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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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One more day until adventure. All I have planned is to put the backseat back in the van and go to work


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Thanks ^^

I got the backseats put back in the van...although I unfortunately cut my leg on a sharp corner. Otherwise, everything is going well; plan on loading up the CD player in the van later, and when I get off, I do some last-minute laundry and start to cook


at least i wasn't the only one to have problems with corners today! fricken coffee table....
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Don't get me started.  My bed has tried to kill me from 1991-present.

So I put Bells on the train at 11:44 AM today.... I don't know what to do with myself.  Also the drive back sucked because it rained the whole way with a log truck in front of me and lightning struck maybe a mile away while I was pumping gas in White Sulpher.


That's not good :[

So, I'm about to go to work. Just 4 hours* until I can get off and start making my bento for tomorrow
*Unless I feel like staying late


gl man, enjoy yourself! i had to temporarily disable skype because i needed to conserve RAM. i'll be back on soon~

@stew: all the more reason to move to new england, it's sweet up here bro. sweet like syrup.
glad to hear you didn't get struck by lightning. it's scary, man, i would know. >>;
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I was wondering why you weren't online

So, now I'm off work. Mom keeps telling me to cook tomorrow, but I'll do it tonight so it's one less thing I have to do tomorrow

Also, I realized tomorrow is National Free Slurpee Day at 7-11...and the nearest location to Tyler (Or even Palestine, for that matter) is in Dallas :\


aw. sucks, dude. :[

EDIT: so i'm currently downloading way more Atlus soundtracks than i should. i haven't even played half these games.
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Nice. If one of them happened to be the Persona 3 soundtrack, I could have hooked you up ^^;

So, my bento is assembled now. It consists of 1\3 cup rice and 6 chicken nuggets on the top, and a spoon, some peanuts, and some jellybeans in the bottom layer (There's a blank spot where the apple slices were going to be, but I figured I'd just bring the entire apple with me and have it as a snack after I finish my second wave of exploring tomorrow night).

Also, since the hotel chain has a special offer where I get a $50 gift card (Which can be used anywhere) if I book a second stay anytime between now and early September, I might do this again next month; going with the cheaper room, so it'll be like basically getting a night for free -w-


kickass, dude. -w-

have moved on to vocaloid albums. i am getting more music than could ever reasonably be considered "healthy".
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The goose is in the nest. (that's my super secret code for "I am back in Bahstin".)

New England = happy face,  no Stew = sad face. :C


@Bella: Glad to hear you arrived safely, at least :3

So, I didn't get much sleep last night. Finally went to bed at nearly 2AM, woke up around 4:30, went back to sleep, woke up again a little after 7AM, and just decided to get up. Stomach is slightly messed up at the moment, but that will most likely fade once I wake up a little more

EDIT: Well, eating a piece of toast helped. Still up too damn early; leaving me to wonder what to do to pass the time :\


i daydreamed for 2 hours.
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galaxy  note 10.1
Input methods need work
autocorrect tricky
Spacebar sometimes puts input at top of page.
Simon was here :P