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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Ultimaninja, you seem to be the go-to guy around here when it comes to dragons.  So, I've a multiple-question question:  Do all dragons breathe fire and fly, or do some dragons breathe fire but not fly, or do some dragons not breathe fire at?  *wonders*




Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow US-peoples today ^o^

I am thankful for!
- my sewing machine
- XP-tan
- the OS boards
- that C-chan hasn't become someone's breakfast yet <3

As for me, I've been in and out and really MIA for a reason ^^; but I still <3 you guys of course! Have a super day ^o^

and Capt instead of cake, today it is pie. All about pie.
So cute it\'s deadly!


Quote from: "MisterCat"Ultimaninja, you seem to be the go-to guy around here when it comes to dragons.  So, I've a multiple-question question:  Do all dragons breathe fire and fly, or do some dragons breathe fire but not fly, or do some dragons not breathe fire at?  *wonders*



Depends on where you get your dragon information. I use old D&D rules (Yeah, I play that table-top game) for dragons.
If you use just the basic list of dragons, we have:
Evil kind:
Black dragon (Spews a line of acid)
White Dragon (Cone of cold)
Blue Dragon (Line of Lightning)
Green (Cone of corrosive acid)
And last but certainly not least:
The Red Dragon (A cone of fire)
The good dragons:
Copper(line of acid/ cone of slow-spell magic)
Silver(cone of cold/ cone of paralyzing gas)
Bronze(Line of Lightning/ cone of repulsion gas[ forces the enemy to flee])
Brass(Line of fire / Cone of magical sleep magic)
Gold(cone of fire)

As you can see, the metallic dragons are "good" and the base color dragons are "evil"

I'll post a more detailed information later. and note:

My extensive knowledge on stuff doesn't revolve on just dragons. I also know alot on ancient mythology...just kinda hard to draw Thor and everyone, compared to dragons...


I am thankful for:
- My Computers
- 95-tan
- The OS boards
- That I don't have to connect through Miami and New York Kennedy
- Aircraft (and lots of em')
- My health
- My family
- And my stash of manga!


Thank you, Ultimaninja, for that information regarding dragons.  One aspect of dragons ââ,¬â€ the living in caves with treasure ââ,¬â€ was set right for me some years ago when I learned Oriental lore holds that such dragons were guarding the treasure against robbery or theft by evil forces, whilst Occidental lore asserted the dragons were hoarding treasure for their own selfish ends.

I suppose that latter concept was developed in order to give human heroic types from Europe and environs a license to kill dragons.  Three cheers (not) for the Occidental humans and their relatively-uncivilized approach to fellow Earthlings!

By the way, speaking of ancient lore, I've got the compact-disk album Edda - Myths from medieval Iceland (Deutche Harmonia Mundi 515976X, 1999) performed by the ensemble for medieval music Sequentia.  Here are the tracks:

01 - Leikr elds ok ísa (The Song of Fire and Ice)
02 - Veit ek at ek hekk (Hangakvæði Hávamála Óðinn's Rune-verses, excerpt from 'Háva
03 - Hlióðs bið ek allar ('Voluspá I', The Prophecy of the Seeress)
04 - Vreiðr var þá Ving-Þórr ('Þrymskviða', The Tale of Þrymr)
05 - Nú erum komnar til konungs húsa ('Grottasongr', The Song of the Mill)
06 - Baldrs minni (In Memory of Baldr)
07 - Senn vóru æsir allir á þingi ('Baldrs draumar', Baldr's Dreams)
08 - Þat man hón fólkvíg ('Voluspá II', The Prophecy of the Seeress)
09 - Ragnarok (The End of the Gods)
10 - Á fellr austan um eitrdala ('Voluspá III', The Prophecy of the Seeress)

If you're interested in having that album, maybe we can work something out via a simultaneously-online file transfer (if you know what I mean).  Let me know.


A seeress tells of the beginning of the world. She describes the ordering of the cosmos, the creation of the earth and sea, of time, tools, men and women and fate. This begins the history of gods and men.

