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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Jeez, 1300 already?  How?  '__'

*sigh*  -__-

Considering my post count is getting too big to handle, I'm thinking of taking a small vacation from forum posting.  
I could probably use the time to draw, translate the Mac Manga, maybe do some more Wiki avis and of course the whole animation experiment thingie.  ^^'

What opine y'all?  ^^'


Quote from: "C-Chan"Jeez, 1300 already?  How?  '__'

*sigh*  -__-

Considering my post count is getting too big to handle, I'm thinking of taking a small vacation from forum posting.  
I could probably use the time to draw, translate the Mac Manga, maybe do some more Wiki avis and of course the whole animation experiment thingie.  ^^'

What opine y'all?  ^^'

Rubbish. C-Chan must both post and draw. ^___^

(Super Ego: And Pitkin-san is the best person to say that; he doesn't either draw or post too much.)

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like giving orders. v_v


You should do all those things, C-chan.  But don't go and disappear alltogether. (you know, like I did).      ;014

Find some kind of way to just post a little in between.  Exercise some kind of restraint... or maybe some sort of self-punishment method.  -_-;;;    Just kidding, hehe.  :P


C-Chan, I agree with Pitkin and Silentbob:  Do not ââ,¬â€ repeat, do not ââ,¬â€ vanish from the board!  Let me put it another way:  Please don't vanish from the board.




*sniff sniff*  You mean I'm obliged to be a posting slave....  ;-;
Hidoi Pitkin-san....
You might as well stick a jail collar on my neck and call me "Mami".  ^v^'

In any case, it'd only be for a couple of days, you know.  `v'
I ain't pulling no 2-month absence like said person with an awesomely-kawaii avatar -- more like from now till Sunday, for example.  ^v^'

Besides, I'm a horrible multi-tasker, so I usually have trouble mixing anything between other things.  -v-'

And the whole crux of the matter is that my post count is so high, it makes me feel bloated like a,........... hog.....  Ã,¬__Ã,¬


'kay, granted that should be natural, but in any event I need to let other people catch up.

I'll think it over for another day, but if I do decide on the vacation, you musn't worry too much about it.  Otherwise you'll give off the impression that you're dependent on this piggy, which should never and must never be the case if you're thinking in the long-term.  '_'

*trots off to ponder*


I disappeared for like, what, 2-3 weeks?

ehe. Jeff sees no problem. At least there's a warning here. ^^


Sonotori!  ^v^
It's as SleepyD says.  -v-

Of course, things are different now that a new Amiga user has popped up in this board.  The last thing I want to do is disappear for a few days when a fellow Amigan is in need of company!  ^v^


I see no problem with c chan taking a leave of absence.. as long as it is to finish the 3.1 2.0 picture.   HINT HINT.

Other news, Im not sure you are all aware but the comic project that had pretty much ground to a halt for a time is movign again, slowly but more surely.  Got a new motivated writer that has compiled and assembled more writting so far then we did the entire first year of the project (tho that aint sain much)  even so far as to have already started scripting out issue one.  hopefully there will be at least a rough draft of the comic of it by new years.

Further on that note, I just picked up Manga Maker 3.0 debut.   Ill say yes it was a gamble but so far it has PAID OFF.  I was worried i was just shelling out the money for some cheezy paint knock off or something of the sort, but it turns out to be an extreamly useful program thus far.  Perfect for what it claims to do! It combinds the elements of photoshop, publisher, and opencanvus in a similer style but it has unique tools spicificly for comic artists.  on top of that it has a massive computone archive!   This should seriosly help me out.

On another note im not too sure any of you are aware of,  I have a little more then a week left in the marine corps (well not counting terminal leave)  very soon I will no longer be able to call in artillary strikes on you, but I will have a normal schedule and will be able to work on the project more regularly. I will also be moving back to washington (too bad i never got a chance to meet my near by so cal forum neighbors) getting my own apartment and will have high speed internets again (compleat with a series of tubes!)

