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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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so wait, you're telling us that all of history's wars have been in the Active Time Battle format!? :000
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Doc, you're beautiful.  Marry me.

Going to visit my brother for the next couple of days to do, I dunno, stuff I guess.


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Dr. Kraus

Wait, WORDS bella WILL NEVER hear

Two "W"s
Two "E"s
Two "L"s


W = W
E = E
L = L

WEL = Wells Fargo
W = World
E = Economic
L = Loan

Wells Fargo Loaned the World to space monkies which caused the Economic crisis


Gah, why does so much happen when i'm gone for a could days?!
I was at school from like noon until 9pm yesterday, networking class was a bitch this week. School was better today, but then I had to go to Concord with dad. (He's STILL trying to get the car to pass inspection! THREE-THOUSAND some dollars later.)

@Kari: I'm so sorry about Ghost. I'm awful at condolences, but I hope the short time you spent with her was happy. I'm sure she loved having such an awesome mama. :C

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 14, 2013, 04:00:14 PM
-Words Bella Will Never Hear

I, for one, look forward to the glorious same-sex wedding of Dr. Kraus and StewartSage.

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on November 14, 2013, 05:01:12 PM
Wells Fargo Loaned the World to space monkies which caused the Economic crisis

This should become a SyFy original movie.

I don't know wtf is going on but things are actually going kind of well (instead of just neutral) for me? I'm running a bit behind in a couple of my classes, but programming has been going better than expected and I feel like I'm getting better at solving problems. My English instructor is amazed by the quality of our (the class's) work, apparently we all have better-than-average grammar and are generally good at throwing stories together (the issues he pointed out in our drafts are quite minor and easily-fixed).  I'm a bit worried about the hands-on networking exam, this research paper and the programming finals, but i feel like I might be able to pull them off (in a not-altogether disastrous fashion)!

Yesterday, two of my classmates (my English class "clones") and i agreed to stay in touch and do things even after the semester ends (we're in different majors so it seems unlikely we'll run into each other in class again). I mean I was going to ask THEM if they wanted to stay in touch but they went ahead and suggested it first. We're planning on going to Laconia one day, and have a celebratory lunch after the last class of the semester.

Then in my computer class the girl I've been lab partners with offered to help me with math class should I need any tutoring. She seemed kind of quiet / introverted when we first started working together, but we've been talking a lot more and stuff, it's pretty cool.

Today at the mall I got a pair of really nice jeans for $1.77. I got them at Rue 21 - the majority of the clothes there are garish and ugly, but I found this pair of pants, only one like it in the store, and it was love at first sight. The sticker price was $30, but I found them on a sale rack so I asked a clerk to run a price check. She returned a few minutes later saying that it was my lucky day, the computer was saying these cost $1.77; she suspected it was a markdown error. I tried them on and they fit perfectly so I bought them. At another store, I bought a cute dress that I'd been eying since last week for $5. :3

As well, I had multiple people compliment my clothing / hair... and another woman comment that I had good energy. And then in FYE I accidentally converged on the Portal merch rack with another girl, and we totally had a spontaneous Portal fangirl moment, it was glorious. Annnnd I found a type of Japanese-import Pocky I've been looking for for a long time. WHAT IS THIS SUDDEN RUN OF GOOD LUCK / ANIMAL MAGNETISM?!!?


@Bella: Very nice ^^
(Also, pics of the dress? :3)


i expect pics of the clothes and you telling your new college friends your crazy, blue-haired art student friend says hi.

thanks for the condolences btw. i've been trying to think of it that way, focus on the positives and such. even my dad had a happy story about her, when she was playing in the snow last winter.
only cat we've had that leaped, ran, and dug in the snow. she even chased snowballs. ^^
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Mmm. Ghost was cool; she had the ninja skills -w-

@Bella: Can has conversation with you on Skype? :3



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@Bells: I read that as Anal magnetism
what is wrong with me


Quote from: NejinOniwa on November 14, 2013, 09:13:13 PM
@Bells: I read that as Anal magnetism
what is wrong with me

Nothing.  That seems totally normal.  Carry on. /rocketjumps


cockle was right, mashtur, we ARE the most depraved members of the forum. 0w0;
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I think I'm a distant 4th place behind you three; as you probably wouldn't want to know some of the things I've thought about -w-;;;


I'm not sure you want to know some of the things you've thought about either...

...which is what indeed makes it distant. The three of us are broken and don't mind it ^^


perverted and proud. -w-
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