One day, three gods kill an otter they find by a waterfall. They show the otter's skin to King Hreidmar, their host for the night, only to discover that the otter was the king's son, transformed to catch fish. Hreidmar vows to kill the gods unless they cover the otter's skin, inside and out, with gold. The god Loki goes back to the waterfall and catches the enchanted pike that lives there, guarding a hoard of gold. The pike, a transformed dwarf, gives Loki all of his gold, except for one dazzling ring. When Loki takes the ring, the pike warns him that it is cursed and will bring misery to whoever holds it. Loki covers the otter skin with the gold, inside and out. A single whisker pokes out, and Hreidmar demands that Loki cover it with the dazzling ring. Loki tells the king of the curse, but Hreidmar claims all the gold and drives the gods away.

King Hreidmar refuses to share the gold with his two remaining sons, Fafnir and Regin. Fafnir kills his father but refuses to share the gold with Regin. Fafnir transforms into a dragon, nesting on his brood of gold. Regin bides his time while he grooms the young warrior Sigurd to win back the gold for him.

Regin makes Sigurd a sword called Gram, sharp enough to slice the anvil that forged it. At Regin's urging, Sigurd slays Fafnir and roasts the dragon's heart. When a drop of the dragon's blood touches Sigurd's tongue, he suddenly understands the language of birds. The birds tell him to kill Regin before Regin kills him, and take the gold for his own. So Sigurd hacks off Regin's head while he sleeps. Following the bird's advice, Sigurd takes the gold and goes to seek a wife.

Sigurd rides his horse, Grani to the mountain where a valkyrie sleeps and through an enchanted ring of fire that surrounds her. He finds Brynhild, a supernatural warrior woman who is fated to marry whomever can ride through the ring of fire the god Odin has placed around her. Sigurd and Brynhild fall in love, but before they can marry, Sigurd must follow his fate to the court of King Gjuki and Queen Grimhild.

Grimhild decides to win the hero and his gold for her daughter, Gudrun. She gives Sigurd a potion of forgetfulness. He forgets his vows to Brynhild. He marries Gudrun and swears an oath of brotherhood with her brothers, Gunnar and Hogni. Then Grimhild decides that Gunnar should marry Brynhild. Sigurd rides with Gunnar to the valkyrie's mountain, but Gunnar cannot pass through the ring of fire. So Sigurd shape-shifts with Gunnar and rides through the fire to Brynhild in Gunnar's form. Brynhild must marry the warrior who rides through the fire, and so she marries Gunnar, though she still loves Sigurd. When Brynhild realizes that she was tricked into marrying Gunnar, her sorrow turns to rage. She presses Gunnar to kill Sigurd and he sorrowfully agrees. He and Hogni have sworn brotherhood with Sigurd, so they convince their brother Guthorm to do the deed. Guthorm kills the hero, but as he dies, Sigurd slices Guthorm in half. The cursed gold passes on to Gunnar and his kin.

Her revenge accomplished, Brynhild plunges a knife into her own breast, and asks to be burned on a funeral pyre with her beloved Sigurd. Gudrun is devastated by her loss of her love. She wanders the wilderness like a mad woman. Her mother presses her to marry King Atli, Brynhild's wealthy and powerful brother. Gudrun protests, but to no avail. And as she predicts, Atli soon plots to acquire the gold Sigurd left when he died.

Atli invites Gunnar and Hogni to visit, but when they arrive, they are captured. Atli offers to trade Hogni's life for Sigurd's gold. Gunnar demands his brother's heart instead, and Hogni laughs as his heart is cut out. Gunnar too chooses to die rather than tell Atli where the gold is hidden. The secret of the gold dies with him in a pit of vipers.

Gudrun gives Atli food and drink, which turn out to be the flesh and blood of their two young sons. Mourning fills the hall, but Atli has drunk himself to sleep. Gudrun stabs her husband and then tosses flames across the doors, barring exit. Fire consumes all within.

The seeress returns. She recalls the first war in the world, the first oath to be broken, misery, death and destruction for gods and men. Then she sees life return and all is well. But a dark dragon too has returned. And over the land it casts a dark shadow.



Added after 7 hours 1 minutes:




Things I am thankful for:
1. Safely waking up every morning
2. Food
3. Knowledge of the fact that my parents are not like abusive parents you'd see on tv
4. Pets with real personalities
5. The fact that people here don't hate me...(I think)

btw that story is an old Norse legend...
an awsome one at that to!


