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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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the initial directions I used got me lost before I even got started (do these roads even exist!?), so I ended up taking the highway. I switched highways 3 times and almost got lost, but in the end found the place and had a lovely thanksgiving with my friend's family. they were such nice people, and the food was so tasty! :0 (arty neglected to tell me, however, that there was already an apple pie and sweet potatoes, so I went home with 90% of my food. >>; )

after dinner, me and arty had planned to hang out with her friend alex, but he neglected to tell us that he was going from Dracut to Manchester. (Chelmsford and Dracut are in Mass, Manchester is in New Hampshire.) worse still, alex neglected to call us when he left Dracut, so I wasn't able to hang out. :\ I was given gas money by them, however, so at the very least I was able to drive arty up (which I almost got lost, but thankfully we weren't lost, it just took awhile to get going), meet alex and his boyfriend jared, and unload about a third of my pie.

got back home after putting more gas in the tank, and am now settled in. feeling super-cozy since I had a great day. (still got the black cloud hanging over me, but the cozy feelings have pushed that back for now. -w- )

I hope everyone had a happy turkey day! :3
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I'm glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving, K! You too Pent. :3

Nothing so exciting here, just hung out at home with dad and had turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, butternut squash and cranberry sauce ... the pie is just getting out of the oven now. At 5 we went to Walmart for "black friday" (can they even call it that anymore now that it starts on thursday?), picked up a bunch of small kitchen appliances / other housewares and a PS3 for my brother.


I cooked food and we ate stuff merrily. Cheetah purrs and relishes the possibility of what Christmas may bring, Madobe is playing G-mod with her new owner according to Steam and my Adolphii has pink tinted leaves, indicating optimum health.

Unfortunately my fish all died today due to a bacterial infection. I had some medicine for them but I was almost out so the dosage was not appropriate. Coincidentally it is Thanksgiving, so stores were closed so I could not go buy more medicine.

I've had my fish for some time now so I am thankful they lived happy and long lives.


@Bella: Cool :3
Mom went to the Wal-Mart sale, picking herself up some cheap DVDs while her mom was getting a TV.

As for me with sales, I know for certain I'm buying the Kingdom Hearts HD Remix for PS3 from my work, and depending on how I feel after I get off, I may float for an hour until Beall's opens; since they have some cheap necklaces I wouldn't mind >w>;


Quote from: Krizonar on November 28, 2013, 08:21:32 PM
Unfortunately my fish all died today due to a bacterial infection.

awwww, that's horrible!! small or large, it's awful to lose a pet, especially on a holiday! ;^;
i'm so sorry for your loss. are you planning to get more? ;^;

@bells: score! :0
mum is being extremely gracious and loaning me money so I can buy some Christmas presents online this weekend. idk how much i'm allowed, so some Christmas presents might be delayed. i'm sorry guys. ;^;
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@Kari: It's no issue if mine gets delayed :3


i'm sorry. thankyou. ;v;

idk if I should go with the original one I was gonna get you, or the cheaper one. :0
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I am planning on a Male Betta fish, though I have not decided on what species. I suppose I'll pick one that strikes my fancy. I feel a singular fish would be easier to bond to.

I'm alright overall and appreciate your console, I know that fish are delicate and have short life spawns on top of that. I like nature and life and understood when I got them that the fish would die far before I did. Like I said, I'm thankful that they lived to old age in fish time.


that's a good way to think of it. :3

and you can't really go wrong with a beta fish. the only difference in the species is the shape of the tail. :3
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Yes, I had a Betta fish in the batch of fish that were killed by the infection. A Crowntail to be exact. I may get a different species and I may not, I'll just have to judge when I get there.


