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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Indeed. Stay out of food work if you can; take it from someone at Pizza Hut (Although, I do like more of my coworkers here than I did at the hospital, so there is that)

So, typing this using the Compaq keyboard I bought earlier. I swapped my DEC keyboard for a Compaq keyboard...there's something symbolic here >w>;
(I may end up going back to it, as this keyboard is nice for having volume controls, but I love the way the other one feels when typing; even if this one is quieter)

EDIT: I think I'm coming down with a cold :\


you and me both, man, you and me both.

i did something yesterday by accident that has me all paranoid. ;^;
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I had to go to Monterey today to meet my parents and sign some paychecks because there's no bank here for me to put them in.


how many people LIVE in that town you're in, anyway?
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No bank? That must suck :\

Here, the problem for me is no banks with locations outside of Texas aside from Capital One; which I currently use and isn't as good as it used to be :\
(But, I guess I can try to hang onto it, and then close out my account after I move)


i'd do that, as i don't think i've seen ANY capital one banks in the area (which means if they ARE here, they're sparse as hell).
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The closest one is in Connecticut. A long drive, but close enough for me to drive over to close out my account -w-


very true. we could make a day of it! :3

@genpop: Dirk Schakenberg is now a Meme
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aahh. yeah, that makes sense.
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Thanks for the advice and kind words everyone. And Nej, you basically elaborated on my thoughts on the matter ... although, in my case, being firm-willed can be difficult because I'm fairly helpful by nature and don't like letting people down. :C

@Kari: Cass is so tiny and adorable! Out in the middle of nowhere, too, but still.

Now I'm feeling all nostalgic for my trip. Stew's house is so big and rustic! Like, really rustic. But with a certain je ne sais quoi. And it had a huge kitchen, internet and a nice bathtub/shower, which is really all a house needs to be comfortable. (Well, a decent bed would've been nice, but I'll take what I can get.)


So I took some medicine before bed last night, right? Doesn't seem to have helped much, *and* I woke up a lot earlier than I would have liked >_<;

Now trying to figure out what to do because I can't get back to sleep and my throat is still sore (Not enough to impact eating, thankfully, but enough to make prolonged talking hard; which I'll likely need to do later when up at Gamestop. Also, if there's one thing I learned from my time at the hospital, it's always on days I don't want to talk due to a sore throat that seemingly everyone wants me to carry on a conversation with them)


why am i dizzy so much lately..?
is it because i'm dehydrated...? no, i've been drinking more water, so that's not it...
perhaps it's due to a lack of sleep? but even with plenty of sleep, i'm dizzy too...
i've been getting headaches, too, maybe it has to do with migranes or something? god, i hope that's not it...
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Mmm :[

Well, good news: I pretty much have the job at Gamestop. I was told to fill out the application and turn it in Wednesday afternoon; as they go over some orientation stuff >:3


@Kari: I've been INSANELY dizzy lately. I'm usually somewhat dizzy all the time but this is way worse. I've also had a stuffy nose and sore throat so I assume it's a touch of some illness going around.

@Pent: Oooh, congrats! : o