With all that being said, there may still be parties interested in joining the project.  My messangers can be found on my profile, message me and let me know, otherwise you will miss out.  the public discussion and such works for general ideas and discussion but lets face it work dosent get done very fast when your waiting for posters to reply in thier own sweet time.  thus from this point out the manga team will be working behind the sceans posting mile markers such as compleated scripts, drafts or issues, but not as much of the work inbetween. Most of that is going to be done by messanger programs.  More artists are always welcome, but currently our big unfilled team position/project is creating a portion of the site to post the comic, cus lets face it, neither the forum or the gallery currently is a very good fromat for displaying any form of cronological comic.  If there is anyone with web site skills that has the time to make a simple comic friendly web page design that can be attached to the forum like the gallery currently is they would be a valuble member of the team.  We would even lovingly call you the webmaster.  Might even be some groveling.  

After an issue or two is up, then it will be a simple matter of keepign it up and spreading the word about it.   Newyinz and wiki would be a good one (its been a while since i read the article but im pretty cirtain there is a list of available comic sites on there too we could be added too...)

Another possible department *coughbaconbits-sancough* would be subbing, but in reverse!  Translating it into japanese for our possible japanese audiance!

Now that that info is out of the way,  im happy to say I got the first 12 eps of rozen maiden.  LOVE IT.  Tho not nearly enough to say the blasphamus things some of you have said about akamatsu-san's work.  I shall have to rant about it muchly (as well as raving and foaming at the mouth about my poor connection preventing me from getting the second half)  later but I will say this so far,  the villan is the best character in it (and i swear it has nothign to do with the fact she could be 3.1samas twin sister) .  Hands down. lets hear it for junk!  Im just a sucker for bad girls that have a good heart deep inside (like evangeline or kanako) Im hoping in season two they bring her back somehow in more of a protagonist role.  

anyhow, now I must draw some,  as well as collect up all my feild gear I have to turn in to wash.  So little time so much to do.  the next week is going to be hell.  

This is the captain, out.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Sucker for Akamatsu's bad girls, eh? Well, I guess you've found a niche. As for me, I'm mostly recovering from a few hard days. With my dad's operation and extended hospital stay (he's fine now), a ton of homework, and an Algebra II Midterm, I'm in a pickle. Next week looks bad, with part II of the midterm, an essay, and a huge lab report due before Christmas Vacation. However, by next Friday, it's all over. It's late, so I'll see yinz tomorrow!


Good to hear he's fine.  ^__^
Guess DR-DOS-chan sent good vibes, eh?  ^v^

Too bad she hasn't done homework in over 20 years.  -v-'

As for the Captain:

A) Already made nice progress with eComStation-tan: it shouldn't take long to finish her.  Got my inspiration back, so I should be able to pick up where I left off with 2.0/3.11-sama.  I already have initial face work and the Poser renditions ready, so it's not like I have to start from scratch.  -v-

B) The website assistance sounds interesting.  If you only need a simple one, the least I can do for you is to help set one up for your comic (plan to do the same for the translated Mac Manga).  Bear in mind that I've accidentally stretched myself thin as far as projects go -- while I don't intend to sideline you, this just might be my delusion of grandeur talking right now.  ^___^;

C) You thought Suigintou looked like 3.1-sama?  O__o


.....Personality-wise I liken her more to OS/2-tan, but okay.  ^^;

On the other hand, in Traumend,... hoho.....

I can see you kissing the screen when you meet the REAL 3.1-sama clone.  ^v^

D)  Sorry if I missed anything.  My brain is too scrambled to make out ever detail in your post.  Xvx

Maybe I will take that vacation after all......  ^________x


*runs outta nowhere*

Guys! I've gotta ask: what's "Fancy Hearing Cake"?

*calms down*

As for me, I've got a lot of work and a lot of Negima and Azumanga Daioh to watch, so I think I'll be on a low-post-count vacation until about the 15th. As for my dad, he's gotten a lot better and should be out this weekend. I've also wanted to see what all the fuss is about concerning "The Place Promised to Us In Our Early Days", so I'm booked. In conclusion,

Volo bonam noctem vis!


new yins!  Tea for you!!

