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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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if i were you i'd look into it, since it seems like a better position than the one you're in now. do you know what the pay rate they're offering is? are the hours more regular? is the same boss still there? :\

EDIT: you know, OSC, a thought just occurred to me. i know that bells and i use cursive for our normal handwriting, and that pent knows how to, as well, but how many of you guys know how to read and write cursive? we seem like a bunch of folks who, in addition to using archaic machinery for typing, would write in an archaic format as well. :3
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Not really worth it; when it's still part-time. I don't want to get roped into the lies again like last time :\ (Promised full time by the end of my first year...and I was still part-time by the time I was laid off two years after)

Also, I do know how to read cursive, but the extent of my knowledge with it is how to do my signature -w-;
(Although part of me wants to brush up a bit on that, so I can form an alt signature for my alias -w-)


I usually write in cursive and know how to read it of course. The one problem I face is never having to write anything anymore.


i write everything in cursive because if i don't, it's even less legible than it already is. -w-;

btw, is there still a demand for the anime stuff i own
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i doubt i can get pics but i can post a list. .3.
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I started transitioning over to keyboard writing EARLY. 7th grade or so, since we had computers at school as well. Since then I've been typing more than I've been writing by hand (so that's what, 11 years or so now), and add to that the fact that my handwriting always looked more like crows' claws than alphabet, I've never cared much for my cursive. I learned it in early elementary school, and stopped caring about it two years later.


My case is the same as pent on this one, never had a need for cursive beyond my name.
Simon was here :P


@both: can you read it, though?
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@choco: no I can not. The squiggles fuddle my brain parts
Simon was here :P


Am I the only person here who got computer lab time at school in elementary school?  I still write everything though, it feels more normal.

Went to Appomattox Court House today.


I guess I kind of got computer lab? For a while early into my school, mom would sometimes allow me to play educational games on PC as part of my studies (Thus, I have much nostalgia for titles released by The Learning Company; like Treasure Mountain and Ancient Empires).

I eventually did transition to writing my stories on a PC, mostly because it was much cleaner and allowed for spell-checking, plus it was far more comfortable for me...however, my sister for the longest time saw my stories as shit simply because of my medium; then again, she's always been a bit bias against anything involving a computer in art beyond just scanning the drawing or retyping the contents of your notebook :\


....does choco need to slap a bitch

@stew: we were given computer lab time in my later elementary years. before that, the only computer time that was really given in-school was the occasional time when we were allowed to play this one educational game on the imacs in our classroom (Logical Journey of the Zoombinis). in 5th grade we started getting typing lessons (which never stuck and i ended up learning to type on my own years later). after that, we were given access to computer labs in middle and high school but unless you had a specific class in the rooms you weren't in there for a whole block/period (which i did, in both middle and high school -w- ).

despite this, i still hand-write most of my stuff.
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I've always had my own computer for as long as I can remember.

We did have lab time as early as Elementary School, though.
My 7 year old self didn't like the computer lab visits, the PCs were foreign to me and they used weird programs.

ಠ__ಠ wtf is Internet Explorer, is that like Netscape Navigator?

I remember I froze one and had no idea what was going on.

I also have never had a typing class!