I am British, so we don't celebrate Turkey Day (;^^)


Off work now. Breaking it down by the phases of the night:

- The "oh god what am I doing this is going to suck" part of the night (Midnight)
I get in, and am first initially shocked by the fact the Open sign is already on and people are inside (Turns out the manager was letting people come inside to get what games they want, and so they don't have to wait in the cold). Then, before I really have time to process anything, I'm off to work. At one point, something happened and a bunch of stuff fell over randomly (I was struck in the back by a renegade Wii U in one of the storage rooms, and the neatly organized pile of systems in the other storage room was all knocked over and scattered everywhere). Aside from one angry customer due to a mislabeled game, everybody was pleasant; it was just the maddening experience of frantically dashing around to meet everybody's demands that had me worn out within the first hour.

- Dr. Feelgood, or: How I Learned To Stop Caring And Love The Coffee (1AM)
After an initial rush in the first hour, it calmed down and we were finally able to think. I was informed that, unfortunately, I wouldn't receive an hour break; instead, I'd get a 30-minute break, and then I'd get off 30 minutes early. I was annoyed by this, as I brought my laptop and was planning to drive down to McDonald's for orange juice, but I decided I'll just walk down to Walgreens and do that instead. During this time, we were reorganizing some displays and tending to the occasional stray customer...and I had some really strong coffee, which gave me the boost I needed after being so worn out.

- Gimme a Break (2:30)
After one of the people got in (And another one who found out he was 3 hours early; so he was just bumming around until it was time), I walked down to Walgreen's to get orange juice...after a struggle trying to explain to my coworkers that yes; Walgreen's is much closer to us than Wal-Mart (Maybe they thought CVS, which would be more worthwhile of a drive? I mean, Walgreen's is practically in Gamestop's backyard, while Wal-Mart is a much longer walk and is too much of a madhouse for someone who's just wanting some Minute Maid). While on break, I picked up Kingdom Hearts for PS3; getting a killer deal on it via employee discount ($18 new. Collector's edition with pretty artbook, even; which gave me something to flip through while I had my juice).

- The Stupid Hour (3AM)
With orange juice gone, and customers barely coming in, we managed to get a lot done; including me finally getting to move the giant 3DS signs to where they're over the 3DS section as they should be (Something that has irked me since just before I started). It was during this part where I was really goofy; any little thing was more amusing that it really should have been, like them talking about a coworker who goes by "Dick" (Whom I was waiting on to show up, so I could go home). Went quite well during this time.

- The Dark Hour (4AM)
By the time 4AM rolled around, the amusement began to fade and frustration began to set in; especially with that one coworker who ended up being there early. It's like I'm cursed to end up working with people who force retarded nicknames onto me and demand I be "more manly"; like I'm supposed to talk in a deep bass voice like I'm Mr. T (Yet I have the nickname "Stewart Little"; because he claims I resemble the kid from the movie. At least he's the only one calling me it, so it hasn't reached "RC" levels of "I want to strangle anyone who calls me that"). Then said guy had to start rattling on how he believes aliens built the pyramids and the PS4 because there's "no conceivable way" man could do that without assistance, then went onto a tangent on how Texas is the "best goddamn state" and needs to secede from the US and become its own country and other bullshit. It felt like 5AM would never get here, but alas, it finally did, and like a bat out of hell I was gone; too tired to even care to go to Beall's.

Now, I hibernate; since I have to go back up there at 6PM. Hopefully it won't be so painful the 2nd time -___-;
(Also really wondering if I made the right decision to juggle both Pizza Hut and Gamestop on Christmas Eve. Maybe I should take off from the Hut that day, since the only way I can get off from Gamestop is if I quit before then; I'm bound by contract to be there)


Quote from: PentiumMMX on November 29, 2013, 05:49:05 AM
(I was struck in the back by a renegade Wii U in one of the storage rooms,

NO U!!!

all jokes aside, i'm glad you managed to get through it intact. good luck with the second round. ;^;
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Thanks for that; I needed a laugh xD

I'm sure it won't be too bad tonight; the crowd cleared out in our first hour -w-;


never say never (again). it could be awful. :\
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