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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Geez, makes me glad that I'm not a pervert like everyone else.  ^__^

'Like everyone else'? I don't know what you're talking about. *corrects glasses*


BTW, returning back to the nose art, if anyone feels it's Gallery material, by all means feel free to upload.  I've about just exhausted the last of my available time, so I likely won't be able to do anything for an entire week.

If no one else will upload the Apple... the Apple, I'll do it myself. It's great. :D

Captain and frost cannon... I know nothing about that, and will answer no questions about it. T_T;;


QuoteQuote from : Pitkin

QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

Geez, makes me glad that I'm not a pervert like everyone else.  ^__^

'Like everyone else'? I don't know what you're talking about. *corrects glasses*

What? ._. Stop acting like you're innocent, Pitkin. I am SOOOO much more                                                                                                             angelic and innocent than you are~  ;006

Captain and frost cannon... I know nothing about that, and will answer no questions about it. T_T;;

Capt's frost cannon?
I didn't know the Capt was into the art of being a patissier ;001 Especially since he seems to have a lot of cake that I want :D

My apartment is almost clean~~! But I can't do that 10 posts a day thing, I can barely churn out 1 every 3. ._. I gots nothin to say.
So cute it\'s deadly!


Alrighty, this is it for me....  -v-

Granted, my assumptions of one-week non-participation might be wildly over-exaggerated (the hotel I'm going to has broadband, so chances are I may still pop in here tomorrow).  ^__^

But in the event things don't work out my way, I'd just like to tell everyone that I'm going away for a couple of days....  -v-

Have fun, stay safe, surpass me in post count....

May Alfamille visit more often....
May SleepyD finish OS/2-sama....
May Darknight finish Amiga-sama.....
May the Viper keep uploading....
May XP22 keep posting during the dead hours....
May the Alex keep gaming somewhere....
May the Ninja keep dragon drawing....
May the QAM keep chatting about comics...
May the Cat-san keep analyzing....
May the Yinzer keep Wiki updating....
May Aurora keep making Zerosanity....
May Codi-san keep sewing...
May the Captain keep cake baking...
May Pitkin keep bowing apologetically.....
May Linux-Tan get decent internet connectivity....

And finally....

May AmigaBob return.... *sniff*  ;__;

No seriously, to all the others I've missed or will join during the interim, I hope you'll have a fun time here.  ^__^

Take care, watch your back....
I'll see you in a week.  ^__~

*trots off*

*signs off*


I'll see you in a week, C-Chan! In the meantime, I'll keep posting, but I've got several things to do this week, so don't expect much frequency!

*signs off*



Captain and frost cannon... I know nothing about that, and will answer no questions about it. T_T;;

Capt's frost cannon?
I didn't know the Capt was into the art of being a patissier  Especially since he seems to have a lot of cake that I want  

Everyone wants some delicios cake, so I cant blame you.

God this is all just so very wroung XD  But I can see why you like XP so much, your alot alike XD  And its a frosting cannon!  frost cannon makes it sound like if beat frost man o_O  but come to think of it.. I should very much like to see if the frost(ing) cannon is 3.1samas weakness! XD

Im so going to hell.
"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

QuoteCongratulations on your excellent nose-art work! MacOS-tan looks like she may have found a second home: military aviation!

Thank you.  ^__^
Would've loved a sexier pic, but with all the artists crowding the XP area, there's really not much offered the poor Mac girls.  ;-;

Besides, I would never have labeled Sonata-sama as the Apple Bi-... er, female dog..... Ã,¬__Ã,¬'


QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

QuoteAnyway, C-Chan, you've not done anything sacrilegious; on the contrary: You've provided MacOS-tan a therapeutic protocol so she can sublimate her bomb-throwing tendencies. "Save that energy for your next sortie," we can tell her; and since that aircraft won't be making any sorties henceforth, perhaps peace will eventually break out in Tamronia ââ,¬â€ or else MacOS-tan will come looking for us....

She will the moment she reads the lettering.... Ã,¬____Ã,¬'

If I met her...I'll have her and Sonata's autograph.

QuoteQuote from : CaptBrenden


You do relize that afamille is gonna kill you with fire right?

For that?!

What would Sonata do?... *tries to think like her*

I'll think of the other way and get on to the situation...

Plus it's a fact that the OS-tan war was started by 3 ego-driven b******. :P

QuoteQuote from : C-Chan

May Alfamille visit more often....

Well I would and I am expecting for the company to give me a vacation  around December....

Thanks by the way  ;010 (thumbs up my freind!)

Let's see....

I'm stuck on work and branch reports
I'm stuck on some of those Aa! Megami-sama! episodes
I'm stuck watching a lot of "That 70's show" episodes on Youtube (This one is good >>>
And waiting on the SDvsRaw video game to be released.

Have a nice day everybody! (Where's Jeff btw?)


Well...I'm spent on time. With several reports due and a bunch of tests, I won't be posting very often. In other news, I think we've been noticed:

Quote368118    indigochase 06/11/13(Mon)01:22  No.21828   [Reply]

   The cover of Mac 4koma/manga. Translated by C-chan and co. of OS-tan forums

>>    Anonymous 06/11/13(Mon)08:31 No.21831  

   They only translated the cover?

>>    Anonymous 06/11/13(Mon)13:36 No.21832  

   until now, AFAIK
   Looks like they will [slowly] translate the rest

Found at:


"YOU IDIOT!!" -Kasen Ibara

Commisions Available - Send PM for details.


