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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Well, you all know by now that I've stood on stage regularly since I was 10... so I don't clam up, I ham up.

I do tend to try and practice on my own, though, or just while out walking, but that's mainly because of small, noise-polluted spaces.


logically i know i have a good voice (considering i can sing one song in 5+ different voices....yeah....), but emotionally i flash back to being told i suck and it cripples me. anxiety doesn't help things. ><;
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I have the same feeling over various things sometimes, so you're not alone

Dr. Kraus

Funny, I can't sing very well in English but when you switch the language to French, German, Welsh(yes WELSH), or Russian it can come out quite well.

God damn though, being forced to sing Welsh is painful and your English becomes rotten afterwards.

French is pretty and playing French-style guitar is quite nice but half the time I can only make out half the words of the song (translation) but my dad says I can sing the language quite well.

German can make my voice crack every now and then because it is typically in a lower key along side being harsh, Mum hates it because Brits still have a thorn from Germany (My entire English family dislikes the Germans because of the wars, we fought in both and some branches were snapped).

Russian is fun but I can only sing one song, "Караван" by Alexander Rozenbaum. You have to sing this song from the heart to really appreciate it, since its filled with pain from the Russian invasion of Afghanistan.

All in all,

German - harsh language that I never really enjoyed learning thus I do not speak it past a beginner level
Welsh - No. Why is this not dead.
French - I am enjoying learning it at the present moment, tricky language but I love speaking it more than writing it.
Russian - Old favorite language that I was partially taught by an old friend, I learned more over time by myself but can only listen to understand.


>inb4 English is master language
>inb4 barbarian languages



i can sing in English
British (because i find some distinction between singing in american english vs british english)
Chinese (sort of?)
German (i think?)
Ukranian (if a mashup of english, german, and ukrainian can even be called that)

bear in mind that the majority of songs has English and Japanese tied for first place, with Korean coming in third. the majority of the other languages only have about one song to their credit.
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I can sing in English and BASIC


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Silly kids. Everyone knows LISP is master language. Good luck singing in it though.

Another question for OSC: Have you ever simply been annoyed by the existence of something, even though it's not objectionable or annoying or actually done anything to you?

Because yesterday Red and I were looking at some computer-related videos on youtube and he linked me an Amiga one and it made me remember that I don't like Amigas. I mean they're perfectly okay computers... from a technical standpoint, they're arguably much better than okay. But I don't like them for some reason.

Also, the midwest. Sometimes I'll just be going about my business and I'll remember that the midwest is a thing and I'll grit my teeth and stare into the mid-distance because it simply exists and that's enough to upset me.


yeah, i've gotten that sort of irrational anger over things. there's this one woman named Tempest (god that sounds fake and i hate her for it) that i kind of wish dead despite never actually talking to her. i don't think we've even ever acknowledged each other.

i also get mad at younger artists who are better than me. like, for instance, i found this request on tumblr from this girl looking to draw peoples' favourite characters and OCs because she's sick of doing anatomy. so i was gonna suggest she draw the Ace's High crew so i could slap it in the fanart section, and then i found her deviantart.
she's 15.
and her art dusts mine (and some of OSC's, actually).
and that pisses. Me. OFF.

oh, and whenever the 21st Century Insurance commercials come on i mute them or change the channel. i used to really like them, but ever since they put that bit at the end like "diga-diga-diga-diga-21st" i can't stand them anymore, it's grating on my ears it's so fucking annoying. ><;;;;; (just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.)
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@Kari: Indeed on the 21st Century Insurance ads >_<;;

I have a few others:

- Disney's Cars 2. Why does this exist? I mean, the original was alright, rather weak as far as Pixar films go, but did we really need a sequel?

- The theme song to the failed children's version of American Idol from about 10 years ago. It's like someone bashed their head into a keyboard and everyone felt that it was an absolute masterpiece; to the point that they felt they had to play that goddamn "song" every single time something happened (Commercial break, someone was chosen to move into the next round, etc). I'm glad it was cancelled, if only so the theme song would be lost in time.


kids bop. nuff' said.
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That feels like far from enough said.

I got to interview people after work and I didn't erase the recording even!  Feelin' mighty proud.


Indeed >_>;;

So, interesting thing at work. Some stoners called up and placed a gigantic order that totaled up to $90...and just as everything was ready, they called to cancel it because they didn't have enough money; only having $30 on them and not having a credit card or anything. So, they earned themselves a spot on the "do not take order" list and I got a free box of cheesy breadsticks to bring to lunch tomorrow >:3

Which, I'm going to meet up with dad tomorrow for lunch; since he's working. I'll be home in time for the revealing of the 12th Doctor, of course


sucks for your store but cool for you. -w-
you're gonna have to remind me about the reveal, i'll forget, definitely. :\

@stew: the fact that it even exists feels like a crime against humanity. also, nice on the interviewing! didn't realize you were so high up in the position already. :0
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I have my fez equipped. Ready for the reveal