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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Indeed. When people kept telling me about how I needed to go, they refused to accept any counter-arguments I made against it (For example, Bill Gates dropped out of college to join some friends in the creation of a little company called "Microsoft"). Hell, one lady working at a clothing store gave my sister a lecture on how she needed to go to college...when she had a college degree and was merely a cashier, while my sister didn't even have a high school diploma and yet she was a department manager at a different clothing store; a position obviously more powerful than a mere cashier).


@Stew: How the ever loving fuck is history NOT relevant? It's always seemed like one of the more important / useful liberal arts fields out there. And tbh I've always been mistrustful of people who claim that history isn't important/relevant anymore, as if we live in some sort of bubble and the events of the past have no influence on what's happening in the present. :|

But yeah, idiots need to get off their high horses. Different degrees have different average "values", but if somebody really wants to study fine arts, music, gender studies, philosophy, etc., why the hell not? As long as they have some plans for the future and DON'T assume they'll just be handed a job because they have a degree (which would be a foolish decision regardless of degree), I don't see the harm.

@Kriz: Yesssss. If I hear another Gen X person OR Baby Boomer complain about how Millenials are unmotivated, dumb and/or entitled, I will freakin' aneurism from sheer rage alone. Their selfishness completely screwed up our economy, government and society at large and then THEY have the balls to claim Millenials are accountable for the shitstorm they've left behind. Obviously, not all Gen X people and Baby Boomers are like that, nor have they all contributed to this hot mess we're in, but still, they're the generations who made life as difficult as it is now.

@Pent: I understand that argument and have used it in the past, but tbh I don't really consider it a great argument for not going to college/dropping out. I mean, very few people have the right combination of personality traits, skills (entrepreneurial savvy, technological knowledge, business connections) and plain good luck/good timing of a Bill Gates or Steve Jobs. They'd have ended up on top had they dropped out of high school or gone on to be PhDs, probably.

But yeah, having a degree doesn't guarantee success and not having a degree doesn't guarantee failure. It's really more what an individual makes of it.


@Bella: Best you never ever set foot in Palestine, TX ever. The old people with that exact mindset concentrated in this area will make you want to go on a genocidal rampage >_<;


@bella: remind me not to let you talk to my dad. if i hear one more rant from him about i'm "unmotivated" or "lazy" or "ignorant" and how when HE was my age he was on his own with a job and a motorcycle (IT WAS 1970'S EUROPE, DUMBASS), i'm going to kill him, and i'm not even kidding about that. i've already made plans on what to do with the body.
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@Kari: I refer you to my previous post. You'd be walking into a land where brain-damaged clones of your dad, who think Germany is part of the UK, run free :\
(Yes, and both Gallifrey and Endor are part of the United Federation of Planets)

So, on a lighter note, it sounds like I'll have my first day at Gamestop next week :3


faaancy. -w-

so my friend Claire got sent to the hospital yesterday. he started having a panic attack at work and they thought it was a heart attack (chest pains, shortness of breath). the hospital determined that to avoid future health risk he needs to remove the stressful element from his life, so he has to quit his job. :\
my sister is more prone to anxiety AND she has a heart condition, so it's looking like she's gonna quit, too. they're applying basically everywhere now, including banks and hospitals. i'ma join on the bandwagon since the bank job pays just as good for part time. -w-
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Sounds good on job hunting :3

Sucks about your friend, though. I remember my mom was in the hospital for similar reasons a few years ago (Stress brought on by her the hospital)


what bothers me more is that there are going to be people that consider it a bullshit reason for leaving. prolonged anxiety can cause REAL heart attacks, and yet people think it's a crap reason to get out of there. >>;
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Indeed. Some people are just stupid :\


Next time I'm in the hospital it'll be because I lose an extremity.


@Kari: Sorry to hear about that. I hope you guys find work soon. :C

>at school
>eating lunch at big open bar-thing between the lounge and game room
>guy sitting a couple of seats down from me engages me in conversation, he doesn't seem loathsome so I go along with things
>other guy sitting on couch gets up and starts talking with us too
>blah blah blah zombie apocalypse, blah blah has horror become a repetitive genre, blah blah bashing Twilight
>I get bored and just wanna eat, so I try to distance myself from the convo so I can finish my damned sandwich before it gets cold
>second dude keeps talking to me though, displays increasingly worse sense of timing, comedic ability and pop culture knowledge
>now he's being really silly and drives a joke into the ground and then some (think Family Guy sight gag-level NOT KNOWING WHEN TO STOP)
>seriously start to wonder if he's a complete idiot
>or if he's just trying to flirt with me
>which would just be sad because he'd doing a cringibly bad job of it
>finally finish my food and dash away to "catch a class"
TL;DR I will never feel socially awkward again



never underestimate the levels of socially awkward some people can get to. you, my dear, are perfectly fine.

holy shit guys, a new comic page. i think i froze hell.
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@Bella: I know that feel. There was one guy at church that, after a single gesture of kindness to him, he became super-clingy and followed me everywhere; it was months before he finally got the hint I wanted nothing more to do with him >_<;;
...or maybe he moved away. That usually happened a lot.

So, tonight at work was pretty good...aside from one of the delivery drivers badgering the rest of us to become delivery drivers, and we're all "please shut up; we don't care". Also, we discussed Magic; which, my sister is working on a deck so she can join us :3


That's why you should always be politely aloof with everyone.  I learned that in a Jane Austen book.



So, while gathering my sttuff together in the car once arriving at home, the Super Mario Bros. theme song started playing on my iPod...when I happen to glance at the odometer and notice the last two digits are 85. For a brief moment in time, my car was rad to the max -w-;;