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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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humm seems your on now then, since im getting quick responces
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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yes, vacation.
Just got back from the DMV. . .


Actually I just went on vacation too! no work for the next 20 days :D woo! I hope to get some work done on the project while im free from the shackels of work.. Maybe get the teaser done.  At the very least finish the character model sheets and possibly draft out the home location.

come to think of it i need to go to the DMV too to extend the registration on my car before I start driving home.  That will have to wait till tommarow tho
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I just got my lisense, next spring I'll get my motorcycle Lisense too.


Congrats!  I got pulled over yesterday -.- going a little fast and had a head light out. They let me off with a warning tho.  The headlight is gonna cost a decent penny tho.

Ive always wanted to get my Motocycle licence. I might do that after deployment then I got 25000 just sitting around to buy something like a bike with.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

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weren't you just deployed?


oh no -.- that month I was gone was just training. deployments are 6+ months. But over there I will have net access and can continue to post artwork from there, and Ill have alot of down time sitting in the armory.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I thought you were over there right now.

I got to think of a name. . .

panda added the following  8 minutes after last message :

my parents said if I was born a girl, my name would be Jennifer. Jen.


jen is a good name.  Personaly tho, my favorite female name I have to say is Tara. I donno why, It just is -.-
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


I like Jen too. It feels really weird to pick my name, because of transitining, thought I'm not doing it now, just thinking. Probibly in 2 years I'll really start.

panda added the following  12 minutes after last message :


panda added the following  2 minutes after last message :



Hiya panda-san!

I read about the problems creating polls... would you like me to create those polls for you, as a short-term solution? If you'd like to, you could PM me with the exact questions, options and introductionary texts, and I could then put them up in the forums and inform others they were originally your ideas. What do you say? ^_^

edit: typo *serious nod*



panda added the following  40 minutes after last message :

so, how you been?


Been doing fine, thanks. Working part-time very hard at the moment, with the pre-Christmas week and such... but it's worth it: not only money, I also like my part-time job as a cashier (interacting with customers is most of the time great fun). ^_^

And you, panda-san (or others, everyone's free to participate ;179)?


eh. don't like the holidays. hate enteraction with people (except a loved one, which I don't have).


Sigh... a loved one. Maybe one day... *looks out of the window*

I personally don't have anything against the holidays season, but I feel the genki-genki carols and a bit over-the-top consumerism are bit out of their place. I like giving people presents, one for each, but receiving presents is terribly troublesome and irritating. *corrects glasses*

edit: Don't be scared if my avatar changes; I'm experimenting with a few options. ^^;