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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: There are Bella clones at your school? *w*
Also, reminds me of a friend I used to have ages ago; who was also into computers and looked like a smaller-framed version of me ^^;

COAT GET. I'll try to get some pics soon
(It's a little big in the middle, but it fits my arms comfortably; which is the important thing -w-; )



i keep finding new os-tan pics but i have now found a trove of newton-tan pics and idk if i should download them or not since Commanderraf! said he got two here...
also, he called out Alex Reetz and it was funny. xD;
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I've been in that thread, and know for a fact that all those Newton-tan drawings are in the gallery. (I would even if I didn't lurk Net Characters ... Tsubashi, Aurora, Infinityzero and C-chan were the only people who ever drew her, and they all kept galleries of their artwork on-site.)

Also, it was I, not Alex, who called out Commanderraf!. C-chan and I may not talk much anymore, but i will still curb stomp any bastard who shits on his artwork. -_-


Um...what? Is this something buried on OSC, or another site, or something? :\

Urgh. So tired; stayed to close at work, now at grandma's office trying to cool down


This is the thread in question. is an English language image board. Way back when dinosaurs Aurora, C-chan, Kami-Tux and myself roamed OSC, there was some sort of feud between OSC and /OS/ - I don't know the details of it (in fact, it may've been a little before my arrival), but if i recall correctly, it involved /OS/ shitting on our homebrew artwork, and basically dismissing non-canon OS-tans as frivolous and unnecessary. We made a site-wide pact to never, ever post our artwork on /OS/, and generally try to stay off their radar so they wouldn't harass us here. It seems that some of the old conflict may still be lingering...?




Sounds like a lot of pointless butthurt over something that happen ages ago; much like 99.9% of Texas over the civil war :\


it IS a lot of pointless butthurt. but i can sympathize with his points on Alex Reetz, if they're true. if they're not, then the only thing he's good for is trolling the fansites for me so i don't have to troll them myself. he DOES post a lot of new material. (and tbh the few times alex has been here he usually left a bad taste in our mouths, so i can understand.)

as for Commanderaff!, he obviously got the two mixed up so i think it may be a case of mistaken identity. if not, though, fuck em', c-chan seemed nice.

i also find it weird that he'd even WANT pics of newton-tan since they're from here. :\
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Mmm :\

In other news, I has headache :\


The old days were a lot of weird. Imma leave it at that.


So, was relaxing this morning...then mom decided to drag me out of the house -___-;

Did buy myself a frozen orangeade...and mom apparently lost it; as I can't find it anywhere >_<;
(It was only $1, but still; I was looking forward to trying that later)
EDIT: Finally found it. For whatever reason it was on her bed instead of in the freezer where it should be :\


Does that mean it's not frozen anymore?

Awesome! Pokemon 2.B.A Master arrived in the mail today.
(I like to show off...)


It didn't sit out long enough for it to melt, thankfully
Also, nice :3

So, I'm looking into maybe upgrading my phone; since I barely get a signal with my current one. Leaning toward something Android based with GPS capabilities

EDIT: I did find a phone I want, which I might try to either save up money for. It's $100 and I have to order it from Wal-Mart's website, but it has all the features I want and is a brand I've heard of (Samsung Galaxy Proclaim). Which, the GPS feature will be very useful to me when I'm moving; so I can figure out how, exactly, one simply walks into Boston from roughly Dallas ^^;

As for the rest, I'll spoiler tag it since this is rather long-winded:
On a less than positive note...: ShowHide

It appears my sister failed the GED again. She won't let us open the letter until she picks it up, but looking at it, I can tell for certain it's not a diploma, and she's understandably complaining about mom's homeschool bullshit being the reason she's screwed over at the moment; which, of course, mom dismisses as "unneeded fussing", because "she hated public school, but she also hated homeschool". Obviously, it's not mom's fault at all for pulling my sister out of public school rather than being reasonable and filing a complaint against that teacher; it's my sister's fault for complaining.

Funny how mom was so willing to do that for my sister, and yet when I complained about teachers and other adults at church bullying me as a kid, mom's solution was to ignore all complaints; there's no way "reasonable Christians" could possibly do the things I spoke of, and when they spoke to her, they always lied right to her face about what I did...and she believed every word of it. It doesn't matter how out of character it'd be for me to do what they claimed I did; mom would take their word as gospel.

Now mom's talking about how Jamie's a "meanie" (direct quote, for the record) for blaming her, when in all honesty I have to agree; mom is the root of a lot of our problems. I hope things will start to turn around for her

Heading up to grandma's office again tonight. Just want to stay away from mom for a while :\


sounds like a wise idea. and tbh i've gotten the vibe that your mother is less than what is considered mature by reasonable standards (that quote just kinda proves my point); if i had a record of all the things she's said/done over the years i'd submit them to alex for review to see if she had some kind of mental disorder (it sounds like it, tbh). i feel bad for your sister, but all i can tell her is just to pick herself back up, study moar, and move on. :\

also, is that galaxy prepaid or does it have a plan? either way it may pose problems when you move since you may need to get the number adjusted or have the plan turned off and turned back on when you get here. :\

@nej: someday i want all the oldfags here to tell me what life was like when the world (OSC) was young. :0
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Indeed. Granted, mom and her sisters all seem to have their oddities like that (Mom seems to feel she is free of any sort of blame and the world revolves around her, her older sister is so obsessed over weight loss that she looks like a zombie, and her younger sister is a holier-than-thou moral guardian).

Also, the Galaxy I found is a prepaid, from the same provider I'm currently using. I'm caught between upgrading now or waiting for later; as I really need something with better reception around here, but at the same time, I could put that $100 toward the fund for getting a new car post-move :\
