alone" *storms off*

If she was seriously interested in me as a boyfriend, it's important to note that I don't go for creepers in supermarkets.

With that problem dealt with, I go to check out...and of course, there's only like 1 check-out lane open and the only free self check-outs are all broken. So, I get in line behind this person whom appeared to be almost finished...and after she finishes up, she starts another transaction with about 50+ items. I finally said "fuck it", put down the bottle, and left the store to go to work; in a bad mood.

Final Round: Mario Luigi Is Missing
So I dive into the chaos. There are random people complaining about why wasn't Super Mario 3D World released on Xbox 360, some guy who was trying to find games for his 7-year-old for PS4 (For fuck's sake, who gives a PS4 to a 7-year-old? There's like maybe one kid-friendly game tops on that system; they should have bought him a Wii U) and couldn't wrap his head around PS4 not being able to play PS3 games (I admit it's stupid as fuck, and it does irk me that I'm required to claim the PS4 is so powerful it cannot be slowed down enough to run PS3 games, when in reality the PS4 isn't powerful enough to run PS3 games because they moved from PowerPC to x86, and while it's more than capable of PS1\PS2 compatibility, they're just too lazy to program and test emulators for it). Apparently, it's generally been a shitty day; lots of irate customers before I got there.

The main irritation of the night, coming from the other holiday help whose likely getting laid off next week, is that she managed to lose the disc for a copy of New Super Luigi U that was just traded in today. Someone tried to buy it, but the disc was completely missing even though it is somewhere in the store because it just came in today, and all in all everybody was frustrated. Finally, things began to calm down, as we began to close up everything, get stuff ready for the after-Christmas sale, and I checked out PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale (AKA: Sony's answer to Super Smash Bros.; with a disappointing lack of Crash Bandicoot). I also took home some manuals for a Wii; since they were going to get thrown out and I didn't have a set for mine yet...and found a disc-only copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii stuffed inside one manual once I got home >:3

Now, I'm finally off work. Ready to relax and enjoy my day off tomorrow, although I plan to swing by my sister's house to drop off some stuff.


Dr. Kraus


Might skip the Doctor Who Christmas special, depending on how I feel tomorrow. More shit happened, leaving me in no real mood for the 11th Doctor's final episode :\


oh yeah, it's the 11's final hour.... ;^;
click to make it bigger





Pff. Please. A real hipster celebrates on the 24th.


Don't mind me, I'm just passing by... and wishing everyone on OSC a merry Christmas/happy Hanukkah!

