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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, if it was via text, it can often be hard to determine the tone the person is going for. Still, you'd like to think that the person in question knows you well enough to know you're joking, but sometimes they may not be in the mood for it (Again hard to tell via text unless they directly state it); as TBH I don't see how someone cracking a joke about wanting to punch someone for doing something annoying would be seen as offensive versus, say, trying to crack jokes about something that person is sensitive about (Which could be anything; like how I'm rather sensitive about my nonexistent dating history).

So I'd personally say that it could be that your friend wasn't in the mood for jokes like that; but since they didn't state that, I wouldn't really consider it your fault since, again, via text.

EDIT: Not to detract from that, but everybody seems to be busy or away, so I'll dump it here.

So my mom's being annoying once more. It all started when I was making myself dessert, as she suddenly calls me pissed off for seemingly no reason. Dad's glasses fell apart while he was at work, and she demanded I drop what I'm doing and find the repair kit. When I found the kit, it's missing the screws, so she drove here to try and find his old pair; which he could use temporarily until he's able to repair his current one (I was taking a bath when she got here, so I avoided her). Then, after she went back to drop off the stuff, she gets home...and that's when the problems really begin.

She's whining about how she didn't get to finish her dinner because dad was "throwing a fit" (her own words, for the record) about his broken glasses (Even though she should know he's at work right now; he has a fucking job to do and not being able to see is kind of a big deal), how she had to waste gas driving here to pick up the old pair of glasses, and how this is such a major inconvenience for her; not even caring in the slightest about anyone else in this situation.

If I didn't have to be at work so early, I'd migrate to grandma's office and sleep there tonight :\


Parents just don't understand, amirite? -shot-


Indeed, dude

Feels like I barely slept last night; coffee will prove useful soon


Today, on the way to school, I made a flip.

Because sometimes pavement and wheels just don't go together well at all. Fortunately I have swag landing skills, so I only got a bruise or two, while skillfully ensuring that neither my backpack with LAMBDA or my headphones were endangered.




@leaf: *high fives*
also, thanks for reminding me of that icky old lil' romeo song. *boob punch*

@nej: *golf claps*
now, if it were me, i'd have broken a knuckle, my glasses, and my external. which is why the only thing i use involving wheels is a car. >>;

@pent: ahhhh, so that's where you are today. as for your mother, this furthers the theory that she may have some sort of mental problem. i mean, grow the fuck up lady, shit happens. >>;

had a kickass time at the club last night. to think, i almost backed out of it. despite the bittersweet taste in my mouth as i watched don with that icky old cow (kind of want to toss them both into a spiked pit), the night was a resounding success, likely because i brought arty along. we chatted with folks, we made new friends, we sang 80's music in the street with the new friends, we danced till we dropped (including me dancing to ragtime on the sidewalk, i almost died), we wandered around, we bought things at a konbini around the corner, and i got home before 2am since arty hitched a ride with don and the cattle. we were one of like, 8 people that participated in white night, but everything looked *~fabulous~* under the black light. arty accidentally kept some of my makeup (i'll see her soon enough to get it back), but i FINALLY got my own tube of black lipstick, and it's top-quality stuff. best of all, the night cost me around $30, including gas, cover charge, the stuff from the konbini and a bottle of water. -w-
the new friend (ben) invited me and arty to his housewarming in a few weeks since he just moved to the area. i've also been invited to arty's for thanksgiving. it's sort of nice to have a social life. :3
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Nice :3

So, I have my schedule for next week. Black Friday is going to be a mess; I go in when the store opens at midnight, then I get off at 2AM for an hour break (Will likely go get breakfast at a nearby place and relax for a bit), then I continue from 3AM until 5AM, then I'm off until I go back in at 7PM or so and stay until close @_@



*hands you pile of black black gum and monster*
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Black black gum? ._.;

I'll has much coffee. Also, donuts -w-


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Going to Harpers Ferry tomorrow to see people with my friend George, and then see a movie.


@Stew: Cool :3

@Kari: Interesting. I remember my uncle had these candies, that were basically coffee M&M's (Like, it had a coffee bean surrounded by chocolate inside a candy shell; similar to peanut M&M's).


oh, you mean chocolate-covered espresso beans? they're super-easy to find, dude, maybe you should get some for black friday. your higher end niche coffee shops and chocolatiers will sell them, or you could just buy them online. some grocery stores might have them, too. they were a favourite of the larpers back in the day since they were tasty and a quick boost in an era before 5-hour energy. ^^

tbh though, if i were to get some fancy gum from there, i'd either get the no time (i seriously want, NEED IT) and/or the ume gum (nummy! ^^ ).

@stew: yay! ^^
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Dr. Kraus

Just a couple of minutes until 24 hours of NO SLEEP ONLY GAEMZZZ

Jump in if you can to join in the fun, I'm even doing some possible giveaways


If I wasn't so busy between work and Doctor Who 50th, I'd watch.

You know, is it strange I have a craving for ice cream, when it's cold outside?
(I'd go get some, but mom's awake; which makes getting out impossible :\ )