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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Survived near-brake failure, acquired DS games.  All and all a successful final weekend.


new entertainment and you didn't die. congradulations!

speaking of congradulations, two new reaction vids for you guys.
click to make it bigger


@Kari: Sounds fun :3
@Stew: Good you didn't get t-boned by a minivan; like I did years ago. Nice on the DS games, though

My day has been a long one, though generally not bad all in all; even regarding the fact most of the day was spent at a funeral.

It all started at roughly 7:30AM. I didn't get much sleep, and was half awake and wanting to go back to sleep, when dad told me I should go ahead and get up; since we'll be leaving soon. So, I got up, had some coffee and a muffin, and waited for time to head out to the town where the funeral is; everyone first meeting at grandma's house before setting out. I rode with my sister and bro-in-law (Who have their rental car, a Nissan Rogue. Very comfortable; they're talking about buying their own and getting rid of bro-in-law's Ford Explorer, which is sitting dead in my front yard as dad hasn't had a chance to fix it yet), and once we arrived in the town, we made a stop at Target to give everyone some time to stretch their legs while dad calls his brother to figure out where everyone was meeting first; while there, I grabbed myself a drink and a random Magic booster pack (More on that pack later).

We then went to the house of the great aunt who passed away; where everyone had some coffee and talked for a bit before we went to the church for lunch. We arrived, and lunch was honestly very underwhelming; it was tiny sandwiches and a bag of chips (Although, the tea was amazing. It was a sweet tea that IMO was brewed perfectly, had the correct amount of sugar, and had a little lemon juice blended in). After that, we went to the funeral home, and the director of the service right at the start read a note left by my great aunt on what she wanted from her funeral: everyone getting a laugh in that her first request was "Keep it short" (He even said it was underlined xD), and it was sweet that the last thing was that they read a card she wrote; as a thank you to family and friends for being there.

Since bro-in-law had to go to work, and my sister wanted to cash his check before he went in, we had to leave early; skipping the graveside part. Once back in town, my sister was having a headache, so she dropped by Walgreen's to get some ibuprofen, did a few other things, and then she tried to drop me off at home...but lo and behold mom was outside for whatever reason, and she decided we absolutely needed to ride around in my sister's rental car even though I've spent a majority of the day in there and would like to soak in the tub and then get a decent meal -___-;

Once that was finished, then I was finally able to take my boots off, soak in the bathtub for a while, and then I finally had a decent meal (Hot dog~), as a thunderstorm starts to roll in.

Also, as for the pack of Magic cards? I got a card out of it that I was wanting; a mythic rare Planeswalker that is currently selling for $30+ on Amazon by itself. Only paid $4 for the pack I got it from >:3


niiiiiice, bro. and i'm glad the funeral went well. also, bitch be crazy. :\
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@Pent: Glad the day went well, even with the funeral.
@Kari: I will definitely be using that first video in the future. :3

Dad ended up surprising the hell out of me by taking me to Cambridge on Sunday. Spur of the moment thing, decided over breakfast - he had to go to Manchester to pick up some supplies anyway, so we practically had to go half-way there already.

The MIT Flea Market didn't seem quite as big or busy as it did last year (maybe getting there late-ish when things were already dying down had something to do with it...), but I still ended up with a free iMac g3, free Smith Corona typewriter, book on Mac System 7.5 (also free) and an OS X 10.2 Server Developer Preview disc set from WWDC '03. Bummed out i didn't find the booth for that Boston computer museum kickstarter ... event... thing going on, though. :C

Afterward we went to an Indian restaurant and strolled through Boston Common.


@Bella: Nice. Hope the iMac works; the last free computer I received is nonfunctional and only really worth it for the case its in :\


nice, bro! :000

also, you're welcome. have another. -w-
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TBH my brakes worked, just not in any semblance of how automobiles are supposed to work (i.e. the brakes shoes and rotors had become one grinding assemblage that slowed the car but also ruined the brake rotors)

Work finishes in five days.  I have pizza.


Well, that's better than pressing the pedal and it goes straight to the floor with a 0% change in vehicle speed


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So, tonight was a pretty good night; after a rather crappy start to the day


Lunch at school is a lot like the NSA, in that they both involve spying on random people for no apparent reason.

I think Gathering of the Neckbeards 2013 is happening right now. They're playing Pathfinder. Which I guess is a step up from sexually-questionable furry RPs.


LOL -w-;

So, tonight I think I will go through with buying that coat I've mentioned in the past. Wish me luck



...I hate school uniform. Everytime I
walk around, I end up sweating like a pig, and that leads to spots on your face and shit. So many feels.

@MMX: Good luck on the coat!


@Pent: Good luck!
@Leaf: School uniforms seem like they would be terrible in practice. Just let the students wear what they feel comfortable in. ;^;

@Genpop: I forgot to mention, but English is getting legit creepy, there are only four people in this class and three of us are spooky alike??? ? We all have similar names, we agree on everything, our personalities seem to be variations on a theme, two of us are from the same state originally and have similar personality types, two of us are interested in the same fields of research, and for godssake, we all picked very similar subjects for our argument essays! It's freakin' me out, and it's freaking our professor out too.