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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Excuse you, my family is part Wisconsinite. Besides, if he ends up in the upper midwest I won't be murderously enraged. Probably not. As long as he pays for my plane tickets to visit him.

If he ends up in the bread basket / Dakotas / US west then it is murderous rage time.


...or if he ends up in Texas for any reason other than to rescue me and transport me to the mystical land where Moxie flows free and my allergies are minimal -w-;

Dr. Kraus

Put in an app for a local place, hope I can score a job there since they have been looking for people for the past couple months.

Also sent my resume off to some other business that needs someone who can work with Microsoft Word and Quickbooks Enterprise, they say 15-20 hours per week so I just hope the pay is reasonable and not just bare minimum wage (the taxes would take most of the money any how). But since its not full time and I'm a student the government should give all the money back that they take out of the pay check.


@Kraus: Good luck dude.

@Pent: Indeed. Except for maybe Austin. Austin wouldn't be bad.


QuoteA few years later, the company finally seemed to get religion. It swallowed hard and invited Apple back. This time, a deal was cut to put the Apple OS on all DEC computers. It should have been a masterstroke. Imagine: the best computers with the best interface.

It never happened. DEC Labs could not bring itself to work with outlaws–outlaws that might one day have built iMacs around the Alpha EXP.



Coool *w*

Although, what we really need is the marriage of DEC and NEC; OpenVMS on an NEC server -w-


i lol'd. xD;;;

and bells, just for that i am going to find an imac and jerry rig windows ME on it. >:3
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No, I wasn't a temp, I'm only a six month employee.

Quote from: Bells@Stew: Don't forget to take the miniature bottles of shampoo and stuff I left with you! I'll need those next time I visit you...

You say that right as I consciously was making the decision to ditch those :I

Most of my belongings are packed.  I'm gonna work a half day tomorrow, then my parents are going to arrive to help me cart all my shit home.


Good luck, dude

So, first day at Gamestop was today, and so far, IDK if I really made the right decision to work there. I mean, part of me thinks it might not be too bad, but at the same time, it's annoying how I have to drop what I'm doing to greet customers (When I prefer to focus all of my attention on a task to make sure it's done properly; I'm not really one for small talk). I'll ride it out as long as I can, but as of present I doubt I'll stick with it past Christmas


Also, Halloween train was tonight.   Eleven hour day woo!


let's hope that former position comes with overtime.

i wish i could sleep but tonight is another contest night, so that's out. on the upside, i made a Shadowrun character that is so asian she makes Jackie Chan look white. -w-;
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Quote from: PentiumMMX on October 26, 2013, 10:51:29 PM
Good luck, dude

So, first day at Gamestop was today, and so far, IDK if I really made the right decision to work there. I mean, part of me thinks it might not be too bad, but at the same time, it's annoying how I have to drop what I'm doing to greet customers (When I prefer to focus all of my attention on a task to make sure it's done properly; I'm not really one for small talk). I'll ride it out as long as I can, but as of present I doubt I'll stick with it past Christmas

I don't mean to sound callous, but that's a normal part of retail and service work. If you want to find/keep employment in those fields, you're probably going to have to get used to forced smalltalk with customers, even if you find it annoying or unnecessary.

Last winter my time was split between working at a help & information desk and selling ski passes - both jobs required a degree of polite interaction with customers, but the former was particularly interaction-heavy (since they'd come to me with questions and problems and I would have to help them figure things out). I recommend keeping the talk to a minimum - just saying "hello", "lemme know if you need anything" or "how's it going?" should suffice, unless they look obviously lost or in need of help. And don't hesitate to ask a coworker / boss for help if they do need something and you don't know the answer / how to assist them. 


It does.  Mom and dad came to help me move stuff today, so all my shit got into vehicles in about two hours (including fantastic Tortilla soup).

My job is roughly 100% dealing with people.  About 50% of them ask at least one thing that is stupid, obvious, that I've already answered, or that they have blatantly missed on a posted notice/sign.  You all know roughly how much I like people.  Try and stick with it Pent.


@Bella: True; that's basically what I get for venturing into the limelight instead of my usual place of being in the background (Less like a nurse and more like an equipment orderly, so to say).

But, tonight wasn't too bad; was a fairly slow night, the meeting went well (With some explanation on how we'll run our Black Friday sale), and I was working with one of the people I was looking forward to working with (He's a fun guy). Still not 100% sure if I'll want to stay past Christmas, but as of present I think it'll be fine; likely just had to work past the initial "oh god this is going to suck what am I doing here" feeling I often have ^^;;


Quote from: Bella on October 27, 2013, 09:32:41 PM
I don't mean to sound callous, but that's a normal part of retail and service work. If you want to find/keep employment in those fields, you're probably going to have to get used to forced smalltalk with customers, even if you find it annoying or unnecessary.

Last winter my time was split between working at a help & information desk and selling ski passes - both jobs required a degree of polite interaction with customers, but the former was particularly interaction-heavy (since they'd come to me with questions and problems and I would have to help them figure things out). I recommend keeping the talk to a minimum - just saying "hello", "lemme know if you need anything" or "how's it going?" should suffice, unless they look obviously lost or in need of help. And don't hesitate to ask a coworker / boss for help if they do need something and you don't know the answer / how to assist them. 

as true as that is, bells, you seem to lack the knowledge of how much "customer interaction" goes on at gamestop:

1. all employees are required to drop everything they're doing and greet customers when they walk in the door, asking them if they need help. the only time this does not apply is if you are checking out another customer.
2. employees are encouraged to "help" customers by directing them to things to buy, to the point of becoming annoying.
3. cashiers are required to pitch the gamestop rewards card (seperate purchase) and the game informer subscription (free for a few months with rewards card subscription; monthly fees after that period), regardless of whether the customer has it or not; the process takes about 2-3 minutes
4. regardless of price of item cashiers are required to ask if customer wants a warrenty
5. employees are encouraged to compete for sales to get hours (may vary from store to store)

there may be more, but all of these things happened when my sister worked at gamestop. it's their policy. >>;

so my dad decided to tell his friend (and my former namesake, barfing now) that i "dropped out of school and sit in front of the computer all day". he then relayed her hurtful and biased comments to me, causing me to flip out and spend the next hour or so (from home, to on the road, to my grandparents') alternating between blubbering like a damn emotional wreck and pissed out of my mind. no one was around to talk to, so i searched for the OS-tan AI programs from way back when and spent about a half hour chatting with Sonata. felt a lot better afterward, surprisingly. other events of the day have included finding and taking an old excercise bike to replace the one that my dad threw out (that one actually cost me money, to boot >>; ).

if i ever pick up a call from that woman, i plan on hanging up on the bitch.
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That sucks :[

Also, that orange-starfruit drink I got the other day? It's kind of "meh"; it's not terrible, but it's not that great either, as the flavor is very lite.