Yeah, that it is.   :)

Things I'm grateful for:
1...Finding the money I thought I lost, it was under the carpet next to the entrance door when I came home today.   Been brooding over that all day, and then I didn't have to.  ;013


mmmm delicios pie.   pumpkin... XD

I hate thanksgiving -_-  My family used to have grand home cooked home grown thanks giving dinner..  I mean we raised the turkey, grew the potatos, everything.  If we didnt make it or grow it, one of our neighbors did.  Cept the cranberry jelly,  that we got out of a can (tho, its still a favorite of mine none the less)  But in 2000 my dad died on the 19th of november, thus permemently destroying those happy times.    I think that year we at at a sleezy resturaunt.. they didnt have turkey (or were out of it, i forget) or delicios pie!   Since then, every thanks giving has been either spent at dennys (open even on holidays!) or on ship/deployed.  

so basicly... Blah.

My 1st sergeant got word of me spending them at dennys tho.. I got volentold for a thanksgiving dinner program, gave me a turkey and a delicios pie, some stuffing and cranberry sauce.  

in other news my chain of command is exploiting my artistic abilitys again... -_- now they are making unit t shirts and I have to make the design, but ill probobly be out before they are ready and wont get one (come to think of it im still pretty angery i didnt even get a letter of appriciation for the last artworks i did for them -_-)

anyhow.. Ill be on all day, leaching the internets if anyone needs me
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


It's awsomeness, helped lead me to shading dragons and such...

Alex Stankevitch


And time to post something random:


Oh right, that reminds me.....

We're nearing December and OS/2-tan is gonna get discontinued by those IBM bastards on 12/31.

Before the year ends, I promised to draw her a full-body conciliatory picture, much like the one there with ME-chan and the 98's.  ^__^

BTW, sorry for my slight disappearance, but it's all NewYinzer's fault for getting my hooked on Rozen Maiden.  Not only did I enjoy it thoroughly (Suiseiseki RULES!!!!), but  also managed to sneak in all of Killer Angel Dokuro-chan, vol. 2 of Girls Bravo and vol. 1 of 2nd season Mahoromatic.
The last one brings three things to mind:

1) Storyline is still a weird and slightly cliche mix of comedy and drama.
2) However, the adorable Minawa makes up for it.  ^v^
3) ..........................................."Booby Missile"?  O_o

Aside from that -- and semi-translating a Mac Manga page in addition to drawing a cute Linux-tan icon for Fedora-Tan -- I haven't really done much for this place.

I know the Captain's gonna kill me, but I stalled again on 2.0/3.11-sama.  Not really feeling it right now (probably cause I lost a good deal of art momentum), so I'm switching to a smaller simpler drawing just to get my spirit back up to where it should be.  -v-'

And especially now that I've finished seeing Rozen Maiden, there are a few new art elements I'd like to try out to help soften the cel-shading without taking too much time.  ^^


QuoteWe're nearing December and OS/2-tan is gonna get discontinued by those IBM bastards on 12/31.

That sounds like a good plot for a 4koma
*nudge nudge (obscure Monty Python reference)*

Quote1) Storyline is still a weird and slightly cliche mix of comedy and drama.
2) However, the adorable Minawa makes up for it. ^v^
3) ..........................................."Booby Missile"? O_o

1) True! But the amount of comedy and drama balances out the cliches.
2) Minawa is cute, but I saw her as a third wheel character to the dynamic duo of Mahoro and Suguru.
3) The Japanese always think of the good ideas first, eh?

In other news, I figured out that the forum does not have spell check. I had upgraded to Firefox 2.0 which came with spell check for all text fields. Life is good.


1) Storyline is still a weird and slightly cliche mix of comedy and drama.
2) However, the adorable Minawa makes up for it. ^v^
3) ..........................................."Booby Missile"? O_o  

1) True! But the amount of comedy and drama balances out the cliches.
2) Minawa is cute, but I saw her as a third wheel character to the dynamic duo of Mahoro and Suguru.
3) The Japanese always think of the good ideas first, eh?

