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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I turned my friends into happy zombies. :P
Simon was here :P


I have no idea what's going on

So, I've officially made the decision to scrap plans to take the Spirit with me when I move. I'm having too many problems out of it for it to be worthwhile, so I think my plan will be to fly up there with some clothes, my laptop, and enough money in the bank to get myself a car (With a safety net to support myself while I try to find a job). Seems like the better option at this point; would finally allow me to break free of being bound strictly to Chrysler\Dodge\Plymouth because dad refuses to let me get anything else, as I'd really like something imported; a Nissan or Honda would be neat, and I also love the Beetle, but I'm leaning Toyota.

Also, I'm really thinking my only solution as far as getting bills paid is that I will have to bite the bullet and try to get on at the city; even if it feels like a waste for me since they generally expect you to stay until you retire, and I only intend on staying until I have enough money built up to get out (Which ideally will be about a year). I don't really want to leave Pizza Hut until I'm ready to move, but it seems like I might not have a choice if I want to recover from being fucked over by mom in a reasonable amount of time and get out of here by 2015 at the earliest >_>;

On a more frustrating note, it seems I got scammed on the giant lot of blind bag ponies my sister had me buy for her. The seller is marked as being shut down by eBay, and that if I don't hear anything in 10 days, to file a report to get the money back. So, blind bag ponies are the new Apple III?


@Kari: I'm sorry to hear about that. :C

@Pent: That sucks. On all accounts. ><

Quote from: NejinOniwa on October 03, 2013, 04:45:47 AM
Quote from: Bella on October 02, 2013, 10:42:28 PM
Finally a fun assignment, gotta code a little web page! The instructor recommended using Notepad or TextEdit but I'm a macho man something so I'm doing it in Emacs.

I also got OK'd to write a research paper on a computer history topic. :>

Also, had exam today. Feelsgoodman.


Good luck Nej!!

Quote from: Dr. Kraus on October 03, 2013, 08:47:08 AM
@bella: For the freedom that is free software Emacs will pave the way *glowing
Richard Stallman floating head in space*

That was glorious. [sheds single tear]

Quote from: stewartsage on October 03, 2013, 10:24:17 PM
God why is the Mount Washington Hotel so expensive?  I just want a few days of classy vacation with my lady.

N'aww~ >w<


Indeed. My sister was looking forward to those pony lots, and I was too :\

Also, my sister is supposed to help me get the stuff I need to fix up my car next week


Got my stuff and in the mail, a charger for the DS, and enjoyed my Forest Festival.


is that a festival or a DS game?

@pent: sad as it seems, it sounds smart. but always remember, TAKE THE DAMN CAT. we can arrange the apartment before you get here. we might even be able to arrange the car. but i (and you, in the end) will NEVER forgive you if you leave him behind.
also, go for the job, despite not fulfilling their expectations of being a lifer. if it pays more, it pays more. :0

you know, if i (or my sister) talk to the place where she works, i might be able to mail you an application and you can mail it back (with resume) shortly before you leave, and we can turn it in for you. :3

i am so GODDAMN FRIED. burnt. exahusted. emotionally and physically drained. totally stressed out. and the worst part is that it's just going to get worse. i'm beginning to crack under the pressure. i spent about 20 minutes with my mum in the car tonight just bawling my damn eyes out over life, this damn wedding, and the assumptions my family makes. anyone in my family who thinks i'm happy or thinks i have it easy will recieve a prompt foot in their ass. (the moral of this story children is to always remember that no matter how calm the surface may be, people usually have their own problems deep down.)

on the upside, we have my facebook status from this morning:

"it's barely 11 am and i've already been to 5 stores, 2 of which were a liquor store and a porn store. this is an interesting day."
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on October 04, 2013, 07:58:11 PM
(the moral of this story children is to always remember that no matter how calm the surface may be, people usually have their own problems deep down.)

That is so true; as I have my own problems, but it often feels people ignore it or try to claim my feelings are invalid because their horse is amazing or something else that's irrelevant to the situation >_>;


(mm, it tastes just like raisins!)
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Ugh Kari I feel for you. I can't say I know what you're going through but it sucks to have people assume you're doing alright when you aren't. ><

I don't like posting about my problems but I feel like total shit right now. Under the cut because I don't wanna page-stretch with angst.

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Earlier this week I visited this big festival / craft fair that my dad is doing. The drive over was long and annoying and I got lost but it wasn't terrible. Anyway, while I was there my dad asked if my brother or I could help over the weekend, and I agreed (although I was expecting my bro to be first-in-line, since he needs the money more anyway). Anyway, after a somewhat harrowing trip back to my car in the pitch-darkness (I had to park like a half-mile away, IN THE WOODS, because it's so busy there and the parking lots fill up so quickly) and an equally crappy drive home through bumpkinchuck-nowhere Maine / NH (I got about 5 miles off course at one point and only found my way back because there was a motel office open and I stopped to ask for directions), I had some serious misgivings about going back.

Anyway, I told my dad about the issues, and of course he blew them right off. Which is kind of ironic since he's generally terrified that I will be kidnapped/molested/murdered/sold into slavery every time I take a trip, but I've never once felt unsafe on any of my journeys. I felt unsafe this time. Long story short, yesterday I got an angsty, sad, emotionally-manipulative call from him, apparently one of his bestest enemies dropped by to see him the other day and now he's in a tailspin of self-loathing. Anyway, he went on about how nobody likes him, nobody is willing to help him out, that I would be willing to make the drive over if it was one of my friends who needed help, etc. etc. I told him that 1) I like him, 2) I would be willing to help him out if the trip wasn't so difficult and 3) Only if they offered to pick me up and drive me. More bleeding-heart WOE IS ME stuff and then flat-out emotional-blackmail delivered in the most glib way imaginable ("Hey, if you help me out I'll help you out. You need a ride to the MIT flea market, right? It would be a shame if I couldn't drive you.") Anyway, I finally agreed to go.