Yo everyone....  -v-'

Okay here's the lowdown....
Turns out I'm only half-doomed.  Yes the hotel has internet access, but turns out it's (and I should've seen this coming...) WIRELESS free internet access.  -___-

My computer neither has wireless connectivity, nor would I use it even if it did, so as far as evenings go I'm screwed.  
(unless I want to pay for the cafe one, but mind you I'm cheap and I have a lot of Japanese to study and drawings to work on.... ^^;)

I can still invest a little time during my breaks, so the least I can do is to poke my little piggy head around here to let everyone know I'm still alive....  -v-

So what's... up--?

*realizes that Alfamille posted Mac Manga cover at Waka*

GAH!!!!!!!!!  ZOMG!!!!!  WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!  <0>
[normally]  I mean it was nice of you to consider one my pics to be uploaded to the lion's lair and all, but....  -v-
[panicked]... they're gonna tear it to shreds!!!  ;^0^;
[normally] Or they will eventually if we don't prove we have more than just the cover translated....  -____-
[panicked again]  Dear GAWDS!  What're we gonna do?!  I picked a helluva time to be out of town and stuck in a 2-star hotel (presumably 3-star, but they can't fool me...).


Okay okay, calm down....
We can work this out somehow.....  -_____-'


'Kay, here's what I beg y'all to do:

1)  Feed this to the lions and hopefully it'll hold them until Saturday:

Feel free to attach the original for comparison:

2)  Sweet-talk Pitkin and Codi-san into trying their hand at translating either:

Which I already tried to start:
...but will probably still be a challenge,

Or these:

3)  Stall.  ^__^
If that Waka post can survive with no more than 5 cuss words by Saturday, then we're in good shape.  

*tries to cross fingers, but realizes he doesn't have any*

In the meantime, I'll study hard so that when I return (and have access to IME Pad or KanjiPad), I'll know a little more of what exactly I'm trying to translate.  ^^;

Alright, time to go.
Please consider my request....  *begs*  *v*

Hope to post again late afternoon or tomorrow!  ^__^'

*rushes off*


So Alfamille is "indigochase" on Wakachan!

Seriously, let's be cautious about posting on Waka before the forum approves it, okay?

*drum roll*

It's time for a few of the unwritten forum rules!

Rule #77: Never post our images on Waka or other imageboards without permission

Rule #76: Political discussions on non-Lounge threads are severely frowned upon. Politics is for threads in the Lounge

Rule #75: Never post shock images, such as Posting these will result in banning by admins


Oi oi, let's not go overboard either,.... ^^;
I was only being half-sarcastic in the post; don't want to guilt Alfamille out of doing anything.  The pictures are loaded up cause they're free to distribute.  I may not like it if you lower one into a tank filled with ravenous piranhas, or for that matter Wakachan, but it's in your right to do so.  I'm grateful enough that he credited me with the pic, regardless of what the Wakans' opinions are concerning art recognition.  -v-

Even if Alfamille didn't upload it, someone unregistered easily could have and you can be damn sure you won't be able to enforce that particular instance.  So ironically, I'm gonna have to strike down the motion to enforce these "permissions" to post on Waka.  -v-

Don't know about #76 and probably don't want to ask about #75.

Hopefully by now someone's already sacrificed the translated Mac Manga page to the lions.

Alright, that's all for me today.... -v-

When I return tomorrow, I wanna see some SMILES in this thread or I'll unleash my full 56 kilobyte wrath:

Aurora Borealis

Is Wakachan really that bad? I go there everyday (I don't post at all though) and it doesn't seem too bad. Or is there some dark side to Waka that I don't know of?


guess what?
yes! that's right

its that time of the month again! Darknight_88 its posting!


QuoteRule #77: Never post our images on Waka or other imageboards without permission
no, no and NO. No one here owns anything, the images are property of the original Nijiura/futaba/2chan/I-don't-know-which-other-imageboard artists. You'd just unleash the fury of Anonymous. And believe, you don't want that.Never. EVER.
That'd be on the same level as DejaVú and Netrunner. Even fabian had some problems when he made the image archive for only registered users. OS-tans.

Imageboard artists and community works different from DeviantArt or most of American artists. Most of them post their works on the Internet for free, they don't care if someone asks them permission or not to post it elsewhere (as far as no one claims that its their work. And no one does that). And being the OS-tans and imageboard so closely tied, you can't expect that people will like the fact that you want to apply that kind of rules. That's the "unwritten rule" of imageboards (and phenomena related to them), as far as I understand.

Quote from: "Aurora Borealis"Is Wakachan really that bad? I go there everyday (I don't post at all though) and it doesn't seem too bad. Or is there some dark side to Waka that I don't know of?
no, in fact, they're really nice. However, 4chan's  /b/, and sometimes /a/ are a different story. It depends of Anonymous mood. Also, never go to /ic/ if you aren't prepared to receive a harsh (but often honest and useful) critic


Those are hardly smiles, but okay that'll do.  -v-

Course, Darknight said it in twice as many words, but that's the general gist of what I'm getting at as well.  -v-;

Now hopefully he has that drawing just about ready.  ^___^

QuoteIs Wakachan really that bad? I go there everyday (I don't post at all though) and it doesn't seem too bad. Or is there some dark side to Waka that I don't know of?

BWAHAHA!!!!  ^0^
Haven't posted yet at Waka?!  `v'
Come on, don't be shy.... Mwahahaha!  `v'

[clucking]  BWAUK, BWAUK, BWAUK!!!  ^.^

Just kidding.  -v-
Look, you know I'm a sucker for melodrama, so for all intents and purposes, I really am only being melodramatic.  True, I don't like the Waka board and you do get a jerk every once in a while, but I know there are real hellholes out there, even sites where the "members" are misfits enough to cause you physical damage to your computer.  ^___^

If you recall Kami-Tux' reception at Waka, it was a bit bumpy but not bad, and she did receive some support.  You can only inject more niceness and manners if you join, just as a matter of diffusion.


Quote from: "C-Chan"

u have gold horns @.@