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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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You guys are good with computers - why in the ever-loving fuck is it so difficult to find a laptop with a processor that's more than 2.6ghz? I bought Eve (who is neither a PC nor laptop, but that's beside the point) 4 goddamn years ago, she cost $1600 and came equipped with a 2.93GHZ processor, I would expect that laptop processors would have improved in the last 4 years (~technology marching on~ and all that) but here I am unable to find a laptop with a 2.6+GHZ processor for less than $1000. Has processor manufacturing hit some sort of brick wall, where companies can't produce improved processors for less money? What is going on here?

I'm asking because Xue heatstroked in class today while VisualStudio was installing and something happened and now she's missing a bunch of components (.Net framework among other thigns) and it's fucked-up Windows 7 beyond repair (it doesn't seem to have any wireless functionality anymore, I can't install or delete programs, it's being generally slow and buggy). I'm considering getting another computer because I NEED a Windows machine to do my homework on and it NEEDS to be stable enough not to shit all over itself at regular intervals, but considering the selection of "winners" I've found from Acer, Dell, HP and even motherfuckin' LENOVO, I think I'd have better luck just partitioning Eve's harddrive and installing W7 on her. Her specs are miles ahead of most of the PCs I've found (that are actually in my price range [under $800]).


It has in GHz speed, things don't clock much faster now than they did in 2008 unless it's an enthusiast processor. As well as the fact most PC manufacturers don't want to put high clock processors in a small frame because it can't take the heat. We've mostly hit a wall with how fast things can be clocked on average really unless we find a new material to build it on. 4 GHz is about the speed limit when it comes to regulation, 3.5 GHz iMacs in 2009, 3.9 GHz iMacs in 2013. Now, technology aims towards more cores or more efficient operation instead of brute forcing more clockspeed.

The heart can only beat so fast.


Upon reflection, I drew the same conclusion - that faster processors probably run too hot for a laptop chassis. But I wasn't sure. That being said, I'm still annoyed that prices haven't come down.


That and use too much power since going up in clock speed is FAR harder than adding another core and requires odd engineering due to how it interacts with cache and transport busses. Most components are slower than a good CPU overall anyway.

AMD does have a processor that turbos to 5 GHz and it uses
220 watts and costs $800.
This processor uses more power than a 60' television.


Holy mother of Unix. : O

I'm so so so annoyed right now. I want a Windows machine, but I want it to be a homemade desktop WITH INSANE SPECS for high end image editing and 3d modeling and gaming and stuff. I also want a laptop, but the only laptops I'd consider are Macbooks. I mean I REALLY haven't liked the "economy" PC laptops I've seen, PC laptops haven given me nothing but grief, I fucking LOVE my iMac and it's the best computer I've ever owned and I would marry it if that was legally and ethically acceptable, and also I'd like my laptop to be dual-booted with something other than Windows, and so far the only non-Windows OS I've had complete success with is OSX. But Macbooks cost an arm, a leg, another arm, a lung, a kidney, a half a liver, and also another leg.



Mmm :[

Yeah; finding a laptop with greater than 2.8Ghz without getting into Alienware \ MacBook Pro \ other ultra high-end stuff is going to be hard. I looked into a gaming-capable laptop and decided it was cheaper to get a desktop; ultimately ending up with TARDIS...which died shortly after I paid off Asagi, but learning from mistakes in its design is what lead to 2k-tan the Desktop having 5 case fans and an oversized processor heatsink\fan -w-


Quote from: Bella on September 05, 2013, 06:48:47 PM
I'm so so so annoyed right now. I want a Windows machine, but I want it to be a homemade desktop WITH INSANE SPECS for high end image editing and 3d modeling and gaming and stuff.
I forgot I even had Madobe for a while.
I was supposed to put her on craigslist 2 months ago. We see how that ended up.


I hear plenty of crows and magpies outside, and that's not something foreign to me in any way. What I'm NOT used to, however, is when their familiar cries are joined by the distinct calls of ravens flying by.

Fitting, perhaps, that the old temple-city of the Norsemen remains in the claws of its raven god, even when the christmen claim the temple itself.


@Nej: i saw a raven the other day, too. Morrigan is among us once again...

@bells: now you have me determined to find you a decent laptop because for some reason i like searching for things. TO GOOGLEEEEE
click to make it bigger


@Kari: If you find anything good, pls share it with me. ;^;

Dr. Kraus

Watching SuperGT right now.

GoodSmileRacing is doing really well in Q2, they had just finished Q1 with a 5th place end to start 5th in Q2 and move up to 1st.

fight fight fight gsr

miku miku miku


I went to the town wide yard sale today. It didn't seem as big as 2011's, but here's what I picked up:
-Yin yang and coyote stud earrings, $1
-Hamsa & nazar bracelet, mandala earrings and ... a possibly-working 8GB iPod nano(?), $4 (it's screen is chipped and the owner lost the power cord for it, she said it worked when she last used it).
-Various books, $4.25
-A bunch of Evangelion manga & notebook, $5
-Vegetable steamer, $3
-A small bunch of fabric remnants, $1


Post pics of the iPod? :3

Well, time for work. Have to go in early for a meeting :\



O hai :3

So, I have work in about an hour...and I'm debating about taking 2k to grandma's office today, since mom will likely hog all the bandwidth with Netflix