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Started by panda, September 17, 2005, 04:24:10 PM

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Happy birthday, Kari's mom ^^

Also, fuzzy d20s will be nice -w-


they're tricky to find, but i think they sell them on thinkgeek. -w-
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@Kari: Send your mom my birthday greetings! :D


i will~~

has anyone else noticed OSC's been kinda quiet lately? ik my excuse, but i'm making time to check it every day. :\
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I've noticed that. I guess everyone is busy :\


Yay birthdays!

My internet was barely fast enough for an IM connection when I wasn't running all around two states for the last two days.  On the plus side, I got a pretty piece of paper that certifies me as a magna cum laude graduate of Davis & Elkins College.  Also got to see my family, eat delicious food items, and enjoy some of my favorite areas of the world.


Sounds nice, man :3

As a random question, am I the only one that got pissed off as a kid whenever someone tried to tell me Digimon and Pokemon are "the same thing"? Granted, for people like that it likely boils down to both series having their names end in "-mon"; like how I'm obviously named after my dad since both of our names start with "Ro-" :\




@pent: sounds like the kind of annoyance i feel when people assume "all anime is like sailor moon". >>;

@stew: here have this congradulations vide--[/shot]
(nice work, man. -w- )

EDIT: some foster kids were kidnapped yesterday in braintree, a little boy and one unfortunate little derp-faced girl. thankfully they've been found and the kidnapper (their father) was arrested.
view the derp here
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So, I think today I'll order the headlights for the car. Dad found a set cheaper than through the auto parts store I usually get them from


do eet.

i hope everyone gets to see that article i posted, because that girl is suffering from a SEVERE case of derpface. like, i thought they photoshopped the picture or that she was part frog at first. .__.;;
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Is it wrong that I laughed at the derpface? ^^;;


Don't feel bad MMX, I laughed too ;^v^;


make that 3 of us. i laughed after the shock. and the kid's safe, so it's fine.
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So,. I actually got to drive my car today. Brakes need some additional work, but it's driving quite well :3

Also, storm's rolling in. Hopefully I'll have power and internet when I get off work tonight :\