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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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I hate those sort of nights. Usually, internet goes out, and mom's hogging the TV as always, cutting off what I can do :\



Oh look at me, I'm Bells, the internet was out for four hours and I lost my fucking mind /bellsvoice

Woo, meeting delayed!  Got a weekend to myself after all!

Why is there a show about Mary Queen of Scots?  That's interesting I guess.


Quote from: stewartsage on September 25, 2013, 09:27:18 PM
Oh look at me, I'm Bells, the internet was out for four hours and I lost my fucking mind /bellsvoice


So today I derailed English class into a class discussion about sexism and racism in the media. Also some things happened and I kinda came out as asexual and panromantic-ish? Granted, somebody opened up the proverbial closet door and I just seized the opportunity to cartwheel out of it in a flash of glitter. Everyone was surprisingly cool but it was still SUPER SCARY.

And in Intro to Computers I teamed up with one of my few fellow female students & Mac users and we got through the lab project pretty quickly, despite numerous setbacks from the generally-surly lab computers! And while i was putting everything back into place some of my classmates started asking me for help and i had no idea how to handle it. It's one of those rare "I feel like a capybara among guinea pigs" moments. ;_;


Mmm. I'm sure it'll go better tomorrow :[

On my end, I'm now more seriously trying to find a secondary job; as I'd like to have a secondary source of income to help knock out these bills, as my hours at work have rapidly shrunk.

EDIT: Gamestop seems promising. I talked to the manager, and while he said they won't start hiring for it until closer to Halloween, he asked me to come in again next week to talk to him. So, I'll likely do that, and when I get a chance, I'll call the hospital in Tyler to get more job info (I could become a housekeeper, which is what I nearly was before equipment orderly, and it'd be full time, but I'm not 100% sure given the problems with my car)


Good luck the with those jobs! Gamestop seems like a good fit for you, I'm sure you'd do awesome there. :3

So today the networking / hardware instructor taught the programming class. He's an ex-military electrical engineer and has worked with a bunch of different programming languages, just not the one we're learning (at least not in a very long time). Class still went well, his style was a little more technical and verbose but everyone followed him alright. Apparently he has a reputation for being "mean", but he just seemed loud and brusque more than anything else. (As opposed to the usual instructor, who is rather gentle-mannered and soft-spoken and occasionally threatens to break the hands / fingers of anyone caught cheating.) 

Once again I got accosted (read: asked nicely) for help. I was gonna go home after I finished my lab project, but then I decided to stick around and finish my homework too. Despite it looking daunting initially, I managed to solve it fairly quickly. This dude sitting a few desks down from me literally threw up his hands and hissed "OH COME ON!" at his computer under his breath, the instructor was busy helping somebody else so I went over and tried to point him in the right direction, although I was cautious not to give him instructions because I don't want my fingers to be broken. Also, he was wearing a Companion Cube teeshirt ... totally unrelated, but it's good to see the Portal fans represent!

(There also seems to be an unusual number of Whovians and Sherlock fans running around. WHERE THE HELL BE MAH BRONIES / ADVENTURE TIME FANS?)


So I may have accidentally written a railroad president and may have a potential job lead?


@Bella: Thanks ^^
Also, throw in some TGWTG fans, nerdfighters, and Supernatural fans, and your college is the fandom side of Tumblr in a physical space -w-;

@Stew: Sounds good. Also, I liek trains


i just read all your posts in pony voices.
and i realized i haven't posted on OSC in almost a week. woooow, MMOs are scary.

@stew: kickassssssss. what would the job entail, exactly?
@bells: good on ya! don't take requests for help as scary. if it were me, i'd be honoured. ;v;
if nothing else, i'm glad your classes are going well and you're adjusting to college life nicely. it can be scary for some so i was a little worried about you. ^^;
also, you're making me nostalgic for my computer classes up at the high school... ;v;

@pent: very nice. ^^
though tbh i never pictured you as a housekeeper. remind me to photoshop your face onto a picture of Consuela. xD

@leaf: you're welcome. -w-
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True. I am more of an equipment orderly, because I remember it so you don't have to I'm a master of cleaning and disinfecting equipment. Mopping isn't my bag -w-;


"hey joe, did you use the stuff with the little scrubbing bubbles?"
"they clean the bowl so YOU DON'T HAVE TOOOOO~!
no, i didn't."
- Radio Assistant and Joe, Joe Dirt
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Simon was here :P




That was random -w-;

So, my sister sent me some eBay gift cards earlier to order her a lot of 40 assorted blind bag ponies, which she said she'd give me the first Luna she finds, as well as any she already has >:3



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