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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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That sounds like the greatest library ever *w*


i got overexcited and probably took out too many books but i could care less : DDD
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That's me at every library ever 'Oh, local history section!' *ten books later*

Kari, Bells would die if she wore heels.  Literally.  The inevitable fall from even low heels would smack her head into the table or the stairs or cause her to trip over a Shitzu/mop.

So the Climax restoration crew are coming back again this weekend.  Yay.  Works okay, I just sort of feel like I'm standing on top of a crumbling dam that talks and annoys me.  I'm also realizing how grateful I was to have a nice, air conditioned house to return to for two years at Harpers Ferry when it was balls-ass hot instead of a fucking wood shack that's humid and hot as fuck.


enjoying the new job, i see? -w-

as for bells, i suppose i underestimated her clumsiness. and now i want to see what she looks like in heels just for the hell of it. xD

tbh i'd be like that around a history section too, it just depends on what kind of history.
if you ever come here, there's a comic at the salem library that's all about the lindburgh baby kidnapping. i think there were a few other historical comics there too, you might like them. :0

that reminds me, if i ever did a comic version of Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, do you guys think anyone would read it? :\
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@Kari: IDK what that is, so I'm not sure :\

So, I ended up staying out a lot longer than I intended. Me and some friends from work were trying to take down Roxanne Richter the damn ninja bitch(TM) in Scott Pilgrim and lost track of time ^^;;


>Read all of my previous posts here
>Think about why I was so dumb
>Dem feels
>Wishing I could go back in time to say "So sorry for all the faggatory."


I know the feeling. I remember stumbling onto the very first video game review I has ever written, circa 2002, and wow was it painful to read; I'm impressed it was approved to be posted.

Although, said review has finally been purged from the internet, which is nice.



@leaf: trust me, i feel the same way about my early posts, but having them there is a good reminder of where you came from. you're close to 1500 posts, which is a big step, so it's only natural to feel that way after all this time. -w-

@pent: i didn't expect most people to know it, but i figured maybe stew did. it seems like the kind of thing he would either read or be forced to read in high school. :\
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I know it, but we didn't have to read it in school.  It depends on whether you like Henry James' style of writing; it's very emblematic of the era and while overwrought as Victorian literature seems to be it's an interesting look into the time period.  It'd probably be more palatable in comic form.

I'm enjoying work!  It just has extremely dull periods and the whole operation is being winched back from the edge while half the staff keep trying to drag it over.

Also: I had to search 'How the fuck do I preheat the oven?' today.  Proof positive I haven't used a stove in a long time.

Pent: NOTHING DISAPPEARS FROM THE INTERNET.  Also, the Scott Pilgrim game has multiplayer?  Sweet.


more reason i need to find a way to get scott pilgrim and we need to play with each other.

also, idk if we're talking about the same book. while Maggie IS from around that time period (late 1800's, early 1900's), it was written by an american, Stephen Crane (you may know him from The Red Badge of Courage or maybe The Blue Hotel), in the voice of the Bowery.
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@Stew: Yep; the game has local multiplayer, with online being available as DLC :3

@Kari: Indeed. If you get a PS3, I'll buy the game on there so we can play (That way I don't have to pay for Xbox Live; as PlayStation Network is free >:3)


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Awesome.  I should really consider getting that, even if I am shit at fighting games.


Quote from: stewartsage on July 18, 2013, 11:20:25 PM
Kari, Bells would die if she wore heels.  Literally.  The inevitable fall from even low heels would smack her head into the table or the stairs or cause her to trip over a Shitzu/mop.

Yes. All of this. I'm way too physically awkward to wear heels without hurting myself.

Also I have a history of ankle / foot pain issues so I try to wear shoes that are as comfortable as possible.

QuoteI'm also realizing how grateful I was to have a nice, air conditioned house to return to for two years at Harpers Ferry when it was balls-ass hot instead of a fucking wood shack that's humid and hot as fuck.

The house didn't seem overly-warm when I was there. You guys having a heat wave too?

Quote from: Chocofreak13 on July 18, 2013, 09:54:36 AM
EDIT: found the library! met some nice people on the way in, chatted them up for quite a while. and the library's manga dwarfs mine. my 460-volume collection. and this is a PUBLIC. LIBRARY. it's like, unheard of. :00000
i walked out of there with 16 manga volumes. my mum didn't even plan to get any books and she walked out with 3. xD


I'd attempt to do an inter-library loan of some of those manga but every time I've ever tried to do library loans it's always gone nowhere.

Quote from: LeaflameSD on July 19, 2013, 06:33:39 AM
>Read all of my previous posts here
>Think about why I was so dumb
>Dem feels
>Wishing I could go back in time to say "So sorry for all the faggatory."

That feel, bro. I know it.


inter-library loans are well worth it! i did my first inter-library loan when i was in 1st grade, and i got to read a book i could never find again! :3

tbh i lucked out, though, the reason i went to this library is because the local libraries work on a network now. i can take out stuff from all over the place using my card! :3

if you manage to get permission to do an inter-library loan, this place doesn't limit the amount of books you can take out, but they have to be returned in 2 weeks. :0
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