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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Sounds nice

On a different note, I'm really sick of the near-constant meetings at work >_<;;
I just hope this week is the last of them for the next several months

EDIT: On a lighter note, my wig arrived today. I'll get some pics tonight ^^


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Indeed ^^

So, going through the music on my iPod. Some things of note:
- I have 777 songs; about 2.2 days worth
- Hare Hare Yukai and Dethklok's Hatredcopter are next to each other when listed in title order xD
- There are 3 songs by the title "Holiday"; all completely different songs from different bands (Scorpions, Weezer, and Green Day, if you were curious)
- There are 6 songs that start with "Mr." (In order: Mr. Crowley, Mr. Jack, Mr. Porta-Potty Man, Mr. Roboto, Mr. Scary, and Mr. Tinkertrain)
- The #1 most listened to song since I last reset the count sometime last year is a 3-way tie between "Challenge" (Diddy Kong Racing), "tartarus_0d02" (Persona 3) and Fiddle de Chocobo (Final Fantasy VII); each being played 11 times


Oh god, all I do any more is come home and sleep.  How is it 11 o'clock already, I wanted to do things!

The wiki project sounds useful Kari.  Isn't there some way to set editing to registered users only and registration approval to you only?

iPod statistics!
-My iPod has 1,585 songs for four days of playing that take up 8.36 GB.
-#1 on the charts is Three Dog Night's Road to Shamballa with 175 listens.  #2 is Spanish Bombs, #3 is Copperhead Road.
-42 songs are over 10 minutes, 29 are longer then 20 minutes, 9 are over 30, and 5 are over 45 minutes.
-Largest album is the Portal 2 OST
-Artist with most songs is Beck
-Last played is I am a Cider Drinker, Alestorm


welcome to idle time, my friend. -w-

is there a way to do that? i'll google it, thanks for the heads up! :0

GT's Stats (going with GT instead of Gothpod, since it's been a LOOONG time since i've used Gothpod or seen her stats, in face idk if there's even a way to access them anymore due to the itunes being synced with a computer that no longer exists)

# of Songs (on GT): 380 songs (23.7 hrs, 1.97gb)
# of Songs (overall): 888 Songs (2.1 days, 4.52gb)
Most Played Song:
"Candlelight" by Homestuck Gaiden, from the album Homestuck For the Holidays, with 62 plays. (#2 is
Carefree Perigee off of the same album, #3 is
Super Love Lotion by Harumi Kamo, Tokimeki Tonight ED)
Largest Album (on GT): Ikoku Meiro no Croisee OST, with 20 songs on the Iphone.
Largest Album overall: Soul Eater OST with 42 songs.
Most Frequent Artist (GT): Hatsune Miku (counting duets, etc) with 38 songs
Most Frequent Artist (overall): Hatsune Miku (counting duets, etc) with 45 songs

5 longest "songs" are
Audio Commentary with Robert J! Lake, Nick Smalley, and Hanna Nakamura (by Homestuck Gaiden, Homestuck For the Holidays, 38:17)
Sleep Ambience - 30 Minutes, Crickets, Forest Birds, Moon - Restful (30:00)
Drama "Docchi no Ryouri ga Bistro Apron (Ai Yori Aoshi ~Enishi~, 22:00)
Nyan Cat - Smooth Jazz Cover (14:26)

5 shortest songs are
Blue Lake River Toilet Cakes (Kasane Teto, :07, made it myself)
薔薇組乱入 (by 帝国歌劇団・花組, off of サクラ大戦 歌謡ショウ2「つばさ」 (i think it's the Sakura Wars live-action drama soundtrack), :13)
Hella Sweet (Homestuck Gaiden, Homestuck For the Holidays, :18)
The Santa Claus Interdimensional Travel Sleigh (Homestuck Gaiden, Homestuck For the Holidays, :24)
Oh, No! It's the Midnight Crew! (Homestuck Gaiden, Homestuck For the Holidays :29)

20 songs in my library are under 1:00
98 songs are 5:00 or over

last played song is "Black Sheep" by The Clash at The Demonhead.

please keep in mind that this is reflecting the collection on THIS COMPUTER; i have something like 130+ gb in a drive sitting in my room that i need to move. >>;
click to make it bigger


Soooo we are all listing our song library now?

