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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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@Bella: Sounds like here; where you have to have so many classroom hours logged to get a driver's license before you turn 18 :\

So, Stew's package for me arrived today. Thanks, dude ^^


Quote from: Bella on August 15, 2013, 02:18:35 PM

Wow! I wouldn't be surprised if they saw / met Stew at some point then, since it seems like the staff there is pretty small. SMALL WORLD. : 0

@Kriz, re: weird smells: Hm, tbh I've never liked the smell of air conditioning, it always seems damp and musty.

We've been to every railway in WV, some multiple times, so it is likely!

I mean big air conditioners like in an office or recycled air in the car, it just smells so cool and fresh. Very unique smell.


Stew sent me a keychain for them :3
*has it next to vintage Grimes Hardware keychain my dad gave me ages ago*


Sweet!  I wasn't expecting it to get there that quick, honestly.  I dropped it off Monday but the mail apparently goes from Green Bank pretty early so the postmistress said it'd go out Tuesday so that's two days.  GG USPS, this makes up for all your other bullshit.

Kriz: I can provide you with all the pictures of geared logging locomotives and logging equipment you could ever want.  And if you're a Gen I-II diesel fan too you've no doubt seen my RPT posts.  Most of my steam stuff doesn't get posted.


I do think diesels are attractive and I respect their strengths, but I'm more of a steam fan so feel free to post more steam.
Got any good pictures of Heisler locos? They're so strong.


On the subject of diesel: Diesel cars are bloody annoying sometimes, especially since I'm raised driving a petrol driven bloody bus...


I got plenty of Heislers.  I was on the Heisler about a month or so ago.  Rough riding, but faster on level ground.


Quote from: Bella on August 15, 2013, 02:18:35 PM
I never threw my two cents in re: driving tests. I didn't get my license until after I was 18, but that was because I wanted to avoid the bullshit of state-mandated driving classes (anyone under 18 applying for a license has to take driving classes at a professional school, and they're v. expensive). For about 6 months before I got my license my dad gave me driving lessons (people over the age of 18 are allowed to take driving lessons from adults over the age of 21 25), and I learned pretty much everything I know about driving in that time. In fact, dad made me drive TO the DMV (it's about 50 miles away) as my last class. I just barely scraped through the "written" test, ditto for the driving test - I believe if i'd gotten two more answers wrong, I wouldn't have passed. THANK GOD that I did pass because tests freak me the frak out and I probably wouldn't have been able to do that again.

fix'd your post.
click to make it bigger


So the laws are different. What Bella was describing was closer to what it's like here


click to make it bigger


I was thinking Bella went "DERP" and thought she was me or living in the same state as me -w-;;
(Well, same state physically. Mentally, I'm either in NH, Toronto, or my own TARDIS)


click to make it bigger


Indeed :3

So, typing this from Penti-chan because why not?
Also, trying to decide if I want to take 2k to grandma's office to finish patching the game or not. Might be a good idea while I have a clear opening, but I'm not sure yet


jump on your opportunities, my friend! >:3
click to make it bigger


Here it was part of our PE class.  Easy as hell.