1) I think its a good balance. The sweet isnt as sweet without the bitter, so to speak.
2) in the series yes, the minimized her role in things.. it was much bigger in the manga.  Once again the manga rules.
3)"shush! Minawa dont say that!"      "......boobie missle...."

QuoteBTW, sorry for my slight disappearance, but it's all NewYinzer's fault for getting my hooked on Rozen Maiden. Not only did I enjoy it thoroughly (Suiseiseki RULES!!!!), but also managed to sneak in all of Killer Angel Dokuro-chan, vol. 2 of Girls Bravo and vol. 1 of 2nd season Mahoromatic.
The last one brings three things to mind:

Im about halfway done downloading the first 12 eps of rozen maiden so soon i will know what everyone is so exited about.  Desu.  Ive got the first 4 eps of KAD-C and I am very disturbed =_= But her little ditty is catchy! pi pi piru piru pi! Or something.  Also got the first few eps of the second negima series.  Talk about taking liberties with the story o_o

QuoteI know the Captain's gonna kill me, but I stalled again on 2.0/3.11-sama. Not really feeling it right now (probably cause I lost a good deal of art momentum), so I'm switching to a smaller simpler drawing just to get my spirit back up to where it should be. -v-'

You know, this morning I woke up, wandered out to my kitchen and made myself an omlet.  With cheese and mushrooms.  It was very tasty, but something was missing.  You have just reminded me what it was...


Luckily I dont have to run to the store for it as I seem to have an ample supply of it right here. Lucky!

It's awsomeness, helped lead me to shading dragons and such...
O_o i didnt even know you were drawing it.. since i didnt see it on your work list...
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


My Seven Pillars for November 26:

1) The Manga is always better.
2) I like turkey bacon.
3) Azumanga Daioh is a good series.
4) Rozen Maiden is a very good series.
5) Mahoromatic is my all-time favourite.
6) You can't change human nature (obscure The Fog of War reference).
7) Have a nice night, see yinz tomorrow!


QuoteThat sounds like a good plot for a 4koma
*nudge nudge (obscure Monty Python reference)*

Hehe,... actually, within the inner recesses of my mind, I actually have a whole plot for an anime/manga geared just for that event.  ^^;

But alas, tis just wishful thinking.  -v-

Recently, though, I have been bouncing around the idea of doing a funny Anti$oft Coalition 4Koma (although it would actually need 8 panels).
Might do it anyway, but would prefer to get at least the first two scheduled pictures out of the way first.

If memory serves, the Captain is still trying to turn me into bacon for the delays.  If I were Sony, I could just crap on his threats, but as a pig, well,... gotta heed....  ^__^;

Quote1) I think its a good balance. The sweet isnt as sweet without the bitter, so to speak.
2) in the series yes, the minimized her role in things.. it was much bigger in the manga. Once again the manga rules.
3)"shush! Minawa dont say that!" "......boobie missle...."

Speaking of Minawa, thanks to her I finally had a concrete design for eComStation-tan.  I was starting to rough sketch her during my week absence, but something about the triple pincer hair wasn't coming out right.  Then I saw Miniwa with a double pincer style done with a perfect blend of 'cuteness' and 'coolness', and suddenly it hit me like lightning!!  ^o^

The rest of her design just flowed off the stylus like water....

So in a way, it's all Miniwa's fault the 2.0/3.11-sama pic is delayed.
Turn HER into bacon!  ^v^'

QuoteIve got the first 4 eps of KAD-C and I am very disturbed =_= But her little ditty is catchy! pi pi piru piru pi! Or something.  

*waves killer spiked club*


*turns Captain into a Shiba*

Or would you prefer the monkey?  ^__^
Oh wait, ep 4 right?
CRAP!  You don't know what I'm talking about yet.  ^v^;

*waves killer spiked club faster*


*changes Captain back*

QuoteI like turkey bacon.

Good boy.  Many presents for you await.  ^v^

BTW, a little blast from the past....

Remember that old Apple B*tch nose art I did for Cat-san?

I looked it over again and found a really serious blooper that would never have gone unpunished back in my old collaging days.  -v-'

A cookie to anyone eagle-eyed enough to spot it.  ^___^