BUT today I wake up feeling awful. I've had a bellyache since I've gotten up and can't stand or walk without the room spinning. So I call him and tell him that I feel like shit and don't want to risk driving very far in my condition. He's all, "*siiiiiiiiigh*, I wasn't really expecting you to come through for me anyway." and then launches a monologue about how I need to get a job(??????) at Walmart or Marshall's (?????!!!!!!!!!???) so I can learn to support myself in case anything ever happens to him(??? Because I will totally be able to support myself on a $7 an hour paycheck if he dies. Uh huh). So I'm like "You know I'm going to school precisely so I DON'T have to be stuck in a shitty retail job, riiiiight?" As IF I'm going to allow some dumbass minimum-wage job to get in the way of my eduction.

I don't want to give any of you the impression that my dad is a bad person, tbh he's had a difficult life and he's a hard worker who has managed to do the best with what he has. He makes fair points - I would LOVE to be able to work, but I live in the middle of nowhere and decent jobs are in short supply ... and there's no way I'm going into another minimum-wage job, busting my back for peanuts.  That's the whole reason I want to learn a trade in the first place. I would love to be able to help him but I feel like I have to put myself first.

Anyway, I feel like a total asshole writing this, and I feel like a total asshole for not being able to help him. It fucking sucks having your self-preservation instincts and conscience / altruism instincts disagree. I wish I just didn't have one or the other. :|


-insert heartwarming comment here-


Okay, brace yourself for cynical bastardism. With a side of medieval politics.

Are you ready?

Okay. Here we go.

Get used to it. Don't give in when someone pushes you about annoying and crappy things. Small problems (and wangst) can almost always be solved better by the person having them on their own, if they just man up to it and not heap it all over one someone else. That's reality, and you need to adapt to it - get harder. And if you get harder your environment will get harder as well, and you'll be in sync with not whining over small things at each other and equally ready to go all in for each other when it counts.

Imagine two kings, bound in alliance by blood. Both of them wage wars; small conflicts and huge conquests, rebellions and outright civil war. If one of them calls for aid, the other will be more or less bound to accept his call, or face dishonor and scorn from his peers. On the other hand, if he accepts, and then his ally keeps calling for his aid in every single little skirmish that crops up, the answering king will soon be quite cross with his kinsman. Nobody wants to march his troops across the continent five times a year just because.

But fortunately our kings are proud and sensible, and learn when and when not to call for each other's aid. Small peasant rebellions or claims on insignificant neighboring dukes are well in their capacity to handle on their own, and nothing that they really need to bother each other for. When the opponent is one of their rival kings on the continent, however, it is a different matter; even if one of them could stand to overcome their adversary on their own, it is safer and more economical to call for the aid of their allies in that situation. Likewise, when either of them faces an enemy they could not possibly hope to overcome on their own, like the ruler of a great empire or the majority of their own vassal in a conspiracy against the throne, the two band together and forge their bonds to become even stronger in the face of danger.

When kings fight kings or certain doom, kings come to their aid; in lesser matters, they stand strong alone.


I think Nej put that really well. Kudos, man :3

@Bella: Reminds me of how one lady working at a clothing store as a cashier was trying to tell my sister that she must go to college now and how the cashier's so thankful her husband made her go to college or else she wouldn't have this entry level minimum wage job...when my sister was a department manager at a rival clothing store without so much as a high school diploma. So, focus on what you want to do and not what other people feel you should do :3

@Kari: Thanks for the laugh. I had a feeling you'd reference that song LOL

So, today is actually going fairly well. It's looking very promising as far as a job at Gamestop (I was told I'd likely get about 4 hours a week tops; which would make it easy to work around Pizza Hut. Not much, but hey; extra money), as the store manager was going to have a meeting with his assistant managers soon to discuss things, and asked me to come back in Monday after lunch to talk to him again for new info. Also, dad got me a job application for the city; since I want to primarily aim for that, but if I don't get it, the little extra money from Gamestop will help out.

Also, we hit a few garage sales. Mom bought me a USB keyboard (Compaq branded, and it looks unused), I bought an unopened set of chopsticks for $1 (Which came with some nice stands to rest them on), my sister bought me a miniature samurai helmet (Big enough to fit on top of the Pokéball that my gold Pikachu card is in. Yes, a samurai helmet on a Pokéball), and my sister found a replacement driver's seat for a Ramcharger that is in very good shape for $3 (Very nice; as hers was broken in the wreck, and they typically run $25+ for one in this good of shape).

At one of the sales, I got a laugh when I saw a VHS copy of Robot Jox; as the Cinema Snob reviewed that a few months back. I half expected to find Caligula or some other movie he's reviewed next to it -w-;

Plus, shiny Girantina event monater from Gamestop. Fuck yes; my favorite of the legendary trio from Diamond\Pearl\Platinum in an oddball color >:3


So... yay, got my glasses on Wednesday! I also got new clothes, now I don't have to walk around town looking like a homeless person ^u^

That's it really.


@pent: nice, man! post pics ^^

my sis says good luck, and "i'm sorry". xD;

@leaf: post pics. ^^

@bells: brothers in pain ;v; *brofists*
i know EXACTLY how you feel. small towns SUCK for work and most of the family has had their jobs for years, so they have no fucking idea how tough the market is now. so they think i'm just not trying. excuse ME for not wanting to apply at burger king, who pays and treats you like crap, makes you come home smelling like sweat and ass and won't pay enough to get anything done anyway. >>;
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