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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I have always wondered if my love of people is a mental instability.


I've always wondered if I'm secretly a Time Lord -w-;


I have always wandered. Wandering, you see, is not something one needs a purpose for - no "if", "for" or "about" is there needed for it to be proper to itself. It is, in a way, both the means and the end, all at once.

Dr. Kraus

Looking like I'll be racing rally mid-season in 2014 around the USA with a good friend of mine who is really into rally as well.

We are about to buy a car for between $1000-$2000 and probably going to have to invest around another $1000 to get it into rally spec.

I'll probably be the co-driver/navigator for many of the races and I'm also probably going to be the main mechanic when it comes down to everything.


Now, Kraus. Don't be crashing on us.

Otherwise, you know what to do.


loved that video.

@Kraus: good luck! and really, don't crash, it'd kinda suck if you died since getting pheonix down is gonna be a bitch.

@genpop: plushies are superior to humans. they don't judge, they don't leave you, and they're there for you regardless of what's going on. plus, they make much better sleeping companions and won't get mad at you even if your life sucks balls, you're fat, or your views are unpopular.
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Indeed -w-

My stomach doesn't feel quite as bad off as it did this morning, so hopefully whatever it was has come to pass


Work is work.  Don't ever order anything from Scentsy.


Quote from: Dr. Kraus on December 03, 2013, 06:11:27 PM
Looking like I'll be racing rally mid-season in 2014 around the USA with a good friend of mine who is really into rally as well.
That's kinda badass, dude.




Quote from: PentiumMMX on December 02, 2013, 07:48:00 PM
Also, I need to contact you sometime soon, Bella; involving shipping your Christmas gift (Which I'm going to do next week)

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on December 02, 2013, 11:29:40 PM
bells, your gift might be late. the soonest I can get around to buying it is a week away.

Alright! I still have to do my shopping, tbh, so there's no rush at all. (Though I already have Kari's gift picked out, I just have to pick it up... gonna try to do that tomorrow.) :3

Today was pretty good. Even though my classes are pretty much falling apart, being the end of the semester and all that. English involved a pizza party with a tiny bit of actual "work"-related stuff, my classmates and I once again agreed to stay in touch. We're thinking of going to Concord or Tilton one day over break, having lunch and doing some shopping and stuff. So yay!

But then I found out my programming instructor is strongly anti-Linux / mildly anti-Unix / extremely anti-Apple, which made my soul make the world's biggest sad-face, because shit, man, I wanna get into Linux / FOSS programming.

"Why couldn't I get a *Nix zealot instructor?!"

But then I discovered the entitled little turd who shat on everyone in my class a couple weeks back (instructor included), is intimidated by programming. I mean, when the instructor asked what field of computer work he'd like to get into, he literally replied, "WELL I KNOW WHAT I'M NOT GOING INTO - PROGRAMMING." He blames it on the instructor, when I'm like 90% sure it's because he doesn't read the damned textbook and spends most of class sitting in the back of the room screwing around on the school computers. Uhh-huuh. That's a teacher error right there. Anyway, SCHADENFREUDE.


@bells: yay, i'm getting a present! :3

Quote from: stewartsage on December 04, 2013, 01:57:51 AM
Work is work.  Don't ever order anything from Scentsy.
oh god don't tell me you're selling that crap.

just got home! (9:30 pm) had a busy day:

morning (9am-12pm): wake up to Korean dramas, eat breakfast, get dressed, plant bulbs in yard, pack up and leave house.

afternoon (12pm-5pm): drop mum off at work, visit grandpa (help with small chore), receive large bucket of change, get lunch for mum, come back to empty grandparents' house, eat lunch, go to library for remainder of afternoon (2-5) to sew, get hit on by weirdo.

evening (5-9pm): run to konbini to get soda, pick up mum, go to bank, go to grocery store, go to festival of trees in Methuen (get lost along way), browse trees and enter raffles, buy snack, come home.

the festival of trees was more fun this time since there were less people, so we got to stop and enjoy more. entering the tree raffles was quite fun, too. ^^
I REALLY wasn't expecting to get that bucket of change, but my grandpa insists it's a Christmas tradition. i'm EXTREMELY thankful for it since now I don't have a thing to worry about for Christmas presents. ;v;
weirdo was weird. and full of shit. pisces can smell liars a mile away and it's like this guy rolled in horse crap. >>;
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No Kari, I work for UPS who has to then move all that crap.  I'd prefer that everyone level their driveways or install elevators.