Are you watching the new or old negima series?  Get both, watch both.  The second is still being producted (ive got up to ep 7 so far... it has strayed drasticly from the original, but is some how... more fun.  its down right silly sometimes like the chupracabra research club... its called Negima?!  rather then Negima, which is bassed much more closely to the orginal manga (the manga still rules over both of them) The original series is drawn like i said more traditional and poorly sometimes(tho I hear in the american DVD release they have redrawn small parts or even entire sceans to fix alot of those poor animation errors) however its alot less silly and has some very good emotional type episodes.  Specialy in the second half of it... however ill warn you now they gave it a gainix ending.. you have been warned.

c-chan, I can only assume you mean more dolls how up, however since there is a pic floating around of 3.1 sama cosplaying Suingintou apperently Im not the only one that thought it.

must... get highspeed net.. to continue... download...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Quotec-chan, I can only assume you mean more dolls how up, however since there is a pic floating around of 3.1 sama cosplaying Suingintou apperently Im not the only one that thought it.

On the other hand, who DOESN'T want to cosplay Suigintou.  She is a cool gothic lolita, after all.  ^^'

But trust me, once you see Traumend, you'll be love-struck enough to do some disparaging things to your TV or monitor.  ^v^;

I showed you a picture of the new doll in another thread, but probably got lost in the shuffle.  No matter,... let it be a surprise.  ^.^

Now how 'bout something tried and true....  ~desu.  ^v^

QuoteI've also wanted to see what all the fuss is about concerning "The Place Promised to Us In Our Early Days", so I'm booked. In conclusion,

Meh, watch it for the gorgeous artwork.
Ending sucks, but that's about as commonplace in Anime as bears crapping in the woods.  ^__^'

In any case, you took the words right out of my mouth.  -v-

*yawns with fatigue*

I'm gonna go ahead and start my forum "vacation".  My brain is shot and I need time to recharge -- plus I really do want to get some projects completed as quickly as possible.  So please don't be alarmed if I don't show up at all until say,...

*reads Yinzer's post*

...the 15th sounds bout right.  ^__^

I'll return with gifts and spices from the orient, so there's no hard feelings.  ^.^

Anyway, please take care y'all.  -v-

Have fun, post a lot, and by all means please keep this place lively.  ^__^

*trots off*

*signs off*


Anyone know of a downloadable program that I can find online, that will allow me to type in japanese font?

There are alot of Riviera images and everything, and I can only go so far with english.

Also to date:
Aurora's dragon (In progress: 5%)
Fan-art contest picture (Complete: 100%)
I'll post the picture after the contest is over...

Girl I like's christmas card (Complete: 100%)
...wait...why'd I say that!?

OS-tan forums dragon (In Progress: -5%)
I don't even know who does and doesn't want to be part of it...


Newly added:
Pic for history teacher that's leaving (In progress:0%)

Finals next week, wish me luck.
I'll return all in due time...till then...

Miss you guys...And Girls...And C-Chan, your dragon...hasn't been given an idea for me yet...

Thinking of creating a fanfic/history lesson of my two dragons Uthantion + Helvox. But It will be a read-Only thing, so no one else can take claim to it.

Hope to talk to you guys before my birthday (1/22/90)...


*remote accessing from the mountains of Hokkaido*

Hello all! While I'm building my new nation (Krakowzhia), I just wanted to check back in. I have been sick for several days, and almost good enough to return to school.


Darn hot spring fever...thank god for the lumber and wine!


QuoteGirl I like's christmas card (Complete: 100%)
...wait...why'd I say that!?

Good luck to ye on your romantic pursuit. Ever since I wasn't able to go to the dance with that girl, my life had been...odd.


Before the hot spring fever gets me again, I better got to bed!


See yinz later!

*Ends video uplink*