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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Wharrgarbl in class learnin dat Machiavelli
What's in your hand, back at me. I have it, it's an oyster with two figures of your favorite Touhou characters. Look again, the figures are now vials of the Hourai Elixir. Anything is possible when your waifu smells like Old World and not a man. I'm a frog.



as for which path to choose, think about which one would be the best fit for you down the line. in 20 years, can you picture yourself a network administrator? or would you rather be working in web design? (tbh out of those i can picture you the most in web design since it's a creative outlet as well, but that's just my take on the situation.)
after that, weigh the courseload and how much it interests you. if they're gonna be piling 30 hours of classwork a week on you that you're not passionate about, don't do it.

what college are you applying to, btw? :3
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I found it really amusing that I could read the l337sp33k so quickly without missing a beat. haha

Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 28, 2013, 10:50:08 PM
Which, to be honest, people misinterpreting my feelings really irritates me (People assuming I'm pissed off when I'm just emotionally neutral at the moment, think I'm sad when I'm merely in deep thought, etc.), but that's a different matter entirely :\
Some people will not understand your feelings unless you spell it out for them. What you show on your face can be easily misinterpreted, especially if you're like me, who is not a very expressive person. My bored expressions are similar to my frustrated expressions apparently. lol


i'm having that problem right now with a guy who i think got a crush on me at con. hopefully my friend explained to him the "JUST FRIENDS ZOMG" part, but said friend also said the guy can be kinda thick at times. >>;
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Quote from: Chocofreak13 on May 29, 2013, 04:35:33 PM
i'm having that problem right now with a guy who i think got a crush on me at con. hopefully my friend explained to him the "JUST FRIENDS ZOMG" part, but said friend also said the guy can be kinda thick at times. >>;
A lot of guys in general can be pretty thick.

Also, past and current media has presented the message that being persistent will eventually turn that "no" into a "yes"
Also, guys are often presented with the advice that they must exude confidence to be attractive. While true, this can be taken to the point where the guy must block any thoughts that shatter that (often fake) confidence, oh like, say, blatant rejection.

I do feel for them. It's really a lack of social experience with girls that gets them in this position if the first place, if they are not otherwise afflicted by any mental disabilities. A social outcast (many con goers fall under this category) can also mean that every kind girl that "understands them" is a potential love interest. And if they are looking at you as a potential love interest, then at the same time, the desperation that this might be his only chance at "one true love"™ taints the interaction where he could have been much better off just trying for regular conversation in order to be good friends.

And any further discussion on this probably belongs in Relationships since I am starting to ramble. haha

I could be way off base here, but when I see stories like this, this is the basic frame I put this person in.


sounds about right.
Simon was here :P


Indeed. I do know the feeling; since I was pretty much locked in an ivory tower for most of my life :\


nah sleepy, i think you nailed it right on the head. i ran into a lot of people lacking in some social graces at con....

but honestly, it's getting frustrating how many times i've run into this problem. can't i be a nerd AND a girl without having every guy knocking down my door? ><;
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That must suck, but I guess maybe it's slightly better than dealing with the nerd guys who jump to the conclusion that you're a "false nerd" simply for being female; as it's apparently impossible to enjoy [anime \ video games \ comic books \ etc.] and not be male. I hate those kind of guys so much >_<;;


why does it suck in general to be a nerdy chick?

in other news, made a playlist with the anime boston AMV winners. for all you fans of madoka out there, a Kyuubey AMV called "Magic Mouth" won best comedy. a Suzumiya one called "7 Days with Suzumiya" won best romance. The Vision of Escaflone's "Moonfall" won best editing. and dat AMV "Fidelity" with the Wolf Children won both best drama and judges' choice and almost made me cry twice. ;-;
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I'll check those out after I watch End of Eva :3


Quote from: PentiumMMX on May 30, 2013, 10:48:22 AM
That must suck, but I guess maybe it's slightly better than dealing with the nerd guys who jump to the conclusion that you're a "false nerd" simply for being female; as it's apparently impossible to enjoy [anime \ video games \ comic books \ etc.] and not be male. I hate those kind of guys so much >_<;;
What IS a true nerd?


someone who's actually into the stuff they claim to be. someone who would wait in like for 5 days just to be first in line to get a particular collectible. someone who doesn't look down on people who just because they're into something that's not mainstream. appearantly some guys are so misogynist or fearful of anything without a penis that they think it's impossible for anything NOT like them to be a nerd. >>;

made a list of the stuff i got at con.
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1 Magic Knight Rayearth CD/Keychain (OP single?, given away)
1 Harley Quinn/Mini-Me Joker Poster (given away)
1 Digimon poster (was a friend's, she got that one extra, but had purchased it last year so gave it to me)
1 Fruits Basket Sticker Book (more like mini posters, but who's counting, given away)
1 Fruits Basket volume 22 (given away)
1 Fruits Basket Promotional Volume (given away)
1 Shonen Jump All-Ages Sneak Peek (bundled with the promotional volume)
2 100% Perfect Girl (vol 1-2)
1 Abenobashi Magical Shopping Arcade (vol 2)
1 Eat Man (vol 1)
1 Red String (vol ?)
1 Harlequin Ginger Blossom (vol harlequin violet response ??)
1 Translucent (vol 1)
1 Tramps Like Us (vol 5, turns out it's a double ^^; )
1 Gamerz Heaven (vol 2)
1 Magic Knight Rayearth (vol 3, being given away)
1 Instant Teen - just add nuts (vol 2)
1 Almost Crying (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Laugh Under the Sun (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Words of Devotion 2 (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Millennium Darling 2006 (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Don't Blame Me 2 (yaoi manga, vol - )
1 Cloud plushie
1 Sesshomaru plushie
1 VHS of Maison Ikkoku (dubbed, found in Swap Meet's free bin)
1 VHS of Galaxy Express 999 (uncut subbed, found in Swap Meet's free bin)
1 Shoko Nakagawa CD (Gurren Lagaan OP Single)
1 Strike Witches notepad (being given away)
1 Madoka Magica Rubber Wristband (being given away)
1 set of WORKING!! Pins (being given away)
1 random penquin duct tape bow hairpin
1 cupcake (eaten at con)
1 Baka and Test poster (freebie from funimation)
1 Guilty Crown poster (freebie from funimation)
1 Aria the Scarlet Ammo poster (freebie from funimation)
1 A Certain Scientific Railgun poster (freebie from funimation)
1 Black Lagoon poster (freebie from funimation)
4 Fujiko Mine posters (freebie from funimation, 3 given/being given away)
several mini posters/buttons (freebies from funimation)
2 AAC buttons (1 being given away)
1 Crazy Bones figurine (given to me by random person)
1 Heino for President 04' button (found in Swap Meet's free bin)
1 "I Hate Anime" button (found in Swap Meet's free bin)
1 Doll-Sized Army Helmet (german? fits one of my BJDs perfectly, found in Swap Meet's Free Bin)
1 pair of Turquoise earrings
1 darker beaded bracelet
lots and lots of con pics's

(i think that's everything)

please note that some of the things on this list were intended for OSCers so if you know you're getting something and i haven't told you what it is yet, you might ruin the surprise by reading~
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Niiice *w*

I've mentioned it before, but I intend on trying to go next year


people are going to be jealous of that railgun poster but i'm not giving it away :3
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