@Kari: Sounds fun ^^
(Also, as I mentioned on Skype, that guy is one of those ones that are so full of shit that they'd die if you poured laxative on them xD)

@Bella: Sounds like your teacher is either a Windows drone or someone who clings to his precious Atari ST -w-;

@Stew: My mom was pushing for me to work at UPS, since her uncle retired from there. TBH I don't think I could handle that job @_@

So, today was hectic. Started off with me waking up at about 9AM but not getting up until nearly 11, as I decided to set out to see if the hospital had any used monitors for sale (Since Pizza Hut needed a new one; as the old one broke yesterday because of the carelessness of one of my lazy coworkers). I got up there a little after 12, and found out they did, but I had to wait until after 1PM to pick it up; so I visited with some former coworkers I liked, then went to Pizza Hut to get the money, and after that took a quick detour to McDonald's for lunch (Since I was broke and there wasn't really anything I wanted to eat at home). Then, the problems begin as I make my trek back to the hospital.

Traffic is heavy (The second wave of the lunch rush hour had begun; everybody going back to work all at once), making it difficult to turn since I missed the traffic light. As I wait, it becomes difficult due to a giant diesel truck pulling a trailer driving on the wrong side of the road to get around someone to get right in front of me to turn on a side road, which made it difficult for me. That person they passed then began to make a u-turn, and was stuck on the shoulder, while I was stuck waiting on traffic to let up, all the while the person behind me was slamming on their horn like a braindead manatee (I'm sorry that I'm not willing to pull out in front of a goddamn stampede). So, it finally lets up so I can move...and the person who attempted the u-turn started to pull forward as I'm turning; them unwilling to stop moving even with me slamming on my horn as they're close to hitting me head on until there's just barely enough room for me to squeeze past them and into the hospital's parking lot.

After all that, genuinely surprised I didn't suffer a heart attack, I arrive back at the hospital a few minutes 1PM; the time I was told to show back up...and the entire IT department took a lunch break at the same time; they likely wouldn't be back for another 30 minutes. Tired, frustrated, and smelling like shit due to how much I was sweating because of that narrowly avoided wreck, I said "fuck it" and came home to take a shower and relax.

Things went better when I got home; the place to myself since mom was getting groceries, so I unwinded while talking with Kari and lurked Tumblr before playing a little Kingdom Hearts. At 4PM, I set out for work early to try once more for that monitor (Having a good hour before the start of my shift to do this), and thankfully they were there, so I paid for it, took it, and went up to Pizza Hut.

Once I arrived there, one of the delivery drivers saw me walking in with a monitor and began to badger me about it; what was I bringing in, what was it for, and once I had it setup, whining about how it's smaller; it's "depressing" that we have to use a smaller monitor, and we should continue to use the broken one because it's bigger and "still works" (If "you can't see anything on the bottom left side of the screen, including the Start menu" is his idea of "still works"). I was close to going off on him because I busted my ass to do this, and he isn't even allowed access to that PC to begin with, so he has no grounds to object to it (The store manager, as well as my bro-in-law, only cared that it was dirt cheap and it works; since they need to be able to use it for paperwork). Then he asked where I got it, how I knew about it, and when he heard I used to work at the hospital, began to badger me with questions on why I was "fired" (He suddenly got it in his head that I sexually harassed a nurse and was fired for it; it totally couldn't be that I was laid off due to budget cuts and my boss hating my very existence >_>; ), and then was confused as to what an "equipment orderly" was; as he assumed I was IT, which lead him to ask me questions on why Internet Explorer wasn't working on his home PC (You guys have no fucking clue how much I hate people seeing me do anything remotely connected to a computer and assume I can tell them why AOL (Not AIM, but the internet provider) isn't working or other random questions I have no answer for because I'd have to see the computer myself to diagnose it). Finally he shuts up and leaves me alone for the rest of the night.

Then things went better; one of my coworkers gave me a copy of Pokémon Yellow (Japanese version) since I'm going to help him trade some Pokémon between Red and Crystal (Since he didn't have a spare Game Boy to do so), plus he sent me his Game Boy Color so I can try to repair it (The screen's busted. An easy fix; just plug in a new one and go), while I let him borrow my old Game Boy Pocket in the meantime. He was unfortunately feeling sick, and against his protests to stay and help close, bro-in-law sent him home early so he could get some rest (Which I could tell he really needed badly. Hope he feels better soon).

Rest of the night was nice, though; fairly relaxed on my part, on top of having my "big damn hero" moment when I reloaded the shelves with the hand-tossed dough when they were down to their last stack and kept getting bombarded with orders calling for that dough >:3

Now, I enjoy my weekend, for Saturday, I have a meeting and then have to go to Gamestop later that afternoon for work.


glad the day ended on a high note, dude! ^^

@stew: you know, that makes sense, since I can easily picture you in the UPS uniform. :0
though I apologize for you. Christmas season must suck. ;^;

(also, scentsy products suck anyway. we bought a car air freshener from them once, it was dead within a week. >>; )

I counted the change, and while I don't think it's wise to post exact amounts on here, let's suffice to say I don't have to worry about getting Christmas presents anymore. quite a relief. ^^;

I've gotten back into the habit of watching Korean dramas in the morning. forget the fact that i'm coming in halfway into the series and don't understand the plot at all, I just think the whole thing is adorable and i'm getting a little worn out of murder in the morning. >>;
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