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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Was looking on Tumblr, and this quote is very relevant to the conversation here:

"Newsflash Google! No one uses Google+ !! STOP."
- JonTron, on Google forcing G+ on YouTube users


god yes. i have no gmail or google +, but google would like to think i do. >>;

(*is still thankful i joined youtube before the buyout, when all they asked for was an email instead of a gmail*)
click to make it bigger


While I welcome our Googly overlords, this YouTube users-being-signed-up-for-Google+ thing is just annoying.

ETA: Yesterday I bought a Wacom Intuos 3 from a classmate who recently upgraded to a newer model. Neither my body nor table is ready. (That's my Bamboo on top for size comparison.)


Quote from: LeaflameSD on November 07, 2013, 04:08:12 PM
In other news, fakku Google Plus.
Despite the fact that I read the lower parts of the thread before this post, my first reaction to this was STILL "what? google plus hentai? what is this doujin."

I need to sleep -_-;


@Bella: Sweet mother of Multics *w*
Hope you find room for that soon. That is a badass tablet


@bella: lucky, lucky, lucky fucking biiiiiitch ;^;
@mashtur: you know, that's about the exact same thing i thought when i first saw that. MIVEHIND? .__.
click to make it bigger


Down with Google, my browser of choice on Windows is OPera.

I have a Wacom as well, but I do not use it for anything so I let my mom use it for graphic design.


@kriz: *brofist*

never thought i'd see the day for that.
click to make it bigger


It was a recent switch. I like the new Opera.


That thing is easily as big as my laptop, holy hell.  Everyone here should know my opinion on non-search engine related Google functions since I constantly use the word 'Googlearchy'.

Bookfair tomorrow at the library!  Time for me to get Candace's birthday and Christmas gifts!


@Stew: Niiiice :3

I'm going to slowly chip away at Christmas gifts starting soon. Still have bills to pay, so there's a chance of delays on the gifts


@Kriz: Hello. you have a beautiful screen name.

@Nejin; You wouldn't know it, it's pretty underground -brick-

@Choco: No, I wasn't talking about 'Fakku', I was indeed talking about Google :L

Why do you need a Google Plus account for everything now? Why does it share everything you do? Why is it so gay? Baaaaaaaaa


there are ways to delete them, but they're kinda complicated. you should google them.

@stew: if there's any discount manga or roleplaying books, snag em for me, i'll pay you back later. :0

Quote from: Krizonar on November 08, 2013, 12:22:45 AM
It was a recent switch. I like the new Opera.

oh. well, nevermind then.
click to make it bigger


Quote from: LeaflameSD on November 06, 2013, 01:28:31 PM
Hey, guys?

What is the possibility of a mobile version of the gallery? Or is it already there and I'm just a dumb shet?

All ideas should be posted  in feedback forum so they have a chance to be even analysed


Quote from: LeaflameSD on November 08, 2013, 01:35:24 AM
@Kriz: Hello. you have a beautiful screen name.

Howdy, and why thank you one of on fire leaves in standard definition.

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on November 08, 2013, 01:48:43 AM
there are ways to delete them, but they're kinda complicated. you should google them.

google ways to get rid of google? man, the system is F'd up man, down with the system

and do you not like the new Opera?

I was on the fence between Firefox and Opera before really, but the new Opera made the decision clear for me. I had always liked Opera fine and all, but I heard it had a radical new version. I went check it out and I ended up liking it over its competition substantially.