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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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It's been a really quiet week for the last, uh, long time.  The biggest thing that's happened was 80% off all ArmA II DLC and the core game, so now I have all the ArmA II stuff.  Thanksgiving is also like two days away so that's pretty alright.


today was alright till the middle when it sucked balls and that continued for the rest of the day. sounds like it's raining or snowing in the background (think I just heard a plow go up the street) and it sounds a bit windy. tomorrow, i'm baking pie.
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Pie~ >w<
(I can has slice?)

So, next few days will be busy for me. Starting tonight:

- Usual Wednesday night shift at Pizza Hut
- Tomorrow morning I have to make mac & cheese for Thanksgiving
- Have Thanksgiving lunch with dad's family
- Return home to get some rest before work
- Go to Gamestop at midnight (Le work. But hey; I'll likely get Kindgom Hearts out of the deal -w-)
- Hour break at 2AM (Going down to McDonald's to get orange juice and step away from the madness)
- Get off at 5AM; go home to rest
- Go back to Gamestop at around 6PM and stay until close

My sleeping schedule is going to get so fucked up ;_;


Cmon folks, the bureau needs people in Witch Quest


I'll look more into that once this week is over ^^;


I am also intrigued by this, "witch quest".


@pent: so wait, you don't have to go to pizza the hut that day? :0

ugh.....I don't know where to begin on this day. took me all day to make the pies, just to have mum come in and complain that they're taking too long and that i'm taking up the kitchen. I post on facebook to vent, and my cousin starts posting nasty, threatening comments, to the point where unfriending her just prompted her to send me vicious messages. I had to report her. I feel physically sick now considering THIS is the lengths my family hates me.

I was gonna work on something, but now I just kind of feel like going to bed.
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@Kari: Really sucks on your family, though, for lack of a better \ more accurate way to put it. Sometimes it just feels like people, especially family it seems, simply can't understand another person's situation; like back in summer 2012, when my mom treated me like I was a lazy bum leeching off of unemployment, when I was trying my hardest to get back on my feet to no avail, because nobody seemed willing to hire me until my bro-in-law said "come to Pizza Hut" when he saw me filling out an application for McDonald's. Even once I got a job, mom still continues on her parade; trying to pressure me into getting a "better job"...although those complaints seem to have let up since starting at Gamestop, which is good.

Those who say "blood is thicker than water" often fail to realize they're leaving out many important details of the original quote, drastically altering the meaning; the quote is actually supposed to go "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb", meaning that the bonds you choose to form with people will be stronger than those that come from being related. After all, I'm closer with a lot of you than I am with actual family; my sister and bro-in-law being among the very few relatives I can generally be honest around without the risk of potential repercussions.

In closing, if it makes you feel any better, you're one of the first true friends I've had; something I'm thankful for every day :3

As for work, the manager at Gamestop told all of us to make sure we're off from any other jobs we might have, since we'll be so busy that day. Hoping to get plenty of rest after Thanksgiving lunch, because I'll need it when I'm going to be up all night -w-;



Official -tans are my bat signal.


@pent: that quote couldn't be truer. I'm more than thankful for you and all my friends every day. Thanks for that.
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No problem. Happy Thanksgiving :3

(I'm almost finished making the mac & cheese)


I hope I can find the place I'm going today... >>;
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4 is the cosmic number.


Thanksgiving went well...although I overate just a little ^^;;

Bro-in-law challenged me to a game of Magic after we ate, which was an epic match that was fairly even for the most part. I lost track of time, though; we intended on a second match after using different decks, but it was about 2:30 by the time I realized "oh crap; I meant to go home and go to sleep already". So, now I'm back home, checking a few things online before I attempt to sleep.