My Music folder:
(Reitaisai 10) [Diverse System] thE4.5
[Take it Happy!!] Underefined
Skrillex - More Monsters and Sprites EP
Skrillex - My Name Is Skrillex  EP
Skrillex - Scary Monsters and Nice Sprites EP
Yu-Gi-Oh! Music to Duel By
Yu-Gi-Oh! The Unreleased Soundtrack

It's small I know :|


@Kari: The Clash at Demonhead? You have the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack? Does want *w*


I don't have an iPod so I'm taking this data from iTunes. :|

-I have 2225 songs (supposedly), which take up 13.9GB and provide 22 days worth of music (or so it says. I don't think it adds up right).
-Grimes - Be A Body is the last played
- Radiohead - Polyethylene Parts 1 & 2 is the most played song, at ..... 25 plays. (This figure is no doubt skewed by the existence of my Sony mp3 player, my other computer, listening to songs online, etc.)
-Artist with the most songs is Radiohead (185)
-My longest songs are Sufjan Stevens - Impossible Soul (25:35), Pocupine Tree - The Sky Moves Sideways (18:39) and Paul Lansky - Mild Und Leise (18:19)
-My most unpronounceable tracks are Baths - ♥, TRS-80 - {^^""="} and Aphex Twin - ("ΔMi−1 = −αΣn=1NDi[n][Σj∈C(i)Fji[n − 1] + Fexti[[n−1]]") (I literally don't know how to pronounce the first two but the last one is Officially Nicknamed "Strange Formula" or "Equation", so that's something)
-Somehow I ended up with the entire Conet Project number stations recording on iTunes. I frequently mistake the recordings for the beginnings of Boards Of Canada songs or obscure vintage electronic music recordings (and vice-versa)
-The Conet Project is also technically my largest album but idk if sound recordings count here.

I need to summon Nej, I'm writing an enormous article on Linux-tan and need information on Linux-tan in his stories' timelines.
*gets to work drawing pentagram on OSC floor*


So...wasted my fucking time today somewhat :\

New AC for Asagi. Was free, an even swap for the one I had, no warranty...and it's fucking dead. Great; now I have no choice but to blow $80+ on one on eBay and hope it lasts longer than a day >_<;;

I suppose if there's one positive, I did find a replacement for an N64 controller I always wanted at the newly-opened Game-X-Change in that area, and a surprise for Kari that I know she'll love; so today wasn't completely a waste, just the part with me going to get an AC was :\


@bella: normally i'd yell at you for taking pentagrams into vain, but this seems important. *lies down on pentagram and cuts finger*

@pent: WHOO! i still think you should go back and exchange it, it reflects poorly on them to give out defective equipment. that's what happened when we got my laptop fixed for the second time, because the first replacement failed within a week. (the guy blamed his parts supplier and replaced it for free~)
also, i don't have it, but i'll likely get it. i got the song from youtube. -w-;
click to make it bigger



>Saturday night
>Went to bed at 12
>Got up at 4



My internal clock gets me up at six... on a Saturday...
Simon was here :P


So, double vacation~

I'm likely going to head to the resort tonight after work, since mom's family is leaving, and stay overnight until probably Wednesday afternoon (Since I have to go to work that night). Will be nice to get away from mom for a while, and allow me to pilot test a few things I have in mind for my mini-vacation in a few weeks -w-


@Pent: Sounds nice!

@Leafy and Simon: I wish my internal clock was set to wake me up early.... :z

@Genpop: I have a confession to make ..... I've been thinking about this for a couple months now, but I haven't gotten around to telling anyone besides my dad and Stew (like, yesterday) because idk how to breach the subject. So I guess I should just say it:

(Or, you know, incorporate more of the style into my daily life)