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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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in other news, 50th special was very yar and game is going well. quite funny. -w-
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Sounds good. Also, the anniversary special was badass -w-

Well, the day was starting to look up after suffering a busted motor mount in the Spirit (At least it seems like a cheap / inexpensive fix), between the Doctor Who 50th special and uncursing the Cursed Shield in FF6. But, then I got to work and made the mistake of mentioning anything remotely related to video games in front of this one coworkers. My god, if the brothers of one of my sister's friends thought I was bad when it came to talking about video games too much, they'd hate this guy; all it took was me mentioning that I didn't like Dragon Age to a different coworker for him to go into this long spill on why I should love it; going on and on and on and jumping around talking about other RPGs to the point I completely lose any interest in what he's saying and just want him to leave me the fuck alone and go back to mopping the floors like he's supposed to be doing >_>;

Then, I get off a little early; since it was dead all night (The bigmouth guy knocked out all the dishes before I arrived. While I appreciate the sentiment of not wanting them to pile to the ceiling, I hate coming in to find nothing to do and end up waiting around for something to happen). Since dad let me borrow his van, due to problems with my car, I agreed to put some gas in it; which I decided to do on my way home. To be honest, I should have gone to a different has station, as it was a special kind of hell getting in and out of that place. Firstly, there wasn't enough room for me to maneuver the van; I finally managed to get to a pump, after circling around the parking lot several times to turn myself around. But, that was only the beginning of my problem.

I go inside to pay for my gas, and I was initially thinking about getting a drink...when I overheard the customer at the register swearing like a sailor and demanding the cashier step out from behind the counter to fight them, before throwing a bag of potato chips at them. I was thinking "oh shit; I'm going to be witness to a fight and get stuck here for several hours while police question everybody"...but it just seems it was just some idiot friend of that person, since I heard both laughing as that person left. I decided to skip on the drink and just get the gas...but next comes the second part; as the line was very disorganized, with no clear starting or ending point, causing one guy to cut in front of me. Finally I was able to pay for the gas so they would turn on the pump, was able to fuel up...and then came the third problem.

Two morons in huge trucks fly in out of nowhere, blocking the person in front of me in, in turn blocking me in as it's very hard to go in reverse due to how huge the van is on top of the reverse lights being dead (They've been dead since dad bought the van, but he's too lazy to replace them because "you don't need them to pass inspection"). Finally, the trucks move...but the car in front of me is not moving. I try to go in reverse...and every single time, somebody flies into the parking lot and I have to stop because I can't tell if they're right behind me or not until they pass by (Again, functional reverse lights would be very useful; as people would see that and know I'm trying to back up, which would make backing up in that giant thing a lot less stressful). Finally, by some miracle I was able to back up to get out; finally getting home.

All I know is I'm never going to that gas station again; I think I'll stick with the much nicer one across the street, as I can get in and out of there easier :\


Quote from: PentiumMMX on November 23, 2013, 10:05:09 PM
Well, the day was starting to look up after suffering a busted motor mount in the Spirit (At least it seems like a cheap / inexpensive fix), between the Doctor Who 50th special and uncursing the Cursed Shield in FF6. But, then I got to work and made the mistake of mentioning anything remotely related to video games in front of this one coworkers. My god, if the brothers of one of my sister's friends thought I was bad when it came to talking about video games too much, they'd hate this guy; all it took was me mentioning that I didn't like Dragon Age to a different coworker for him to go into this long spill on why I should love it; going on and on and on and jumping around talking about other RPGs to the point I completely lose any interest in what he's saying and just want him to leave me the fuck alone and go back to mopping the floors like he's supposed to be doing >_>;
Wow, some people at my school act like that. TL;DR you just play what you enjoy, MMX, don't let anyone shit on your opinion just becuase they disagree with it.

Sucks about the gas station too.


@pent: going to the Get In, Get Out seems like the better option here. as for the van, how much do reverse lights cost, anyway...?
(as for vidya games, you know better than to let anyone else's opinion sway you. and that guy is a tool. -w- )

if the first snow of the season was thrilling, then getting home was downright terrifying. my sister didn't want to go back out after she got in, so an old friend from the gaming group volunteered to drive me home. it took us about an hour (whereas it normally takes about 10-15 minutes to get to my sister's place) of traversing itty-bitty side streets, gently swerving around masses of parked cars, and me praying so hard to Luna my hands swelled. we saw at least 4 accidents, one of which involved a car that had plowed itself right into a marsh. it was basically nothing but ice (and he was driving a nissan, so not exactly the best winter car). still, by the end the roads had evened themselves out and i was able to hike up my street on foot (i didn't want his car to get stuck since my street is a hill) and he was able to get himself home. but that wasn't before him driving for at least 2 miles at about 7mph. (should mention the speed limit on that road was 50.) -w-;
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Wow. Glad you got home safely.

Also, reverse lights are about $5 for a set or so, so I might just replace them myself without telling him -w-


do eet. xD

updated the IE-tan article. currently downloading pics from pixiv of ie-tan, though i doubt this is the true extent of it (i searched with an english tag). may take a break soon for some lunch.
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The power was out for like 10 hours today, that scared the living fuck out of me.

At least we have a wood burning stove for heat and improvised cooking.


*pat pat* poor bells. ;^; wish there was something i could do, but sadly i don't think there is. winter kinda slapped us in the face on this one. :\
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@Bella: Glad you're ok *hug*

I'm likely going to slip back out later to try again to get minutes for my phone, and some dinner rolls for Thanksgiving


*sigh* I had garlic bread from papa gino's for lunch today, which was all well and good, but I didn't eat it until late in the day and it made me a wee bit sick. when I was driving over to the car dealership with my grandpa (he had to pick up his car so I was driving one back), he suggests we get pizza since it's cheap on Mondays, and since he's being so nice about it I can't refuse. I even went home with 3 slices despite me not really wanting it since we already have a pile of leftovers and just went shopping yesterday.

just thinking about it is making me feel sick. at least coke is making it a bit better. ;^;
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Mmm :[

So I've switched to the cheaper card on my phone (The $30 one); since I barely get a signal when I'm away from home, so the $45 one just isn't worth it anymore.


makes sense. wish there was an even cheaper one, though. xD;
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Yeah ^^;

So, I'm going out on a great quest to obtain omelette :3


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Just did. Is magical *w*